PAGE 16, WITBYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY1 24, 1989 .Flo wers can create for-al pictures, Create your own floral pictures, hasty-notes, coasters, place mats, lam p shades -- even decorated can dles -- with pressed flowers fr-om your garden. "The cost of pressing flowers is reasonalle and the results are beautiful," says master gardener Marion Cornie of London, Ont., one of, several gardening enthusiasts in the province trained in horticulture through the Ontario' Ministry 1of Agriculture and Food's master gardener prograni. SAil you need are two pieces of plywood, two large "C' clamnps, and an out-of-date telephone director. . Gather your specimens on a.dry day. Pick only fresh flowers that show no signs of fading, as well as some buds, stems and foliage. "Sometimes, if the flower is small, I press it with the stem and foliage intact. But usually, I remove the flower head from the stem and press the pieces separately," Gorrie said. Press a quantity of each specimen (no matter how carefully you handle the dnied and pressed flower, you are bound to break a few of them). Place the fiawers face down, between' the directôry pages, pressing gently with a finger se the flower will Iay flat until you close the press. Place some of the fiowers in profile. If the faliage is coarse or if it does not have an interesting shape, discard it. F111 a ýpage, then ski p eeai pages and continue ta il another page. If the directory carefully between the plywood sheets and secure the clamps tightly on two sides. Drying times vary;, some fiowers may dry in a week, while others inay take much longer. To determine if your specimens are dry, insert a thumbnail under the edge of a petal or leaf and see if it lifts easily or slides ovýer the page. (At this point, the specimens are fragile, semi -transparent and very delicate, so you must handle them very carefully.) Ta niake a picture, you will need a picture frame with glass, white glue, tooth picks, fine scissors, tissue for blotting, a small square of waxed paper and a good quality pad of artists' watercolor paper. Cut the watercolor paper ta fil the glass. Arrange fiower, stemE and foliage on the paper until you are satisfied with youi composition. Now transfer your compositior ta a clean sheet of paper. On a small square of waxec paper, spread a small amount ai white glue, diluting it with watei ta a fairly thin consistency. Dip the broad end of thE toothpick into the glue and with a wiping.-motion, holding the piclk fiat, spread glue over a small area of the watercolor paper where thE first flawer will be placed. Dip 'the . fine. end of thE toothpick into the glue and ont- ALL THEAT IS needed to press flowers are two pieces of plywood, two C clamps and an old telephone directory. A CHECKLIST 0F EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO LOOK AFTER VOUR POOL THIS SUMMER &***LiSC2LJID CGHLC:F=tNE Have you been to your pool suppiy store iateiy and had your water analyzed? You probabiy found that you needeci shock, pucks, boosters, stabilizers, test kits and other produots too numerous to mention. At Swish, we'believe you cari KEEP IT SIMPLE. We have a free Guide To The Care And M ntince Of fY-Ut SyImming..Pool, which wilI answer any problemn you may have. The heart and soul of a simple program, centres around Swish-Brite 12% liquid chiorine. lt's 12% avallabie chiorine and 88% water. There's no sediment for aigae to form around or to ciog your filters. Most public poois in Whitby, Oshawa and Newcastle use Swish-Brite exciusively. You like the convenienoe of pucks? Consider Roiachem Automatic Pool Chiorinator. Swish-Brîte is automnaticaliy ted into your pool. Ail you have ta do is change the container every 2 wes or so. Swish-Brite is economicai. IlUs less than a 1V4 of the price of pucks, V2 the price of powder. Corne on down ta the SwMh Clean-It Center and let us show you how to look atter your pool the easyy thissummer. -MAINTENANCE LTD. 500 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 666-1224