WEfTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUT 23, 1989, PAGE 13 Durham College expandng to the north DURHIAM riding MI> Ross Stevenson chats with. a visitor to the 'Ross and Sam's (MPP Sam Cureatz) Corn Roast' at the Orono fairgrounds Aug. 17. Fr.. Pr...photo MacFarlane vice prncpal elected to second term on OPSTF provincial executive Lloyd White, vice-principal ot Leslie McFarlane public school, was elected for a second term on the l-person provincial execu- tive of the Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation. The elec- tion took place at the federation's anrnual meeting, held at the Regal Constellation Hotel, Etobicoke. In the course of bis 25 years of professionaleprec White has taught all grades from' kinder- garten te, eight. He has also served as a program consultant and was seconded to the position of assistant te, the superintendent of curriculum. White bas been a very active member at both the district and provincial levels. He bas been a member of several provincial federation committees. White is married and bas one daughter. IHis community interests have included commit- tee work for the Oshawa Cancer $ociety and the Durham Child buse Committee, The Ontario Public School 'keachers' Federi"ton represents ,.3,000 educaters, in the public ilementary systeMs in Ontario i nd is an affiliaté of the Ontario Teéachers Federatioôn. OOS HAWA WHITBY NEWCASTLE Unlbed Because you ........ John is in his early 20's. He works six hours a day and lives alone. He spends leisure time listening to music and visiting f riends and family. John previously ived at home with his famnily. He and the family did flot get along. The problem was John's developmental handicap and particular set of mental health problems. As the situation worsened, John moved to a government-run facility for a short-term stay to provide crisis intervention Oshawa & District Association for Community Living (a United Way Agency) was contacted to arrange John's stay with another family for a short period of re-integration. John 'progressed steadily. John moved into his owrî apartm nt andi began a formai cay program. He, has support 24 hours : day. The amnount of support decreased as John took on more -esponsibiIty for his lhf e'and developed more skills. During this ti peh6 and his family began to heal their relationship. Without your United Way contribution,. the Oshawa& District Association for Communlty ILNlng would not have been able to provido John wth t ho support that snablsd hlm to -put hIse lfebeck In ~ths sPace prov4ld as a public serV'Ice by the Whtby FreePrss Durhamn College, Oshawa, has received a grant of $146,030 to extend its basic skill training to the northern part of Durham Region. This programn is sponsored by the literacy branch of the Ministry ofSkills Development. The college will b. establishing a training location in the Beveto-Cninn arýea for Septomber of 1h is year. It crefyorperates the Futures progrm.in xbridge. Durham's -vice president of consulting services, access and productivity devlopment, Bey Trer, said "We are extremely pleased to be able to provide the Ontario Basic Skills Prgam in the north. The need is there. "We will be providing basic sk1ills training, literacym, mathematics and communications whià ch will assist people in accessing employment or further sidîls training." The prograxn, is designed to help both unemployed and employed persons who need to adjust to new labor market opportunities and instruction sessions will be prvded both during the day and in the evening. In addition to academic upgrading, both vocational and educational counselling are available. THE NEW ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERS FUND. EhFo L FAh4A A A4N WE CAN NLAKE ADIFFEEE Creatcd by the Government of Canadaý the Partners Fund will mnake $50 million available over the next f ive years for p1ýojects to help local groups protect,ý pre- serve, enhýince and restore our enviropment. Anyone clan get involved. If you're a imember of a service club, community organizatibn, environmen- tai group or a school or youth group, discuss the Partners Fund with your leaders. If you have a good idea, organize your own group and apply to the Partners Fýind soon. How much can a Partner receive? Partners can.receive up to $200, 000. 00 over three years, depýnding on the size of the project. In keep- ing with thle idea of partner- ship, the fe deral contribu- tion is limited to 50 per cent of the tot cost. IEnvironment Environnement ~MCanada Canada -Manyways to be'effective. Clean up local parks, lakes or streamas. Develop new community or office recy- ding prograxns. Use your imagination and get involved! Apply soon The f irst deadline for appli- cations is September lst, 1989 with awards to be announced in early autumn. Beginning in 1990, there will be three deadlines each year: March lst; june lst; and September lst. For moreinformation or for an application kit to get your ideas into action, please write or cail the Environment Canada.office in your province or territory. Ontario: Environmental Partners Fund, Environment Canada, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, Ontarno M4T1M2 Phone: (416) 973-6467 ~" '%CORPORATION- 0F THE TOWN 0F'WHITBY. PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETN Wednesday, October 4, 1989 @ 7:30 pi. Meeting Hall, Whltby Municipal Buldling .Whitby, Ontario A, special Public Meeting will be held by the Council of the Corporation of' the Town of Whitby for the purpose of hearing the views of the public on the need to rvs the Town of Whitby Officiai Plan. At this meeting, the Planning Department will present a report on the preliminary assessment of the Official Plan as a basis for public discussion. Additional information may be obtained by corïtacting the Planningo Depariment, Level 7, 575 Rossiand Road East during regular working hours, Monday to Friday, (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIrector of Planning Corporation of the Town of Whftby