WHITY'FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1989, PAGE 19 BACK TO SCHOÃ"L ZBACK TO SCHOOL I~~ LibraryVs regular prougrams to so ei AT THBEIMBARY Regular programs will begin in September at the Whitby Public LbrarSý. Babytime 'Babytime,' for ages 10 to 19 months, offers stories, sorxgs and fingerplays, and is held Mon- ~ ays, 9:45 to 10:05 a.m. and 10:45 to 11:05 a.m. Tales for Tots ('Tales for Tots,' for ages 20 to 35 months, has stories; songs, fingerplays and 'bigz muscle acti- - iis and is heldITuesdays and Thursdays 9:45 to 10:15 a.m. Storytime 'Storytime,' fôr ages 3 to 5 yea rs, has songs, fingerplays,'big muscle activities' and . short filmns,. and is offered Mondays and Tuesdays 1:30 to 2:15 p.m., Wednesdays 9:45 to 10:30 a.m. and 10:45 to 11:20 a.m., and Thursdays 10:45 to 11:30 a.m. Registration Registration will be on Mon- day, Sept. 18, 6 to 7 p.m., at the library. Phone registration will be held'Sept. 19-29b Programns ~re from the week of Sept. 25 to oct. 20 and from Nov. 6 to Dec C. French Pre-School 'French Pre-School,' for ages 3 to 5, introduces basic vocabulary, stories, songs . and, games. The programn wilil be held Wednes- days and Thursdays, 1:15 to 2 ,p.m. (age 3), 2:15 to 3:15 p.. (aes 4 and 5), Oct. il to Nov. 29 and. Oct. 12 to Nov. 30. Regist- ration will be held Oct. 2 to 6 at the library. Registration fée is $15 for- age 3 and $20 for ages 4 and 5. Crafts for Kids 'Crafts for Kids,' for ages 3 to 5, will be held Saturdays 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., Oct. 7 to Nov. 18. Registration will be Oct. 2 to 6 at the ibrary. Registration fee is $10 for five sessions. Sc At Book Look 'Book Look,' for ages 6 and older, will be held Saturdayî 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. The program, which begins Sept; 30, includes a variety of stories from faix-y tales to fiction. No registration is necessary. Play .1a11! TPhat's what 1,000 Or. 7 students will be cheering when they take part in the third annual IBM Student Pennant Race' on Sept. 19 at the SkyDome. With -the theme 'We Like Your Attitude," the programn is more than just a basebail game. Students and their guests (each one of the 1,000 students invites an aduit of their choioe) will be treated flrst to a pep rally at Ontario Place with live entertainment and a chance to meet Blue Jay Lloyd Moseby, honorary player chairman of the IBM Student Pennant Race. Bine Jay general manager Pat Gilick, Ontario Education Minister Sean Conway and IBM officiais wil also be in attendance to meet and greet the students. A special draw. will take, place. for two lucky students who will throw ont the flrst pitch and act as the bat girl/boy in the flrst inning. 'The Ontario Mfinistry of Education supports the IBM Student Pennant Face becanse of the positive impact the prograzn bas on the students' self-esteem. It'lets students know that the aduits in their lives recognize and appreciate their %special qualifies. It's a program that puts attitude above accomplishment. The IBM, Student Pennant Race is mun in conjunction with ail 26 major league clubs in North America and is part of IIBM's official_ sponsorship of major league basebail. In every city during the 1988-89 school term, teachers at participating schools are asked to choose worthy students from their Gr. 7 classes. "We want to give the pupils both a reward and some positive peer recognition", said Gaye Emery, vice president of central and Atlantic regions, IIBM Canada Ltd. "The transition from childhood to adolescence is often difficult in today's society and we want these students to know that their-good attitude and caring commitment to the conimunity is noticed and rewarded." SOHEDULE 4:30 - 6:15 p.m. Arrivai of buses at Ontario Place 4:30 - 630 p.m. Registration 4:30 - :30 p.m. Entertairnent 545 - 6:10 p.m. Speeches by Gaye Emeiy. Sean Conway, Fat GiIUck and Lloyd Moeeby 6:10 - 6:20 p.m. Draw for frut pitch and bat boygirl 630 - 6:45 p.ui. Buses leave for SkyDome 7:25 p.m. Firat pitch ceremony 7:30 p.xn. Basebali gante begins Students'can 'Play Bal' Whitby Iroquois Swim Club welcomes you to the world ofecompetitive swimming! REGISTRATION 1989-90 SEASON PLACE: IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEX TIMES: Sept. 12,13, 14, 1989 6pm - 8:3Opm Sept. 16, 1989 9am - l2pm For Further Information Please Contact: Lucie Hewitt-Henderson (Head Coach) 434-SWIM or Brian Johnson(President) 668-6575 Free Two Week Trial,,,,éV Doi Satuj BACK TO /HOOL SA L-E! IG.e21 -AUG.O26 Tell, us what zany wonderful things you could do with apples & WIN BIG PRIZES from OC merchants AND perform or demonstrate your ideas on stage Saturday, Aug. 26, 1989. Return this ballot plus your ideas to participating OC stores O;fflp9l- Vý-ý 1 1 ý "q