I AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE MON., JUNE 5 I SAT., JUNE, 10 - 10:00 A.M. MON., JUNE 5 -6:00 P.M. & WED., JUNE 7- >10:00 A.M. ý 70 'Taunton Road East, Glant 2-day antique estatesale Property, of ANNA_ & ED VAUGHAN. Concession #8 & Sidelino, #14». Pickering. : 2 ,miles ouh&2mles east of Broug ham. ANTIQUES, &COLLEC TIBL ES, DQLLS, ETC.: Pine fl tback,'pine washstand, pine dles$*,*Quobec lpine -sidoboard, china cabinet, two Hoosiers, set of pressback '.chairs, set 0f pin. ai chlrs, rockers, tables, , wash- stîands., oak 1wardrobe, Eastlake beds, 'captain's chairs, dishos & china' glass, bottles,pictures, dol F collection,. old & now Iamps, ) spinning wheeî, tools, etc. - FARfQUIPMENT: Badger mix Mill, auger, two elevators, sprayer, disc,_ cultivator, harrows,- à sickle mowor, New Idea corn harvester, plow, bush hog, trailer, hay wagon, manure spreader, hay rake, silo oequipment, cedar rails and posts. NUMEROU$ OTHER ARTICLES EARL'GAUSLIN AÂUCTIONEER 640-5398 ANTIQUE &-HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES * AUCTION SALE S9AT., JUNE 3 - 6:30 P.M. Pettilcks AuctionBam }IAYDON 10 mllie's northeast of Oshawa Selling from, the EARL *TREWIN ostate, older. Toronto home and cPohers. Real nice bowed-front and bowed-side oak china cabinet ,(over 6' tal); nice high oak side- bo ard, flat-to-waIl, wicker carniage, ant. whoelchai.r. wardrobe, ar- moire, washstand, flame ma-- hogany bod, oak table & chairs, chesterfieîd suites, beds. Contents of china cabinet inicluding;'old green bullseye Iamp, Royal Doutons, crystal, cups and sauc- ers. Ouilts, old pictures & mirrors, B.S.A. 12-gauge shotgun '(F.A.C. reg.) Washer, dryer, 2-yr.-old almond stove, nef rigerator, 3 freezers, airtight stove, 1984 Bon- neyville, 4-dr., certified, & much more. Nice clean sale. "The Friendly Auction". STEVE LIPTAY & GARRY POWELL AUCTIONEERS 263-8710 ADVANCE NOTICE AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 10 » 11:00 A.M. Selling at the Riznok home, Nash Road, just oast of Courtice Rd., Courtice. Construction Equipmeént, 4'. - 5' scaffolding, 7 h.p. mortar mixer,' wheeîbarrows, assorted angle mron, brick laying equipment, 12,000 used bricks, new bricks, 2 concrete mixers, fence gates, ceramic tiles, engines, V.W. en- gifles, nestorablo colector cars, '58 jChev. wagon, '62 Caddy, et.c., Several antiq ues incîuding; antique pump organ, radios, buggy, scales, dressers, etc. Partial listing only. Detai/s next week. We are selîing an estate from Oshawa plus others lncludinig; 10-pc. walnut diner, 2 settoes, 6 pressback chairs,, new sectional sofa w/chaise lounge, 2 Qucon Anne hall tables, cof e & -end, tables, 3 Queen Anne needlepoint chairs, good Fender amplifier & electric guitar, excellent lrmnbach piano, mandolin, Varnaha & Ibanez 12-string acoustic guitars, bedroomn suite, Electrolux vac. (1-year-oîd), new sofa & chair, 8-pc.. diner, chairs, carpet, pin. bar & 2 stools, old barber chair, assortmnent of tile & carnet, table & 4 chairs, golf clubs, oak rocker, maple. desk, chest & drop-front desk, 30" range, new- clothing - Jeans, shirts, sweaters, dresses etc. Pots, panis, dishes, bodding, etc. 1980 Ford LTD., Ford 8 h.p. riding Iawnmower, 1980 Monza. NOTE TIME: 6:00 P.Mw. VIE WING: MON. 1.00 - 6:00 P.*M. Excellent litle sale - plan to attondl ROSS & SCOTT MVCLEAN AUCTIONEERS 432-2836 or 686-3291, CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., JUNE 2 - 6:00 P.M. The pnoperty of MRS. - OLIVE JEWEL of Lindsay. Round oak pedestal table, oak buffott, 6 oak dining-room chairs, oak rocking chairs, 6 matching pressback chairs, Victorian corner whatnot stand, English school dlock, bonnet chest, cedar chest, dlo- verleaf parlour tables, walnut parlour tables, French doors, wooden decoys, quantity of electronic test equipmont, linon bedding, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER, R.R. # 1, Little Brîtaîn (705)786-2183 ESTATE AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 3 - 11:00 A.M. Estate of S. HOMENIUK, 1-1/2 miles north of Hwy. 2, on Trul's Road, Courtice. Pony, fanm wagon, harrows, post-holo auger, hay loader, manure spreader, f ield roller, hay rake, harness, wagon wheels, seed drill, chopper, grind- er, table saw, drill press, vices, scales, hardware, gardon tools, power tools, chains, block & tackle, and hundreds of misc. boxes and pieces. Most im- plements for 3 pt. hitch. Lots of nanities. SALE TIME: 11.00 A.M. STEVE LIPTAY &GARRY POWELL AUCTIONEERS 263-8710 AUCTION SALE uKAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" --evory