-r ) k(PýP C. ~'Yf M ,t'AP.FI.W rïUq;çf k1iV PAGE 6, WHFMY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1989 VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents. JPublished every Wednesday, By 677209 Ontario Imc. - Phone: 668-6111 668-6112, 668-6369 lu Doug Anderson Publisher 131 Brock Street North, P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LiN 5Sl 2nc Maurice Pither Editor Peter Irvine Advert ising Malnager* Alexandra Sîmion Production Manager i Class Postal Rejlstratlofl #05351 From June 6 to 8, Lake Ontario Steel Co. Ltd. will be holding open house to celebrate its 25th anniversary. .One of those days, Thursday, June 8, will be a unique opportunity for al local residents to see the operation of Whitby's largest company, and Cana- da's largest producer of steel bars for the construc- tion in dustry..'i *ý1 And rather than inside the plant, the outside operation at Lasco lias attracted much attention over the past year. Lasco and the Minîstry of Environment are stili monitoring the dem onstration berm that is designed to safely contain shredder by-product from the steel scrap used in the Lasco Take a look steel-making process. The two-year test period is not far from completion, and then a decision on a. permanent berm process wiII be made. Concerns were previously raised about the berm and about air-borné particles that reached nearby properties. Those overseeig the berm have met with residents, explained the bermn operation andi attempted to allay concernis. However, tests continue to be made and results are under study. June 8 will permit local residents to 1leaà rnmre about the berm as, welI as the ý most current test-, information on what could be'a signfcn çeeo- ment in'the treatment of -suct wasteè.,Mary, -more,! questions remnain to. be answverecI,,bthnw r later. Once the two-year démonstration prdhaî0: ended, an environmental assesement hearing, r>houkJ', follow any cdecision to allow tebr operation itQ:-, continue. As a Lasco executive states, -the openhous0* will show the community what ýcompany is.all[abouh'!. including the berm. It's that kind of, forthrightneèss, as, well as the attempt to control industrial waste,- which,ý presents a good corporate imaige to the communi Market value.Sipýistie solution to a complex problem To the editoir. [t iappears that, in bis recent letter .Wo support theý concept of market value asemnt, M., Mc&Artur bas made, the error of confusing that which is simple witli that which io fair. It is net, clear how, the investmnent tbat a person bas in bis/ber home relates to the amoumt of taxes that should be paid. It is simple *te say that a $300,000 house should be assessed twice the taxes of one wortb $150,000; but such a system would be fair only if the owners or residents of the more expensive property used twice the mountof municipal services that were' uSed by the other property. Yet the valdue 'of ones.boe reflects 'bis'personality, -bis ,mechanical ability, even where he 'spends his vacation and other, such factors as much or more than it reflects* the value of the municipal services that he uses. If t&- Town wishes to tax the well-to-do, a municipld income tax is the way Wo go. or, perhaps, the Town would wish Wo more closely fllow a "user-pay" *pssible assessment options and pbilosophy whereby those' wbo numerous factors to take 'into directly use a service pay fully for consideration. Market, value it. assessment appears te' be -a There are numerous- other simplistic. solution applied. by these who are unwilling or unable to confrent a complex pi-oblem. Sincerely, G. Smith Whitby Gro*wth goud, but nothiïgh taxesý": To the editoro Readers, don't be toc surprised if you have to pour that second cup of tea and take at deep breath when you open up your tax bill, wbich should be reacbing you through the mail this week. Allowing Canada to be French state To the editor: Our tolerance and understanding of the Franco aggression in Ontario and tbe rest of Canada is over! Ini other countries our leaders are representing Canada as a French country. We are loeaing our identity outside of Canada vas an English-speaking country. We Inow the truth is 95 per cent of us speak English. Inside Canada, the apathetic, party-oriented politicians (mot oly French), are prornoting French as a means of unity. It is alie! Those in power are allowing Canada to become a French stte under the fleur de lys, net the maple leaf. erhe promotion of French immersion for our cbildren is their Acbille's heel. Young p arents take your cildren eut of Prnch immnersion clas9ses! If they get our childrem, in 10 years they will have our country. Our cildren will lose in the long run because they are net French. Do not succumb Wo the propaganda and fear propagated by those presently in authority. This is oee of the ineans used te, change the identity of Canada from an English-speakimg tW a French-speaking nation. More and maore people are beceming disturbed over the situation. Stop the chaos ahead by stoppimg 'Bill 8," the French Language Services Act cf Ontario. It is an act sbrouded in secrecy and deceit! French-traimed agitators, aggressive and loud, are in every community acrees Canada, and net only French Quebecers. Please, in the name cf justice and human dignity, do net listen Wo tbem. Cet seme true factsamd eliminate the servitude that lies abead for us if we don't. Let's tel it like it is! FIrst of ail, take your children eut cf French Immersion classes and start bcycottimg Quebec products.. We muet thwart tbis aggessiom wi'thout delay. The smoke screens, like "free trade," that they are putting eut for us will work fer them.if we allow it. If you want proof of what I have stated, contact Box 100, Barrie, Ontario, TAM 4S9. Yours for English- spaigCanada, IL. Maflory, Barrie, Ont. The mayor has shown yôu- bis great leadership, that w*as promised you last fall. Remember tbe other candidate,- 1Gerry Emni, wbo was going te, hold the lime on the Town' hare, of the tax bill and had a plan for the future. L.et's look at- the mayor's leadership for the flrst six months of this term. The mayor, in February, votes a 20 per cent increase in bis pay at t he Town level, Wo protect hiniseif from the large increase ceming. This was done behind closeld doors. Council had already decided not Wo give the pèople the agenda tbree days earlier. People are forced Wo pay for having their local street flxed up, wbich is taing the residents further. Our 'roada are already breaking up faster because of ail the extra, traffic, (sometimes construction traffic wbich is heavy and constat.) Do you live on one of these roads? Most roads in the town would, I believe, corne under this problem unless you live where the mayor lives. 'Growteh is good for Whiitby, but should you have Wo be forced out Of Whitby through high' taxes while at tbe sanie tîme let development controI Our waterfront?. It was a nice quiet town. Come on people. In 30 months time, you wiIl, Ihope, see that it's time Wo vote for a change. Yours truly, ýGeLrry EMmm e mm The Whitby Free Press welcomnes letters to the Editor onany subject of concern to our readers. Letters should be brief and to the point - rarely more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accompanied by the name, address and phone numnber of the writer; however, on request, your name may be withheld from publication if we agree that there is a valid reason. The paper reserves the right to reject or edit ail letters. Send to: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario LIN 5S1 6r drop through our mailslotat 131 Brock St. N. mj,,ý