Whitby's> rentai vacancy is0.2% Whitby had a vacancy rate of 0.2 per cent for rental apart- ments in April, and the outlook is for continued low rates, according to a Canada Mortgage and Housing survey for the Osh- awa area. The overall 0.2 per cent vacancy rate for the Oshawa survey area, which includes Osh- awa, Whitby and Newcastle, is matched by Toronto as second lowest in Canada (Barrie and Guelph had 0.0 rates). The survey includes only pri- vate apartment buildings of six units or more. It does not include condominiums that are indivi- dually owned and. rented on a private basis, and also does not include structures with less than three rented units (including basement and accessory apart- ments.) With a total of 3,183 apart- ments, Whitby had only six vacancies i April. Five of those were from the 1268 two-bedroom (private) apartment units in Whitby. Whitby had no vacancies among the 76 bachelor apart- ments, one vacancy among the 939 one-bedrooms, and no vacan- cies in the 238 three-bedroom units.. T7he survey is made of apart- ments in buildings of six units or more. "Unless the supply of various forms of rental accommodation increases, the Oshawa CMA (census metropolitan area) will continue to be one of the tightest rental markets in the country," states the housing corporation report. rerCMHC states that "con- tinuing, stepped-down growth" and the low number of private rental completions, condominium completions anid assisted rental completions will mean continued low vacancies. The CMHC further notes that only 34 private rental units were completed in 1988 in t'he Oshawa area, and another 54 more had been completed in the first four months of 1989. Rental starts were fewer for that 16-month period. "It is clear the relatively low levels of private and assisted rental starts, as well as alterna- tive forms of rental accommoda- tion such as investor-owned con- dominiums, will keep vacancy rates low throughout 1989 and into 1990," states the report. No- lists of unsafe units Durham Region's social ser- vices department was unable to collect information on the num- ber of unsafe and substandard housing units in the region because municipalities don't. keep lists of such units. In March, the Region's health and social services committee asked the department to get the information. However, a report by commis- sioner of social services Garry Cubitt notes that no lists are ke pt in any municipality, although Oshawa is aware of a number of units where inspec- tions are regularly requested. Cubitt said no lists are kept because unsafe or substandard units are either fixed or vacated once identified on a complaint basis. Caseworkers are instructed to report all suspected cases of un- safe/ substandard housing to the appropriate area municiDality. Engineers & Scientists On July 19th & 20th WE'RE OPENING OUR.DOORS ToO OUR FUTURE Lw-- -i, *ýý À&C"t Ontario Hydr's Career Open House Wednesday & Thursday July 19th & 20th Sheraton Toronto East Hotel (formerly the Renaissance) 2035 Kennedy Road, north of the 401 between the hours of 3 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. If you are a professional engineer or scientist with Challenge your engineering or scientific expertise a strong commitment to professional develop- while providing solutions to technical problems ment, we're opening our doors for you on July 19th related to Heavy Water or Power Plant Mainten- and 20th. ance, Control, Process and Project Engineering, Our Open House will be your opportunity to and NDE Component Inspection. explore the high potential for career growth in To enhance your capabilities and help ensure your nuclear power generatioriwith Ontario Hydro. success, extensive ongoing training in nuclear We'll discuss the jobs, the rewards and the lifestyle technology is provided. options that are available to you. We're recruiting Additionally, our working conditions, financial professionals for the following three locations: rewards and benefits are first rate. Rlocation The Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, assistance may be provided. Salaries for these located 64 kilometres east of Toronto. positions start in the $40,000s. The Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, Make sure you don't miss this oppprtunity to located 32 kilometres east of Toronto. explore the rewards of working with Ontario Hydro. The Bruce Nuclear Power Development, located Plan-to attend our Open House at the Sheraton between Port Elgin and Kincardine on the eastern Toronto East Hotel, Salons C & D, 2035 Kennedy shores of Lake Huron. Road, north of the 401, on July l9th and 2Oth Head Office Technical Support positions are also available at our Head Office, located in If you are unable to attend, forward your resume, in downtown Toronto. confideice, quoting File #13JL-WHF-112,to: Staffingepartrent, Ontario Hydro, 700 University Avenue, Toronto, OntarioM5G1X6. Ontario Hydro encourages applications from qualified women or men, members of visible minorities, aboriginal peoples and persrns with disabilities. ontarlo hydro