PAGE A6. IWHITY FREE PRESS, Brooklin Spring Pair, MAY 31, 1989 Fiddle and dance the night away^ By Debbie Luchuk Although small, the fiddle and step dancing competition at the Brooklin Spring Fair attracts enthusiasts from a very large area of Ontario. According to organizer Dorothy Squelch, *people corne from al over, from a-big distance, niost froin around Ottawa (where the art is very popular).» -Sornetunes entire families are involved in the event, and a Linda & Staff wish the Brooklin Spring Fair e very successl Less than 10 min. f rom Whitby Less than 15 min. from Oshawa caliber food Coming up on Father's Day,'the Brooklin OlÎthists wilfhioldtheir first -onnual golf tournaxnent at Winchester GfMCourse. The contest is open te, the youth of the Brooklin area fror age 8 to 17. The male and female winners of the tournament will progresa te. tbe district qualifications for the Junior World of Golf tournament te be held in San Diego, California. Registration forrns for the tournanient will be available from the local sehool offices. family member provides the fid- accompanirnent. For those unfamiliar with the event, the ste p dancers, accom- panied by a -fiddler and piano dance a waltz, jig and reel anci are judged on the precision et their steps. By no means,'however, are al the dancers' routines exactly the saine. Squelch said, «Each person bas their own style." There are four classes, with special .60 and over and 50'and over classes. The first prize in each category is a large trophy (to be retained for only a year) and a keeper trophy.' There will be entertainmentby a live band between the entries in the contest, and Squelch said the event is promising to be an entertaining evening for fair- goers of ail ages. "We encourage anyone inter- ested to corne on out," Squelch concluded. The fiddle and ste p dancing competition will be beld Sunday: June 4, from 7:30 to il p.m.. A new feature at the Brooklln Spring Fair this year will be the Broollin Optimist 'Chuckwagon' wbich will sell fresh groundchuck burgers and deli bot dogs. Optimist Marnie Williamson bad tbe idea of the cbuckwagon te raise funds for the youtb in the comrnunity wbile serving bigb Pancake IA For Al Your Professional- Building Needs* *Consult Our Experts! a sNO GIMMICKS - Quality Producis at Great Savings * gCut Out this Coupon: gand Save Yourself a: Delivery Charge Valid Until Sept. 2, 1989 I Opening Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 8 to 6, I IFriday 8to 9, Saturday 8to 5. * Hwy. 7 & 12 Brooklin, 655-3313 a .91 J tn Afo'm0émmm 4 l. A.*à . - J. ,à à breakfast Boy scouts trom the Canadian Jmoree troop No. 5028 will bold an aII-you-can-eat pancake breakfast at the Brooklin com- munity centre on Sunday, June 4, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The breakfast is a fundraising venture by six troop members wbo will attend tbe boy scout Pamboree in Prince Edward Island in July. Attending from Brooklin will be scouter Mike Randali and his son Dale, scouter Brian Wick and bis brotber Dale, and Ryan Har- ker. Cost of a breakfast is $3.50 for adults, $2 for children. Custom Upholstery modem and Antique Hundreds of fabries to choose from Furniture stripping and refinisrhing 76 Baldwin St., Brooklin (Higbway #12) 655-8739 655-3524 Now on Video Beta & VHS - 76 Baldwin St. Hwy. 12, Brooklin m ~655-3306, Chuckwagon newest feature,