7- ---i - ..~... ~. Youth charged, after .357. replica gun found A 15-year-old youth has beeri charged with possession of a dangerous weapon,- after an Anderson CVI vice-princ ipal seized a replica gun from a stu- dent.* Durhamr Regional Police res- ponded - after'receiving informa- tion that a student was carrying wIBYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEIM 1, 19M9, PA MI)1 Car chase ends. in,,.a rrest, SA high-speed £hase that began in Whitby ended in Oshawa with the arrest of a Toronto man. According to police, at about 5 a.m.. onl Wednesday last week a a replica .357 pellet gun. venicle gem g at a speea of 7u Toronto recently passed a kmlhr passed a police cruiser on bylaw te »ban aIl replica guns Hwy 2 near Anderson St. frem the city. Because of the youth's age,he The Durham IRegional 'Pelice cannot be identified. He will cruiser gave chasè te the vehicle.ý appear in yeuth court te answer During purf3uit, speeds exceeded to the charge .of «weapons dangerous." 140 kmn/hr. Aeccrding to police, the driver went through several red signal lights on Hw- 2 between Thick- son Rd. in Whitby and Harmony Rd. in Oshawa. The pursuit finally ended at a shopping plaza near Townline Rd. in Oshawa. However, police were forced to use the police cruiser to stop the vehicle when the driver, atternp- ted to escape the scene. Police also, had to break the window on the driver's side and forcibly remnove the driver from the vehicle. The driver was taken» to a holding cell at the Oshawa police station to await a'bail hearin . Moez Ebrahim Mavani, 2 y of Toronto is charged with da nger- eus driving and failing ta stop for police. The-Haïr Ce ntre Unîsex* 668-5266 OPENING SPECIAL Perms $35. & $45. $5. off, with this ad. See Frank and Debbîe for ail your famlly haîr care needs. Bonacord Plaza - 900 Bonacord Ave. Whitby THE -COMFORTING CHOICE IPurchase ICG Home Comfort Pmoducts And we'll replaoe any part for the next five years. Free. Or we won't ask for a single nickel until March 1990& Honest. Or we'II give you something that'II warm your heart. Cash. Now.with these three exciting offers there isn't any reason flot to buy ICG Home Comfort Products. Products buit for Canadian homes. Like the *uni ICG Uhtimate 111 high M efficiency natural gas furnace, that keeps 95%/ of the heat generated right in your home; saving you money. And the ICG Climatizer Central Air Conditioner, which gives you the dependable, quiet cooling you want, when you want. Sa cali us today and ask about these and other great ICG products and get the full details on these three exciting But don't wait. Offers are only valid for pur- chases made between September 1 and November 15, 1989. <These offers cannot be combined.) The comforing choice for Canadian homes RoHFII4G AND) AIR PROCONDITON]NGRD 1380 HOPK[NS STREET, UNIT F, WH1TY LUN 2C3 AJAX/PICKERJJNG 428-3231 WITBY 668-4235 OSH.AWA/BOWMqvANVJLLE434-7873 =61ORZE COBOURG 373-0014 DELE NE FR 89 WHT RS INTODUTO 1 - 1. . - --- - - - -&:- - -- VÀFKD-..Troiýw 6ý FFI f [air 2 PRICE loi ýi