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Whitby Free Press, 26 Jul 1989, p. 8

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PAGE'&. WMMT~Y flEE IPUBS, l~SDèýy. -MLJ 26!, 89 *hitbybusnes GOLD, JEWELRY STORE 'e0 A 'Renaissance in.Whitby B Trudie Zavadovica Ail tat itters is net' gold. In addition te classic gold, the Renaissance Geld and Gift Bouti- que, one cf Whitby's newest businesses, offers sparking dia- mends and untanihabl;e-s'ilver. Dedication, pride and a deter- mination te satisfy custorners by meeting their needs is a, family tradition for owners Dave DeMarinis and bis parents Maria and Peter Salis, as th'ey benoperations at 701 Rossland Rd E., in the new plaza near the Garden St. intersection. "Vie want. people te cerne in here and know they are going te be serviced," said Dave DeMarinis. -«We want to, establ- ish a basic trust between our- selves and our customers." Hard werk and goed business are, ne stranger te and bis parents. Deo-Marimî.s Having Iaunched three other businesses, two cf wbich are still qperational in Durhami Re»gion, tney wanted to try their hand at semetbing different. "We were searching for a new venture - always leaking for that semething that's for sure," said DeMarinis. «We're net -a corne and go type business. We're into growing with this community. "We researched a let cf areas from Oshawa te Bewrnanville. We chose this area because there's a lot cf developrnent hap- pening here.» There is semething for everyone axt the Renaissance, from traditional jewelry te cus- tom work. HOW TO REMOVE CARPET'STAINS Whether t's a cotise staln in the famiiy room or the puppy had an accident on th. brand new broadloom, carpet spottlng can b. best accompllshed by foilowIng a few simple ruies. Most stains are easlly removed If attended te withln 48 hours of their occurrence. Leavlng spots longer. aiiews them te set withln the fibre and they can, In-some cases, become Impossible to remove. Aiways use an absorbent WHITE towel - neyer a coioured one. The active Ingredients ln a good carpet spotter can actuaiiy take the dye out of. a coioured rag and Implant it ln the carpet fibre, thus making your carpet staîn even worse. Spray your carpet spetter (Butcher's Pull Out) directly on the spot. Push the stain towards the centre, using your white towei. Neyer rub the spot from the Inside eut. Thîs 'can make your stain even larger. Biot up the now dIssolved emùiislon with your towel. Spray clear rinse water on the carpet, using a trlgger sprayer. Blet up, using your white tewel. Repeat this process until ail residue Is removed from th. carpet. Bad odeurs from mildew or. pet urine are other commen probiems. Drap Imb 1he Swish Clean-it Centre and.our frIendly, knowledgeable staff wiil gladiy show you the solutions to these and other ceaning problems. MAINTENANCE LTD. 500 HOPKINS ST.,. WHITBY See us for - !hMAldM iKIl 66 6-1224 your freezer needs! LUNHE Poe - eee e- Kaises wihIlossofmeae $3.25 eac $-.75l Specil *prces n 5 o mor (D c I<n 0 CD N (D CD c> 0 c 1> CD 0 CL Ses us for your freezer'needs! Proud cf their Italian heritage they carry pewter and gelcf mrnahogany framed Argente frem Italy (something very rare in this region) as well as Capodomonte- a breath-taking array of crystaf from precious ernaments toaa unique assortment cf vases; a selection cf musical boxes, many anirnated ( Garfleld plays the piano while Odie twirls ta aa rendiion cf 'TMe Sting,' or a playful kitten peeking out cf a paper baoe as music plavs). When net taking care cf busi- ness with bis mother, DeMarinis is bus yting courses ccnnected wit te jewelry industry. The telephone number of Renaissance is 668-6404. Buy and seli for.plates,' figurines A 'Buy and Seli' fer collecter pltes, figurines and dolîs will be beld at Heydenshore Pavilion on Sunday, Aug. 20. Organized by Pat Schleiffer, owner/operater of Precious Plates 'n Things in downtewn Whitby, she saidI the show cornes as a resuit cf customer inquiries about how one selîs unwanted collectables. Registration for the show will be held from 9 a.rn. te 1 p.rn. Purchasing will be held from 10 a.m. te 5 p.m. Admission is $1 aduits, free for aged 12 and under. . Table spaoe (two per'table) can be rented at $15 for a day. Plates will be entered at $2 eacb (màximum of six per per- son). For more information caîl 668- 1164. Recyching Is Smarbé DO Your Part! Family affair DAVE DEMARINiS and mother Maria Salis display some merchandise from their newest venture Renais- sance Gold and Gift Boutique in Whitby. Tryudie Zavadovics-Free Pirese phoýto Tour to be made of rose farm The 'Festival c f Roses' open bouse will be held at White Rose Sandeon Farm in Uxbridge town- ship on Friday, July 28 and Saturday, JuIy 29, il a.m. te 4 p.rn. More than 250,000 roses bloom on the 450-acre nursery and rose fields. Guided shuttle rides are available througb the grewing operation. On band te give garden tips will be will be John Bradshaw, host cf the 'Hobby Garden' and CKO's* 'John Bradshaw's Gar- den,' and Ross Hawthorne, host cf CJCL's 'Te Grow Show.' Sandeon Farm is the 4tb con- cessien, Uxbridge. For more in- formation caîl 1-477 -3330 or a local White Rose stere. WETLANDS ARE NOT WASTELANDS Wetlands purify water, help contrel fleoding, and provide valuabie wildlife habitat. For more information on the Importance of Wellands, contact P.O. Box 28 Ontario K9J 6Y5 (705) 748-6324 UMM"

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