WIHrBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23,1989, PAGE 39 Re c ing committee GIGANTIC ARE AUCTION Date: WEDNESDAY AUGUST 30, 1989 Time: Preview, 6:15 P.M. Auction, 7:15 P.M. Location:." NEWCASTLE TOWN HALL corner of Hwy. # 2 and Mill St. (401 exit) FEAT URI NG... ROBERT BATEMAN " Premiere Edition Midnight Black Wolf - Peregrine Falcon Stone Litho, " Hardwood Forest White-Tailed Buck "Young Snawy Owl WALTER CAMPBELL -Original Watercolour TrÉisha Romance Robert Bateman Ron Parker -John Seerey-Lester Carale Black Walter Campbell John Newby, Gerald Topoinsky 1 & mare 1 TRISHA ROMANCE *Mther's Arrns *Shady Lane *Christmas Morning *Sun Bath CAROLE BLACK eOriginal Watercolour GERALD TOPOLINSKY *Original Watercolour DON'T MISS THIS EXCITING AUCTION SALE Terms: cash, gaod cheque, Visa, Master Charge Catalogues available at the auction McCrlmmon's Antiqupa & Art Inc. Hwy. # 2. Newcastle, Ontario 987-5204 Auctioneer: Frank Stapleton Free Draw - Door rizes 1) Custom framed Limited Edition Print 2)Trisha Romance Book - A Celebration Of Life AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. located on Brook Rd., Pickering, 3 miles narth of Hwy 401 (exit #399). Featuring everyzWe. an excellent selection af antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, pri- iives, and the unusuals. Sa jain us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "True" Auctians with no buy-backs or reserves. "Con- signment & estate selling aur specialtyn. CalI us today. Previews from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416)683-0041 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1. AUG. 25 AT 6 P.M. The property of MRS. HELEN MAC GREGOR af Fenelon Falls. Mason and Rich upright piano, round oak pedistal table, refinished hoosier kitchen cupboard, refin- !shed square dining table, refinished antique dressers, music cabinet, curia cabinet, chester- fields, colonial maple table and four chairs, aId post card album, Atothacary items from aid drug store, aid pharmacy books, artist easel, G.E. automatic washer, 12 cubic ft. freezer, antique dresser (tear drap pulls), large quantity of china, glass and interesting colectible items. DON CORNEIL, AUCTIONEER RR # 1. LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 SAT. AUG. 26 AT 6:30 P.M. PETHICKS AUCTION BARN% HAYDON 10 MILES NIE 0F OSHAWA Sale ta include contents of Oshawa home plus other pieces including dining roomn suite, Lazy Boy rocker/recliner, large freezer, several quality bedroom suites, colour televisian, Capri mahogany dresser, armoires, occasionial chairs, radial arm saw, drill press, 3 h.p. air compressor, and air tools p lus much more ta corne. Lots of gls and collectible items. Watch r Labour Day sale listing. aSaturday's Auction Action" GARRY K. POWELL, AUCTIONEER 263-4252 ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS MON. AUG. 28 AT 10 A.M. Quality antique furniture, piano, large quantity antique glass, china, property of REV. & MRS. LAWTON LOWE, Oýhawa (property sold moving ta B.C.) plus other selected consignments. Oak S roll top desk with raised panels> mahogany 4 po. bedroom suite with serpentine front,« oak 9 pc. dining room suite, dining table & chairs, Ige. spinning wheel, antique sideboard,' 1910 antique piano, cedar lined wardrobe chest, walnut rocker, cedar chest, bookshelved, d.l. table, light fixture, 4 dining chairs, organ stool, small sewing cabinet, Singer treadle sewing machine, Sessions mantle dlock, small china dolîs, Eatons Beauty doil, oak parlour table, small cupboard, magazine rack, small crack, Ige. quantity glass, china ( many are over 100 yrs. old), fancy dishes, 50 antique cups & saucers, vases, depression glass, iron pots, man's pocket watch, antique buffet with mirror, child's'table & 2 chairs, antique dresser & chest, Ige. magazine table, squ.- oak dining table, aId farm scales, pressback chairs. Ige. aak ice box, 6 Royal Douftan figurines. DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING SALE of interesting collectibles & quality f urnit ure. No reserve, 10 A.M. sharp open at 9 for preview. Cal now ta list your sale. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS ORVAL & BARRY MOLEAN, AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 MCLEAN AUCTION CENTRE, LINDSAY AUCTION SALE SAT. AUG. 26 AT 6 P.M. ODD FELLOWS HALL, PORT PERRY REGION ROAD 2 Appliances, excellent antiques, furniture, antique dishes, glass, toys, etc., aId bath tub, 8 h.p. snow blawer, new maple bedroomn suite, some tools and lots more. Viewing from 2 p.m. on sale day. