PAGE'20, WMTrBYFREPRE8, WEDNEAY, EPEMBER 20,1989 WHITY archivist Brian Winter shows historical points of interest in the downtown area to a group dur- ing Héritage Day on Saturday. Peter Tomblin.Fr.e Prou photo Her gtageDay MAYOR Bob Attersley was one of the Town repregent1ivs who helped to ereta lac ue rconthe third hase of tuhe Pearson Lanes drevelopment. he ourth Phas,to start this faland to be finished next summer, wili on B3yron St. N., next to 'Audrey Janes Lingerie. Fr.. Pr... photo LEN CLEMENT Ã"f Chordiality, theý Oshawa chapter of Barbershoppers, einjoys a sample of Audrey MacDonald's first prize pije in the apple pie contes. Second was Kelly Espien and third was Amiabelle Wright. SEILA JONES of the Downtown Whitby BIA helped Clarke Township Museum staff to demonstrate paper - Peter Tomblin-Fre. Prou. photo q