PAGE A4, WHITBly pfEEPRESS, Brooklîn Spring IFair, MVAY 3; 1989~5 Miss, Brookliù Fairc-ontest a *nts .TENNIER BRYANS Jennifer Bryans, 17, a Gr. il student at G.L. Roberts, looks to a future career as a rehabili- tation officer after attending both college and university. She now works part-time at the Osh- awa and District Association for Commumity Living. Interests in- clude downhill skiing, swimming reading, motorcycling and people.,.- Kilby Dougerty, 17, attencts Paul Dwyer? High School in Osh- awa. She works at Cullen Gar- dens and her interests includç interior design, Eng*ilish, tennis and parties. She plans to attend university. BARBlARAANN BOWLES Barbara BoWles, 18, is a gra- duate of Pickering Hîgh School. She currently works in an office as a junior accounts payable clerk but seeks a career as a cosmetician and/or professional model. Her hobbies and interests include porcelain doll-making, collecting stuffed animaIs, dog- grooming, music, modellinýg and wstching hockey. ,> i1d - SI! Anber Frost, 19 a grduate of Henry Street hgkSchool,ï now attends the Univeýrsityo Toronto where she is a student, inj the health and physicaledato prograin. She hopes to soMeday become a teacher. InyÃ"lved with figure skating for 10 years, séhe is a member of the Canýadia:n cham- pion Whitby Ice Fýe prëcision skating, teami. She ià ,. now employed at,Nationà l Tiust in Whitby and also Works -at the, Whittby Racquetbà ll Club.. Sherrilyn Guest, 19~, a former student at General Vanier Secondary School, is a salesper- son at Shira's of Whitby. She someday hopes to pursue a modelling career and to have her poetry published in a book. Other interests include sketches and painting, fashion design, tra- vel and horses. AMONG THOSE ready for the Brooklin Spring Fair starting Thursday are. fair board president Eldon Werry and entrants in the Miss Brooklin Fair pageant. Third from right is Leigh Niesar, 1988-89 itlist who will hand over her crown to the new fair representative to be chosen Thursday night. IKATIY KENNY Kathy Kenny, 17, a Gr. i2I student at Paul DwyerHi hj School in Ajax, worksdJunrng the[ summer as a receptionistsecreA tary at Whitby Psychiatric Hos-l pital. She plans to attend the .0 someday become a sports ~hiropractor. Hobbies and inter- ~sts include tennis, swimming, ~kating, tinie in the house, and .1arden. Shannon Liee Offer, 20, has just finished her first year at Centennial College as a student in the accounting and financial management' prograin. Interests9 include downhill and cross coun- try skding during winter and any sports during surnier. Janine Warner,, former O'Neill CVI student, is about to Ottaaduin masste Uinvesityaof grtaduatefin mthne niersty o communications and Italian language and culture. She wl attend 'Institut Canadienne en Fanoe, in Nice, France, in 1990 to take international business studies and pursue a ;career;?in public relations. -For -sumnýer employment, she wilI work ak a customner service represe>talve. ~or Rogers Cable TV-Pineridge. he was the 1986-87 Miss. Lgre- yand first runner-pfrs- *esta in 1986. ______ Photography by Vincent Ohprecio Mary Carroll, 22, is enrolled in the nursing program at Durhami College and will complete studies in Decembèr. She would someday like to work in the operating ~oom of a hospital. She has 10 rothers and sisters and her hobbies include singing, guitar, piano and softball. SHÀ4NNON OFFER t 92' mzý a -- -- -&-- ---- - - ' . , Iffl f, -, lLrA" ni,, l han