W1BFRP REPSS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12,1989p PAGE 9 Tipigfemy BOýVE GrROýUND Durhamx regional council will decide today -(Wednesday) on a recommendation that, teffective May' 10 1989, the tipping.'fée paid by municipalities for solid waste diverted from> landfilites ta the Durham Recydling Centre be in- creased 'to $25 per tonne from $21.64. The recomniendation, by waste management comxittee, la pro- posed to coincide with the recent, increase In the landfill tipping fee ta $83.33 per tonne from$50. "It ie anticipated that the lower tipping fee ($25 forxèrcv- dling) will encourage increased recyclingby diverting solid waste away frorn landfill.,sites,»" tates works commîssioner'BiII'TWelve- trees. in à a report to.. waste mamangà ment committee. "Therefore, increased recycling effectively resuits in reduced solid waste costs ta the area niunicipalities as an incentive to rsele. .STelvetrees recommended that the $25 tiipping,,fee apply'until . the end of. this year ..:-when another evaluation of ttie féee should be made. The- $25 tipping fee ùoes not fu 1l>7 fi nance the cost of ope- rations. Help kee Red Crôss ready. Uh ,Oh.. Bett.er Get