Wednosday at 6:30 p.m. Iocated on Brock Rd., Pickening, 3 miles north of Hwy. #401 (exit #399. Foaturing ovory Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furnit une, glass, china, collectables, primitives, and the unusuals. So join us evory Wed. and participate in oneo0f Ontaio's *True" Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. *Consignment & estate solling our spocialty*. Cali us today. Previows from 'L«00p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 416)6830041 urvi MIODl uI~ LINDSAY Estate of the late, AUDREY GRAHAM, Fonelon Falls & othors. Lge. qty. fantastic antique furn- ituro, dining-room suifes, bedr.oom suites, china cabinets, buffets, fancy tables, 62 Royal 'Doulton figurines, washstands, settees," 5 fur coats, gold watches, jewellery, coins, primitives, many col- lectibles, 92 pcs. sterling f latware, hoosier cupboards. Don't miss this sale - On. of our oldest & bost sales. For info or f lyen caîl: ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS LINDSAY (705)324-2783 To seIl t he smnall itèe that you thought.wereflt worth advertisilg. *Items' must seIl for less than $50 - pice must be stated in ad - multiple item ads' must total less than $50 *Maximum l5 words * Prepaid *Cash or VISA onty 668-6111 WHITBY - furnished roomn for rent - $85.00 weekly. Share bat hnoom, kitchen & laundry. Student, or workor prof erred. Walk to ýal amenities. Cal 666-3776 after six p.m. ROOM FOR RIENT - North central location. Shared facilitios. $60.00 a week. Phono 430-2934, ask for Bob. FARM HOUSE in Brooklin. Ab- stainers and non-smokers, mon prof erred. Shared facilities. $450.00 per month includes heat, hydro and water. Phono 655-8600. SEVENTH Annuai Ontario DECOY Show, Holiday.' Inn, Oshawa - June il, 1989, 10 a. Buy, soIt, trade, old gunnlngé and decorative decoys, etc.. For Information: (416) 985-9527, -,623- 8789, 655-3158. B VIEW a vast array of equipment and -supplies at the ROAD SUPERINTENDENT'S SHOW in Mount Forest, Ontario, June 8 and 9, $2.00 registration. B GERITOL FOLLES BUS T RIP - HAMILTON - June 20. Highway coach. Lunch at Sheraton Hotel. 655-8550. PLAYER PIANOS AND PIANOS, pump organs, reconditioning spe- cialists, tuning, refinishing, koys ne- coverod, pianos for sale. PIANO & KEYBOARD SERVICES, 885- 6440, PORT HOPE. Seo, the YelIow Pages. GUITAR - as new - $38.00; toaster oven - $5.00; yiolin case - $6.99. Phono 723-9269. HAD A YARD SALE? Lots Ieft? Soîl if through the classitieds. Phono 668-6111. LEARN TO DANCE TONIGHT. ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIO (singles and couples welcome). Phono 430-0014. t. DURHAM -REGIONAL POLICE FORCE TENDERS Seated Tenders wiII b. receivedi at theoff ice of the Chief of Police,* 77 ýCentre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. L1G 4B7, until 10 hours Wednesday, J une 21, 1989, for the purchase of the following equipment: DRP 12/89 MOTOROLA RADIUS 2-WAY RADIOS DRP 13/89 EXPLOSIVES REMOTE MOBILE INVESTIGATOR DRP 1489 REFURBISHED VAX 11/785 COMPUTER, Tender forms may be picked up or req uested through the off!ceô of Superintendent R. Jarvest, between 0800 and 1600 hours, Monday. through Friday, telephone 579-1520, extension 236. Lowest or any quotation not necessariîy accepted. David J. Edwards, >Chief of Police CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO. CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Tender for Soper Creek Erosion Control, Bowmanvîls eCernéttry$ Town of Newcastle Soaléd* tenders clearly. marked' "Tenden for Sopen Cr.ek Erosion Control Project" wilibo roceivod by, -the ChiotAdministrative Officer at the Authority office, until-,10 a.m. Wednesday, June 14, 1989 for the construction of erosion protection aîong both banks of a 35 metre reach (ap- proximatey> of Sopor Croek ln the Town of Newcastle (Bow- manville>, immediatoîy south of Highway #2. Plans, Specificat ions and Form of Tender may b. obtainod at the office of tL consultants upon paymont of a $30.00 non- refundable fee payable to the Central Lake Ontario Conser- vation Authority. Each tender must be ac- companied by a certif iedchoque for the amount specified in the tender documents. The suc- cessful bidder must provide a 100%/l Performance Bond and a 1000% Labour and Matorial Pay- ment Bond upon execution of the contract. Lowest or any tender not necossarily accepted. Consultant The Proctor & Redfern Group, 45 Green Beht Drive, Don Milîs, Ontario, M3C 3K3 Qwner Mr. W.M. Campbell, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, 100 Whiting Avenue, Oshayva, Ontario, L1H3TM