PAGE 18, WITBYFREE PRES%~ WEDNESDAY, NOVMBER 11989 Knights-'newoficrs. KNIGHTS of Columbus, Council 4895, St. John the' Evangelist, officers for the upcoming year are ______________________________________________________ (front, from left) chancellor, Roy Choquette, grand ________________________________________ knight Martin Knight and deputy grand knight DISTICTdepty enni Lenar EvngelstWhiby.The war istheBarry Scanneil; (back, from left) recorder John DISTICthdepuity es h* wadisteDunn, warden Ben Thieman, financial secretary resnt te nîhtsofCoumus international orgarnzation's top Stan Harris, treaisurer Walter Solar, advocatei-v Ctar Award to Martin Turpin, grand honor for overail excellence. raChleou. knight of Council 4895, St. John theFrePsspoorePespht Phone 668-6111 Via to be dscussed at residents' meeting The proposed cutback of Via Rail service will be among the concerns to be discussed at a meeting of the Whitby Northern Communities Ratep ayers Asso- ciation tonight (Wednesday, Nov. 1), 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Ashburn community centre. Invited to à ttend are residents within the boundary area of Lak- eridge Rd. ( west boundary), Townline Rd. (north), Whitby- Oshawa border (east) and the north side of Columbus Rd. (south). Hometown Christmas bazaar Brooklin United Church, 19 Cassels Rd. E., will hold the Hometown Christmas lunch and bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 25, il a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be home baking, ýreserves, crafts, fabrics, hand- nit and hand-sewn items and more. Lunch will be served in the tea room from 11:30 a.m. MICHELLE AIREY, 9, is surrounded craft sale. by doils during the Oct. 27-28 Myrtie Chris Bovie-Free Press photo Gu*Id craft. show Saturday Burn7s Kir Guild will hold another of their popular fal country craft shows te include works by nunierous artisans and craft people, on Saturday, Nov. 4 at Tlhunderbird Golf Club, Ashburyi. The show opens at 10 &.m. and Bazaar at St. Thomas A bazaar will be held at St. Thomas Church Meijiorial Hall, Brooklin, on Saturday, Nov. 4, noon to 3:30 p. There will* be a tea table, crafts, bake table plants, "white elephants" and books. Tea is $2.50. Free admission to bazaar. concludes at 3 p.m. with a draw for a. signed, limited edition Fiendship breakfast Meadowcrest Baptist Church will hold a Friendship breakfast and worship service on. Sunday, Nov. 12, 9:15 a.m. Cali 655-4554 for more infor- mation. The Kidney Foundationi of Canada nuinbered print by Marc Barrie. Items available include petit point jewelry, pine' work, solnbaby qui ts, weaving, ceramie jewelry, handpainted silk Scarves and 'ties, folk art, gift baskets and doorstop mice. WingL It to start Frieday Wing It, the floor hockey pro, gram for developmentallyhand- icapped children, wîll behield by the Brooklin Optimist Club, starting Friday, Nov. 3. In its second season, the pro- gram is held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at SL. Mary community school in Oshawa. For more information caîl Ste- phanie at 655-3677. C:IJST0r ITHEN 13Y BEL VEDERE