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Whitby Free Press, 19 Jul 1989, p. 34

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ZE UioA~q ,og8eser rîi.Y(Truw.&hc V( PAýGE 34, WHTPBYFRPRPS, WEDNE-SDAY, JULY 1% 1989.0 AUCTION SALE NKAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" --every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Iocated on Brack ýRd., Pickering, 3 miles north. of Hwy. #401 <exit, #399. Featuring every, Wéd.' an excellent selection ot f anti quyes, fine furniture, gIass, china, collectabies, primitives, and the unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participate inone of Ontario's- "True" Auctions with no buy-backs or 'reserves. - "Consignment & estate seîiing our speciaity%. Cail us today.- Previews tram 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416)683-0041 AUCTION SALE SAT. JULY 22 AT 6 PM ODD FELLOWS HALL, PORT PERRY Appliances,' weiding equipmont, dressers, gardon tools, stain, windows (vice doors). PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES SUNDAY AUCTION REMINDER SUN. JULY 23RD AT 1 PM PREVîEW AT NOON THE KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS CLUB 133BROCK.ST. N. W.-HlTBY Oak hall umbrolta stand, oina carpets, early. pino box,, 2 cedar chests, several press back rockers, oak bow: frôpnt chin a cabinet, watnut chinia "cabinet with claw foot, oak file cabinet, teather & oak rocker, watnut cheval mirror, burled walnut sideboard, pine harvest table, prints, pictures, frames, Pr, tWin country' beds, square oak table, severa-l oak sideboards, -bookcases, »'. 1920's fancy drosser, fiat to wallI top, lg.- conference: table, country* coffee- table, dinnorware. set, taxi horn, double bra'. s bed &'rails, assoted table Iamps, oQak.dosk, mahogaà vanity, 1880's burted & curly maple chest, smatll pine* bracket, fot. blanket bo X, duck docoys, tiffany type ceiling fixture, variaus parlour, & occassion tables & chairs, brass & iran bef,ý press back amri chair, dining room suite, plus glass, china, brass, crystai, cast iran, etc., etc. Auctlons UlnItmlted Ë519-527-1847. ...... I DURHAM WILD LIFE contrai and remnoval specialists in skunk, racoon, g.round. hog, bird, and- squirreî removal. Also, bird and witdiife prooôfing of chimneys, vents and porches, roasonabie rates. 686-3756. STU MCGEE FLOOR SANDING. Sanding, refinishing, ropairs and staining. Suppiied, laid and finished. After 6, pm, 705-944-5529. AUCTION SALE SAT. JULY 22 AT 620 PM PETHICS- AUCTION BARN, HAYDON Sale to iniclude several oakpics ikitc hen hoosier buffet, dressers, pâlus; several dlning room- suites, socretary dosk, appliances, largo- quantity of collectibies including - Hum mis depression glass, porcotain doils, prints and much more. Small ad, largo sal *e. Please note new toiephone number. "Saturday Auction'Action" Garry K Powell Auctioneer. 1-263-4252 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., JULY 21 AT 6 PM Property of M. Mureil GILSON of Lindsay. 5 matching press back chairs, waînut bow front, china cabinet, nesting tables, colonial chesterf ield and chair (1 yr. aId), 12 drawer solid oak filing cabinet, walnut' china' cabinet. (g lass 3 sides), ceadar chest, 4 press back, chairs, *.wash stands, , refinished dining table (2, baves>, triple press back rocker, oak mirror backed book case, quantity of china, glass, bedding, linons..1 Dan.Cornel, Auctionser RR # 1, Little, BrlitaIn 705-786- 2183 YARD SALES GIANT YARD SALE, ramn or shine..ý July 22 at 8:00 arn. :Furniture,. CB radios, g uit ar, clothes and more. You name it, we got it. Everything and the kitchen sink. 101 Calais St.-Whitby. OIL PAINTINGS - garage sale, Saturday JuIy 22. 98 Kirby Crescent. YARD SALE FREAKS'! Check the classifieds f irst. You may fimd just what you'vo been looking fort ADULI HOME STUDY Dipioma programs. Over 30 courses inctuding: accounting, business, legal/medicai secrotary, travol, nutrition,- electronics, trades, lawclerk. Financial Assistance. Job Placement., Free Brochure. 1-800-663-8004, 24 hours. B FREE: 1989 GUIDE ta study- at-home correspondonce dipioma courses for prestigious caroors: Accounting, Airconditioning, Býokkoeping, Business, Cos- motoiogy, Electronics, Legal- /Modicat Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adetaide W., Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. B ALONE? Frightened? Need Hetp? We care. We wiii listen. Cati any- time. Distress Centre. Phono 433- 1121 or 433-1861. 'g, g>. b >i.4~ g, '~*~,* ,,i* ~ê HOME MOVIES transferred to videa tape. European video tape conversions. Low prices. 728-9565. BIRTH CONT-ROL a nd famnily planning counselling. Free and confidential, available Monday ta Friday, 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. Cl1nb overy Thursdlay 3*00 pm. ta 6:00 p.m. For further information, cati 420-8781 or 433-8901. LASER CONCEPT Treatment Centres. Licenses now available starting at $3,000. STOP SMOKING and LOSE WEIGHT. Ancient acupuncture/auricular therapy. New, soft laser technology. Extensive corporate training and certification. On-going support and education for future uses. Amazing return on investmnent. S.0. Marketing, Your Success Combination, 59 652-5321. Ask for Ian. PREGNANT? Considering Adoption?? Caring couple wiîling to legally adopt your child to give him/her Love, Affection, Education ..helshe wiII need. Cati colîect after six. 705-337-1083. B WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. For