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Whitby Free Press, 17 May 1989, p. 5

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WIll3 REE PRESS. WEDNESDAlY. MlY 17,1989.,PAGE 5 Sups otulw ayr=obAttorsley thityfo You'drb yureyes, right? aigi h ree Now bef.oryou get ail carried away and Mayor Bob calis hie Iawyors and ail, lot me stress that I nover saw hlm in a treo and nabody bas evon breathed the rumor ta, me if they saw Mayor Bob up a tree and as far as 1 know Mayor doesn't even like ta célmb troos. But you have ta, admit tho. image has a dolicious l.he truth is, I was the one hanging in tho breeze, swaying. It happenod this way. Last month, a friend talkod me into entering a fund-raising walk-jog-biko-run (take your pick) of 2-5-10-20 km (take your pick) ta help repair a church roof. Subsequently, the samo friend brought my roward back from New Zealand or Australia or somewhere down thèka: a boomerang. Okay. Sa picture a 50-year-old out in the middle of a soccer field, tossing a boomerang into the wind. The throws are fine, but the boomerang heads straight downfield like a double-play throw, and then zooms straight up -- and straight down. It>s as though it knows it's supposed ta do something, but doesn't quite know what. And after a few dozon throws. I have given up. If someone knows a botter way, says I, lhe can show me. But as I hoad for the car, one iast urge overcomec me. Fling: straight downfield, into the wind, straight Up and . . . Whoopee! It curves ta the left and definitely is heading back along a gentie curving path. Trouble was, a batch of trees stood thoir ground. Twig, rustie, rustle. 1Sa here I amn, standing umder a grave of trees, trying ta re-establish visuai contact with this artifact. (Aboriginal made, says a stamp on the back.) "Missng something, Swanie?" This is about qUitting time and everyone is heading for the parking lt. WITH OUR FEET UP by Bill Swan Up a tree 'My boomerang won't came back," I roply. A few peple stop to crane their necks even before they know what they're iooking for. Finaly , I spot it: thirty feet up one of the smaller trees. Ï had beon ioking in the wrong place. No probiem. I hoist myself up inta the lower branches, swing higher like a monkey until I amn swaying thirty feet off the ground. Trouble is, the boomerang hangs on a branch thirty-six foot above the ground. 'Il got you a broom," offors a volunteer. *aWhich is how I got to be swaying in the branches of That's when I thought of Mayor Bob Attersley. I mean, would you ever see Mayor Bob u a tree? Too dignified.. And if he were up a tree, woul e wait for semeone te fetch a broom? DoubtfluL Which may explain why Mayor Bob is a successful businessman and politician who buys hockey toamns and I dlimb trees. Dignity. Incidentaliy, what do Australian aboriginais cail a boomerang that doesn't work? Give up? Stick. WVhile were in the supposing business, lot us suppose that the feminists are right and God is indaed female. (This is what my friend Albert Einstein callod a mind game, although tha tormn has ta take a turn for the worse in the past decade.) "Today," she says, '!it is spring, se, I feel liko, moving the furnituro around a bit." Violat The Big Dipper now sits over the south pale, more or lesa, and if it dsn't exactly block traffic, makes it more difficult. Not ta, worry:. a few months, She'Il change it again. Or this: 'TII think l'l rearrange the laws of physics, se that it only reins when the sun shines. That way, people will have rainbows every tume it rains!" Decorator possibilities? The mind boggies. Or this:1 "Pm tired of things fafling straight down ta, Earth when they're dropped. rmn going to mako it se, things fali sideways." Imagine fafling out of thirty-foot tree under such conditions. Living i such a universe would be as confusing as, say, going into your own kcitchen and not knowing that somneone had sapoped silverware drawers, or moved the mgs tathe Eside cf the sink, or put potatoes under the sink where the cleaning staff used te, be and put the cleaning staff God knows where. Such a universe would be an interesting speculation but it is highly unlikely a sane person could live there. Couneil members won't debate