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Whitby Free Press, 26 Jul 1989, p. 32

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PAQE2, WJTBYREEPFRSS; WE~DNESDAY VULY'26, 199 LASER CONCEPT Treatment Centres. Licenses now available starting 'at $3,000.' s-raP SMOKING and LOSE WEIGI{U. Ancent acupuncture/auricular therapy.' New, sot laser technology. Extensive corporate training and. certif ication. On-going support and education for future uses. Amazing return on investment. S.C. Marketing, Your Success Combinat ion, (519 652-5321. Ask for Ian. .. B BAHA'î FAITH. The essence of abasement is to pass out from under the shadow of the Merciful and seek the shelter of the Evil One. Cail 668-8665. S ARE YOU READV TO FEEL BETTER? We'iI heîp. Mou help yourself. Distress Centre. Phonie 433-1121 or 433-1861. HOME MO VIES transi er red to video tape. European videa tape conversions. Low prices. 728-9565. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. For help caîl the Denise House for women and children. Toîl free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confident iality as- sured. Formerly Auberge). DIVERSIFY FOR SUCCESS! Excellent add-on service for toning, tanning or beauty salons. European Body Wraps Inter- national detoxifies and tightens soft tissue and skin - used internationaîly. Summer special (before August lSth) on starter kit $1,995. S.C. Marketing- Your success Connection'. B THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus' for favors received. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, Ioved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. By the eighth day, your prayer wilI be answered, regardless of how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must b. promised. A.M. BIRTH CONTROILE planning counselling. confidientiai, available1 Friday, 8:30 a.m. to Ci nie every Thursday 6:00 p.m. For furtherh calI 420-8781 or 433-891 r 4X CHALLENGE Bil's HiI's Wilberforce, August 5 and 6. Mudbog, wheeî-to-wheel,truckpull, 4x4 hilîclimb, f lea market. 705-448-2924. B BELLE RIVER FIDDLE SINGING CONTEST - August 3, 4, 5, 6. Campsites available, $7,500 prizes featuring the Leahy Famnily, Box 10, Belle River, Ontario NOR 1AO or Caill (519)728-1767. B GOLDEN HORSESHOE STEAM SHOW: Gas Era village, antique cars, sawmill, fiddling, calliope, horsepuls, antique tractor pulls, threshing, parades, crafts, Hart Parr display. Caledonia, August 4-7. B BUILDING SPECIAL. Clearance -20x24 ft., $2,500; 24x24 ft., $2,800; 28x3 6 t., $4,000; 32x36 ft., $4,500; 36x48 ft., $6,600; 40x6O ft., $8,300. Caîl 985-7930. STEEL BUILDINGS "Summer Sellabration" on Quonsets and S. Series straightwallî. Payments, lease or purchase, we, have a plan for everyone. Cail Future 1-800-668-8653. B BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory 28x40, $3,986; 40x6O $5,450; -46x90 $8,900; 60x2O $17,000 Clear Span Widths from 20 f eet to 240 feet. Caîl now 1-800-668-4338 or (416)792-2704.B BEST BUILDING BUYS - Save thousands whiîe suppîy Iasts - we over estimated and are clearing out excess stock - straightwaîl and quonset types - PARAGON' STEEL 1-800-263-8499. (24 hours). B CLEARANCE SALE - Steel Buildings. Hot Savings on selected models. Quonset. 32x40=$4,699; 20x4O=$3,823. Straig htwaîl 16x20.$2,759; 30x40=$5,450. Limited time offer. Factory direct *~Prices. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422. (24 hours). B A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS. Ne types, steel -& wood, quonse cladding. For true value, action answers (416)626-1794. Lea% message or collect after 6 pi week-ends. Ask for Wally. Fre brochures. -- -. 'RECYCLING ONE and familyI TON 0F Free and NEWSPAPOEE S Monday to *SA VES 1 4:30 p.m. l 19 ThEES 3:001 pi.1 ..t....oý ;01. ÂD[S To selI the small items 1that you thought were n'tj worth advertising. I *Items must sell Iess than $50 - price must be for ý- 6111stated in ad 6111PRES multiple item ads :REE RESSmust total less than $50 ~ * Maximum 15 words *Prepaid i ~ *Cash or VISA only ~ ~ 668-6111 BILL iIUMBER, shown with his bookL¶et's Play Bail,' was at the Whitby Public Library to field basebal questions last week. Froe Press photo about bas.ebal 1W How did teame of basebail Drsdebithbaerwh tbegin? Who bolds the record for pitcb, apparentiy- waiking in & bigbest batting avera ge? Why do run to end bis scoreless innir, ie basebali players run fromn first to streak. But the umpire rule m -third instead of third to first? that the batter had faiiedt Be These were ail questions fired make an attempt to g et outc B> at Bill Hunmber, an avid baseball tbe way of tbe pitcb, thus den; fan wbo spoke about tbe gaine at ing the advance to first and -the Whitby Public Library iast run scored. week. Drysdale tben went on t Humber is cbairman of tbe retire the batter and keep bi continuing education course at a~o~ innine streak alive. Seneca College, and be teacbes a And wbat wouid a baseba' basebail course at botb tbe talk be witbout a story on Cir University of Toronto and cinnati manager Pote Rse wh Seneca. has dominated tbe sports page He was one of tbe creators of tbis year with allegations. tbe Let's Play Bail display now gambling on basebali games in *at tbe Royal Ontarios Museum. ciuding those involving bis ovn He bas aiso written a book, of teain. tbe saine titie, that accompanies Humber said that *when Rosi tbe sbow. was a player bie wouid get a ne' Who invented the game of uriformn after every gaine anc basebail? sbip bis old uniforns to a relia Weil it wasn't invented by tive wbo wouid seli tbem. Abner Doubieday, as confirmed 'Let 's Play Ball' is at -t]i in American mytb, according to Hoyal' Ontario Museumn unti Humber. Sept. 4. "No one realiy invented tbe aThe dispiay covers ahi aspect gaine. It evoived. of tbe game froin its Canadiai *"It's ike saying wbo invented roots te the players," said Hun tbe wbeel,» Humber told a group ber., of young people wbo attended tbe There is aiso a science sectioi lecture. wbich shows bow a bail curves. 'Why do batters run from first Humber's basebaîl courses arg ta tbird instead of tbird to first? open te the general public an( According ta Hunmber, it's are usuaily taugbt on weekencj because there are more rigbt- and weeknigbts. banded people than ieft-band- eders. He explained that a rigbt- handed second baseman, sbort- stop or third baseman bas an easier tbrow ta first base tban a A ~ 3 I left-banded infilder wbo wouid C C bave ta field tbe bail, stop, pivot M and tben tbrow te, first base. 1 WNho bas tbe bigbest lifetime e batting average? Tv Cobb, wbo batted .366 wbile playing for the Detroit Tigers from 1905 ta 1928. Humber also told about Los Angeles pitcher Don Drysdale's 58-inning streak witbout ailow- ing a run. (That streak. was broken by anotber Dodgers' pitcber, Orel Hersbiser, Iast year wben bie pitcbed 59 scoreiess innings.) Humber noted tbat during one nRvyvii Smart- gaine.Drysdaie was faced with a Do Yow' #f bases-ioaded situation and two .____________ outs. a a o ky- a lis in- ho Of r'- 1w id til bts an 1- n Is in thîs world, there's always room for one more. Cati your Welcome Wagon Hostess now.- Phono 668-6653 Al

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