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 We would like to congratulate4* IMike and Brenda on theïr* M orhcoming marriage onK SAug. 26, 1989. ' Th gang - extenda tizeir warmest wishes * and t/w best of luck in the.« Syears aheacL You: neyer have to feel alone. Shop the ads ln the Whitby Free Press for news of com. munity happenings, enter tainment and social events ln your area' WHITBY FREE PRESS FR OM PAGE 1 Enim said that in the past, the recycling board bas been sending reports ta regional council. Those reports, accarding*ta, Emm, have nat been getting past the' staff level. The Region voted earlier this ý ear ta cancel its- contract with urham Recycling by the end of this year: It wauJld then study its options to reach a goal of recy e ing 25 per cent of its waste by 1993. Emm said the joint coxnmittee would ensure that Durham Recy- cyling wauld be part of future recycling in Durham Reion. 'e don-t know where aur futurp- lies but we would like ta work with the Regian,» said Emm. The eight regional councillors to sit on the new board would be the members of the Region's waste management committee which struggled with the landfill decision this year ta have a temparary site in Pickering. Emm said bath the board of directors of Durham Recy cling and Durham Re 'on council have ta approve the joint board. Approval ie expected sometime in September. Bang! You'rýe pited dead FROM PAGE 25 cartridges of C02 gas which pro- pel the paint pellets, and three cannisters, each containing 10 pellets and lunch. Additional pellets and C02 cartridges are extra. Before heading onto a playing field, each participant is given a thorough demonstration of ope- ration of the guin and of rules of play. Games can last up ta one hour. Ail games are finished by 4 p.m. Each team le comprised of 15 ta 20 playere but -some tourna- mente have teains of up ta 100 players. Bu sinesses also rent pIlin time at RLD. According to a al it takes the placýe af the annual golf game or picnie. One such company is Lake Ontario Steel Lasco) which had rented a field last week. 'This teaches the employees ta wark together. And it can aiea bring out, leadership skills," said Wall. Rousse au tradition FROM PAGE 16 bcome Canada's1 first 'Harden Gallery" and is housed in the main store. Harden bas been a leading manufacturer Of tradtional furniture for over 100 years. The abililty ta, combine traditional values and a progre s- sive attitude has spelled success for Marcella, Hugh, daughters Peggy, Cathy, son-in-law Chris Gillis and the staff who work with them. Serving a market which stretches from Port Hope and Peterborough to Toronto and - Marhamthe word-of-mouth averisin of generations of customersqheipýs keep Rousseau Heritage House a strong, and -viable organization. Tax is 'regressive'1 FROM PAGE 27 the tax, farmers don't generally use cash registers in their day-to-day operations," she- explained. The NFIJ's executive assstant aIea pointed out that while purchases of equipment and inputs used exclusively in, food production will be tak-free, farmers must still pay the tax up front and then wait ta be reimbursed later by the goverament. "There are a multitude of problems with such a rebate system ," she said. 'The experience of rebates on provincial fuel taxes in Ontario has shown the proces je slow, cumbersome and costi Will the goverrnment rebate0 the tax paid by the farmer, or will it aiea rebate interest te the farmer on what amounts te a loan ta, the government? These are questions that have flot been answered. Fitness leadership offered In co-operation with the Ontario Group Fitness Office, the Oshawa YWCA is sponsoring a Fitness Ontario leadership programn workshop focusing on children and youth- ta ha held Sept. 9 from 9 a.m. 'ta 5 p.m. at the Oshawa YWCA programn building. Current Fitness Class leaders who, have completed F'itness )Ontario Leadership Programn basics or equivalent are eligible ta attend. Participants will. work in practical demonstrations and on individual and small group tasks learning- the benefit of exercise; exploring the components Of fitness and developmental characteristics of chldren and youth; effective raie madels; haw creative planning enhances the jay of movement; experience a variety of formal and informai methods for developing physical fitness.' The workshop fee is $45 which. includes the children and youth fitness manual, training, lunch and refreshments. Interested people may eall the YWCA 576-8880 and contact Susan Derby for further information and an application form. The final selection of applicants will be made by the hast agency based on the above criteria on a 'first corne first serve' basis. 't.. 'r.>' Ca/i your Welcome Wagon Hostess now. Phone 668-6653