hetp cati the Denise House for womon and children. Toil f ree 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiatity as- sured. (FormerIy Aùberge). BAHA'i1 FAITH. The source of al ovil is for man to turn away from his Lord and. set his heart on things ungodiy. Calil 668-8665. DIVERSIFY FOR SUCCESSI Excellent, add-on service for toning, tanning or beauty salons. European Body Wraps Inter- national dotoxifios and tightens soft tissue and skin - used internat ionaiiy. Sum mer speciai (before August lSth) on starter kit $1,995. S.C. Marketing - Your success Connection. B. SAY THIS PRAYER 9 times a day. By the 8th day, your prayer wiii be answerod. It has nover beon known to fail. "May the Sacrod heart of Jesus be adored, gtorified,: ioved and preservod throughout the world. O Sacrod heart of Jesus pray for us. St., Judo, worker of miracles pray for us. St. Jude, hoiper of the heliess, pray for us." Publication must be promnised. thank you for favors received. E.R. St. John Ambulance I rie, neea nr.&er crolanes. GARAGE FOR RENT - $350.0 per month. Heated. Cail Bob at -436-7771. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS. New types, steel & wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers (416)626-1794. Leave message or colleot after 6 pm week-ends. Ask for WaIly. Free brochures. B BUILDINGS - Factory lnventory 28x40 $3,986; 40x6O $5,450; 46x90 $8,900; 60x2O $17,000 Clear Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 foot. Cail now 1-800-668-4338 or (416)792-2704. B BEST BUILDING BUYS - Save thousands while suppiy lasts - we ovor est imated and are clearing out excess stock - straightwali and quonset types - PARAGON STEEL 1-800-263-8499. (24 hours). B BUILDING SPECIAL. Clearance - 20x24 ft., $2,500; 24x24 ft., $2,800; 28x36 ft., $4,000; 32x36 ft., $4,500; 36x48 , ft., , $6,600; 40x6O ft., $8,300. Cati 985-7930. STEEL from' us - Qualfty Buildings - Factory Sale. Must Selli Quonset 19x9x20 =$2,029; Model 'S" 25x14x40 $4,175; Strai9htwall1 30x14x34= $5,499. Prices-inciude endwalls and morel Quantities are limited. Cali Today. PIONEER/. ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). B STEEL BUILDINGS "Summer Seilabration" on Quonsets and S. Series straightwall.-- Payments, iease-or purchase, we have a plan for evetyone. Cai Future 1-800-668-8653. B VOUR JUNK'couid be someone eîse's treasure. Seli it in- the classifieds. Phone 668-6111. ADS To seil the smalî items that you thought weren't worth advertising. *Items must soit for' less than $50 - price must be Stated in ad - multiple item ads must total less than $50 * 'Maximum 15 words * Prepaid * Cash or VISA only 668-6111 Thi rteen».,..L housing units- are allocated for -Oshawa Two non-profit housing groupe in.. Oshawa have received approval to, go ahead with plans ta, develop 13 rentai units under a federal-proincial housing The announcement was ma-le recently by Alan Redwiy Minister of State (Housing) Mn Chaviva Hosek, Minister -of Housing for Ontario. 'Joint efforts such as tlýis effectively strengthen the shar d commitment of the federal a d provincial governmnents ta orl toge ther toward the provision o decent, a1ôidable housing for the people of Ontario." Redway said. Hosek said: "Through tlis program we are assisting local community -groups ta build housing that is needed in their communities. This is one of several provincial housing initiatives aimed at increasing the supply of housing that is affordable." The following sponsors have received allocations : Auberge/ Sedna Women' Shelter and Support - five uniits *for.,battered women and.John Howard Society of Ontario,',Durham Regién - eight units for people with spé~cial neediq. Under the program, municipal, private and co-operative non-profit groups are able ta, develop housing. The federal and provincial governments will share the cos, of subsiclizing rent-geared-to-income housing for households unable ta, find adequate, suitable rental accommodation . in thoir communities for less. than 30 per cent of their income. The federal government, through CMHC, will pay 60 per cent of the cost of these subsidies, while the provincial governmenf will pay 40 per cent. Subsidies for other rent-geared- to-income units, as well as aIl market rentaI units, wiîî be paid by the Province alone. Based on the particular needs of the local. community, the project sponsor will determine the appropriate mix of inconie groups for each individual development. .Those eligible for rent-geared-ta-income housing are low and 'moderato income fa.milies, senior citizen's and singles, and the physically, developmentally and psychiatri- cally-handicappod capable of living independently. And finalîy, a portion of the units produced undor the programn will be allocated to groups providing housing for people requiring some forin, of support care. 1Oshawa is one of 68 Ontario municipalities receiving allocations for-the production of a pîanned 5,300 non-profit housing units -for 1989. About 4,000 of these units wiîllbe subsidized by the federal and provincial governments, and sonie 1,300 * units will be subsidized solely by Ontario. The two levels of government wiIî spend an, estimated $2.66-billion supporting' the rentai developments over the next 35 years. Since 1986 more than 10,600 units have been completed across the province, and more than 9»500 are at the construction .... 'I

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