with Congress of Black Women No representativo froin Whitby council will accept an invitation by the Durbamn chapter cf the Congress cf Black Women ta engage in debate. Iniletters ta mayor Bob Atters- loy and councillors Joe Bugelli and Dennis Fox, the Congress chaiienged the three ta a debate. The challenge came after com- monts by Attersley, who is aisô Durham's poile cominisssioner, at a council meeting reoently that he would not lower the standards cf the plicefor t allow thehiigo more minori- ties. A letter ta bath Fox and Bugelli from the Congress stated they share the sanie view as Attersiey and asked if they wouid participate in the debate. 1,800 units planned Now with more than 448 hous- ing units in Durhami, the Dur- hamn Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation (DRNPHC) is attemptingta meet the need for accommodation in one cf the lowest rentai. housing markets ini Canada, corporation members were taid at the annual meeting iast week. According ta statistics frein the Canada Housing Mortaeand Housing Corp., OshawaWty had a vacancy rate cf 0.3 per cent in 1988 and Ajax/Pickering had a vacancy rate cf 0. 1 per oent. "The corporation farmed because cf a need in the region. There is a iack cf affordable, safe, decent housing in Durhanm that the private market isn't providing," said Newcastle reglonal councilior Diane Hainre, president cf DRNPHC. Thie annual enerai meeting was heid at er Wood Farmn Manor apartments an Nîchol Ave. in'Why, oneocf the latest DRHPHC projects ta, opený.. Region planning commissionor Mofeed Mieael, Who is general manager fer the corporation, , eported there are plans for more than 1,8W0 new units in the neit five years. Flfty-one cf those units will ho in Whithy, adjacent ta Fairvlew Lodge. The corporation is now negotiating wit.h Durhamn Region for the sale cf land for the 51-unit, $4.4-million, speclal needs apartment building which will provide units for te filI elderly, seniors and singles. Michiael said Wbitby councl bas approved the project but bas not passed a bylaw because the site plan bas net yet been appro- vod. Michael said ho hopes te have the land purchase comple- Also underdceveopmeflt is a imila prj.ct Mu sawa, a 44- uft bmnbî) Nin Uxbridae and a 60-unit tawnhouse in Bowman- ville. Atter-sley fias responded that he won't and in letters ta the Congress bath Fox and Bugeili deciinod the invitaion also. »"... I must tell y ou that I do not acknowledge seif-appointed citi- zen advocates cf any nature, under an y guise and furthermore question by which authority they have the right ta hold public forums and issue challenges," wrote Bugeili, an immigrant ta Canada who is now a Canadàan citizen. "As such I feel noithor compel- led nor wilUig ta either «defond" or "explain» a persanai point of vlew, which I arn happy and proud ta, say as a Canadian, the - ED-- Wl 1* r BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND BUY OHM GMT ONz L E on a wide selection of patterns SAVE UP TO 'C«ntyPrit * "nes Jacobom an"=ban, M odem, Tlia dtiona Buy 1 Get 1 FREE 75%0 aore 1. Factory Prices 2. Excellent Service 3. Best ln-Stock Selection 4.The Best for Less 'WaIpaper 3 or 4 rooms for the prîce ai one." Durham'a FfrstCompl.te lwoowi WualppwOuO&,t GSHAWA j AJAX SCABOfiDO mommir.lu m am& OUPS% OF-su, z OPEN TI-RJFDAY & FRIDAY NKGHTS UNTL NINE! i F4 i F2 Charter of Rights grants me by law.» "For your clarification, I willl repoat what I sald before...I do believe in equal opportunity emplomont and that people should be hired on the basis cf qualifications and menit,» wrote Fox 'noting that as an inner- city teacher ho has taught chil- dren cf ail nationalities for 15 MWRTLERD "12BK years. Fox further added that ho la uncle ta, four black nieces and two blakc nephews, and wrote te the Congrese that «I fmnd your allegations cf racism rather in- silting and lacking in credibility. «If for saune reason your organization does net agree with thus point cf viow, thon that h unfortunate."- Hlexagons, Octagos, Benches, Chairs etc. coilA anaeàresembed ~ ~Call655~8ON *odCedarcontnicton ~ ~ W Delier -Bdit to Iffit Wooden Outdoor Furniture --ffl 1 ý brr-

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