WHMITYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31,1989, PAGE 9 L fara lected presi*den t of provincial soito Byf0ebbie Luchuk Ruth afarga.eOshawa trustee Acco un tan ts FROM PAGE 8. barriers, he said a numbé~r of factors have te take place before accountants can unify under one body HY e aid there must be public interest, removal of barriers to allow provincial mobility and a national standard for accoun- He called for the Canadian governrent to establish an in- dependent body to organize a national standard manual for Canadian accountants. Middleton 'ç FROM PAGE 8 bas been in the retail business for six years. Janssen said she enjoyed ber three years in Wbitby, ncting the people cf Whitby treated her She bas also had several resi- dents drop in the store to say goodbye. uSome people were ready to cry,»n said Janssen wbo is ting travel and tourism at scbool. on the Durham Board cf Educa- tien trustee, bas been elected president of the Ontario Public Scheol Boards Association (OPSBA )at their recent weekend conference.. The 13-year veteran and for- mer ebairman cf the board ass- isted in the formation cf the association and the drafting cf its constitution last summer. The association represents al public scbool boards in the pro- vince «frcm the very. small boards te, the Iargest, boards," Lafarga said. "I feel very excited about tbis, and it's poing to be quite a challenge. As president of the organiza- tion, Lafarga wiil be "running the political arm, with 40 on the board of directors (from across the provi nce>. UI will be the spokesperson for public education in the province.» The Durbamn board may not see Lafarga very cften in the future, as she will spend a signi- ficant amount of time at the OPSBA offices in Toronto. "I think it gives Durham a higher profile, but they'll see a little leses of me." NOW 0OPEN!%W DR, RICHARD SCIUk & STAFF Wlsh to announce theý Openlngof their Dental* Office 112 Slmcoe Street North, Oshawa Just North By Appolintment of WIlBam 433-0337 Spring has sprung, and its time for aur annual c 'Evergreen and Shrub' bananza! So clean out the trunk, dust off the trailer, load Up the kids-and head for Brouwers. Chances are, you won't be able to resist our home-grown trees and shrubs, and your kids will love our -ducks, geese, swans and animais .. GOLFGREEN WEED Fertilize and weed your Iawn the easy way. Free spreader rentai with every purchase. 14 kg. for $21.79 reg. $26.79 SAVE $5.00. Covers 600 sq.i JOHN BROU WER GARDEN AND LANDSCAPJNG CENTRE 650 Lakeridge Road South, Ajax, Ontario LiS 4S7 TELEPHONE: 686-1545 or 686-1680 OPEN: Manday ta Friday: 9am ta 9pm U1 Saturday: 9am ta 6pm Sunday: 9am ta 6 pm 1.... Evenlnig Hoursi