WETBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SFWBR20o19U9, PAGE.23 GM $100 a we ek UTOPLEX to own an, To~rriiu ~ iU Not jutfor the young. by JiI Mclntosh Remiernbering the drive-ina One of the great tbings about collecting items from the past is tbat you ofien stop and think about wbat times were like when tbose objects were new. Even if tbe item isn't terribly old, it's stIl "pasfft history." That holda true for old cars, toc>. When rmn out driving mine, or lookcing at other ones, I often think about car-related memnories tbat are rapidly becoming past The thing I miss tbe most is tbe drive-in tbeatre. Oh, I lcnow they1re still around, but you can count them ci the fingers of one band and their fature is doubtful at best. They don't use the clunky window-mounted speakoers anymore (the sound cornes througb your car stereo, a fact I discovered after driving 15 miles te a drive-in with- a car that didn't have a radio) and one lonostalgia"' company even selse these old speakerste decorate your "bar. Yes, the drive-in is done.n I first went te, drive-ins as a kid,. wben you wore pajamas te tbe theatre, and generaily fel asleep b alfway through the movie. (I still have a tendency te do that -- fail asleep, flot wear pajamas! --much te My husband's disgust sinoe hesé the one sbefling out tbe $15.) My mother kept taldng me back te see more big-screen adventures and wben I was old enough. te have a car of my own, I just kept going. .I loved the drive-in so much I went even if I didn't have a date. It got some raised eyebrows -- wasnt the wbole idea tbat you didn't wvatcb tbe movie? -- but there was just no keeping me from tbat ballowed routine of cartoon,- feature, intermission and second feature. You' just bhad te love tbe snack-bar advertisement that came on.before intermission. If you attended a drive-in anywhere in Ontario, y ou saw it. It, looked like it had been filmed in 1956, and featured shots of the varlous goodies in aIl their Technicolor glory. I always remnember the stubby-style ice cream cones (thý, vanilla one was drij~pin n* h table)- and the 'dlicioùs soft. drinks' that magically popped inte each cup in- sequence. Mmmm-mmm! Since I Iived in Toroite, my baunt was the Corvette Drive-In on Kennedy Road, which served shrimp egg roils just the way drive-in egg moi were meant to be: lukewarm and greasy. That was the only way they tasted IfPd already seen the filmn at the Corvette, next on my list was the Teepee on Liverpcoo Road in Pickering. The Teepee was perfect for one thing: their popcorn was inedible. It was like SER PAGE 25 By ihike Johnston Hot rods, aren't just for tbe young-anynhiore. Witb tbe teenagers of tbe 1950s now 'grown up and witb tbeir own families, many are attempting to recapture their youtb tbrougb tbe cars tbey own. And man» are returning to the bot rods M de popular from tbe 1920s totbe,1950s. "Mhect -id bcbby is growing ail tbeti, &ni especially this year. Nowaïays, familles are get- ting invoIvee, and inste"d of baving a two-ceater tbe amily will bave a sedan s'Mlea ar 80 tbey can ail ride in it,' &ssRob Trimnble, owner of Robbiea1 Trimble bas been restoriýig bot rods since be was 14. When be moved te 'VMhitby fromn Scarborougb. six yeai s ago be Idid most of his work n bis driveway. Eventually tbe busi- ness outgrew tbe drivew yand be :bas now rnoved te, a ware- hotise on Brock St. N. ROD TRfl=LE, wlio las been restoring hot rods sikicc lie was 14, iworks mainly on pre-1960's cars. mPr1eet ai got involved with bot 'rods wben I was 14," recalîs Trimble. "My father had à 1951'Ford truck and I wanted to get it back on the road.» Witb some belp from an uncle, Trimble spent three summers- restoring the truck and in the grocess got bit by the bot rod past member of the Street Dreams Car Club, Trimblewok mainly on pre-1960's cars. "I've gained most of my experience ,workirig with' >dif- ferent cars and talking to people. I arn basically self-taught.' His move to a larger location was also prompted by a lack of parts. He now bas, a small stock'and bas access to parts markets in Canada and the United States9. ai gt people calling tbe ail tbe timeliooking for'a part, but.'tbey are not exactly sure wbicb part tbey, need. We can usually work it out over tbe phone.». Trimbfe is currently finisbing off the restoration of a 1927, Ford Pro-Str t roadster. He sa s Fords were the most popular treet rods but with the lack of o0 ginal bodies tbe bot rod inarkt asexpanded to include ail make~ of cars. «Therel are now 150 different reprodu4ion bdy styles, avail- able in Nort-.r-erca, ' says Trimble, notin# tha can lead to an endless varxetv of car st.vlez'. In tie' U.S.a 1932 roadote.rx bas beeni buil using a belicopter turbine en1gine. Witb a body. buiît with modern tecbnology,. the car weigbs only 800 lbs and is wortb Trimble says today's tecbfno- logy bas surpassed wbat any car owner dreamed.of in 1920 when t;op speed was .40 mph (about 65 kpbi). Trimble keeps in stock tbe most used items. The most popu- lar is tbe Chevrolet .350-cu. in. small b1ccek. Trimbl~ is at bis sbop four or five timà -eacb week . H e works ' PAE26 mm mm - - - -- mm - m ------ -" - -- VALUAO~LE COUPON ------------ ----- * round effect kits *Captain's chairs M I * Roof vents *Windows GIFT CERTIFICATES e Bug h«d Many more truck & van accessories au e nts cha1 1670 Simcoe St. N-., Oshawa M rc asOrdwt~nn 0 ox liners Ex 1S.9CouJpon, IMon.-WedI. 9. 6 0 ouoinboads.Sp. * Thurs. & Fri. 9-9 '-"j *ioobxe 1Saturday 10-3, f~iWe ~e umpersI b ~-- -- - - - -- -- - - ----VAL * any more truck & van accessories mmmmmmmmmmmmmA.LbLE COUPON -mm da- - - - - - - - - --- ---