WIUTBY FREE RESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 41M6, PAGE 3 Lasco berm.O Finral report to be made to mstry October 30, 1989 Reco mmendations to planning and development committee That an application for amendments to Durham Region's and Whitby's officiai plans, 10 aliow for a proposed subdivision by Verturon Development Corporation in north Whitby, be referred back to the planning department. Venturon has proposed a subdivision of 282 homes, a mixture of single-detached homes, link homes and multiple f amily dwellings, on a strip of property south of Rossland Rd. W., north 0f Dundas St. E., and west of the existing Otter Creek residential area. Homes would range in. price f rom $1 50,000 t0 $275,000. The applcant is proposing to amend the officiai plans 10 extend the residential designation westeriy. Approved That an application 10 amend the .Tow n of Whitby officiai plan and zoning bylaw 10 ailow Cullen Garde ns Inc. to allowfor a 45-suite hotel on existing property be referred back 10 the planning department. No objections to the projectwere voiced at a recent public meeting. The proposed two-story hotel would be 3,000 sq. metres and would also include severai conference r ooms, a games room, and laundry f acilities to serve the needs of both the hotel and bed andf breakfast guest. Plans also include a handicap/f reight elevator. Approved That counicil consent to the addition of a vestibule 10 The Station Gallery as proposed by Whitby Arts Incorporated, and that Whitby Arts meet the requirements of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee( LACACI for thei ratrntin n rf Lake Ontario Steel Co. Ltd. (Lasco) held another public infor- mation session last week, about the proposed berm. Visitors to the open bouse held at the Centennial building could view the process by whicb the company proposes to dispose of automobile shredder by-products. Lasco bas employe d a teamn of specialist consultant flirms to conduct an environmental study of tbe proposed bermi. Ail aspects of the environment are being considered in the planning pro- cess, including the -natural, social, cultural, economic and tecbnical environments. The study is to determine wbat, if any, potential impact the bermi would have on the environ- ment. According to Ron Deeth, bermi project manager, all the informa- tion generated is to be presented to the Ministry of the Environ- ment. "We're about to make a final submission to the Ontario Minis- try of tbe Environment," says Deeth. After its review of the informa- tion, the ministry will determine if an environmental bearing is requred. e ministry will make its assessment report available to the public, at wbich time citizens will have 30 days to submit a request to speak at a hearing. Deeth suggests the ministry's assessment will not be completed for another two or three montbs. Investigation continues after body is foumd Police are investgatingwa could be the reon'sit mur- der this year. Human remains were found on a gavesi sideroad, soutb of the lthconcession of Scugog Town- ship n Scugog Island.' ~e human remains are belie- ved to be that of a maie. Police have not established a cause of death. However, tbey are treating the case as a homi- cicle. A post mortemn examination was conducted, but due to fdecomposition of the body, further tests are being conducted to determine an anatomical cause of death and the identity of the deceased. Resuits are expected by Thurs- day, say police. Tickets are stil the exising doors at The a l Station Gallery; and council av a la l give notice of is decision 10 the owner and to the Ontario I Heritage Foundation. f or roas..9L Tickets are still available from Whitby Jaycees for the roast of Approved Jon Jenkins, former chief of Dur- ham Regional Police, on Wednes- That an application 10 amnend day, Nov. 8, at Heydenshore the Town of Whitby officiaI Pavilion. planand onin bylw toThe panel of roasters for the planw anllerzning tyl a 0evening will include Sherry Bas- all w Mlle Paing10 perte sin, Glen- Cochrane, Terry Kelly a ready mix concrete plant at and Trevor McCagerty.* its exîsting asphaît plant on Jaycees's roast of Whitby Thickson Rd. N., south of mayor Bob Attersley in- 1985 Conlin Rd., be referred back raised more than $2,500 for the to planning department, aîong Multiple Scierosis Society. A with comments from roast of Gary Herrema earlier resient voiingconcrns this year raised $3,500 for the vresidets oicnponcerns Whitby General Hospital fund. overthe ropoai.To reserve tickets, cali Rick Roberts ýt 668-8988 (days) or 668-9933( evenings), or cali the _________________ Withv.hn0Wi "The process is very time-con- suming, 'be says. Lasco reovers iapproximarItely 300,000 tons of steel from dere- lict automobiles each year. nhe estimated 90,,000 tons of shredder by-product from tbe vehicles annually is currently being placed in the on-site demonstration bérm. Tbe sbredder by-product is composed of: 21 per cent, glass adsoil; 10 per centno-rou metals, suêh ÎÎ aluminum and copper wbicb is recyclable; two per cent, ferrous metals; and 67 per cent, plastic, foamn and rub- ber. Lasco's proposed berm would be used for the plastic, foam and rubber. Alternatives to the berm, such as an on-site landfill site. and incineration, have been con- sidered by Lasco. However, findings suggest tbe berm would have a lower overal impact on the environnient. Lasco bas addressed public concerns arising from tbe poten- tial hazards of leachate sensitive materials (waste containin g con- taminants) being discardedt into the sewage system, by suggest- ing leachate would uncdergo regu- lar testing. Treatment of the leacbate may also be necessary. Lasco bas furtber proposed tbat the volume of leachate sbould be minimized upon com- pletion of tbe berm. Pending approval, Deeth says tbe berin could be operational in a year and a baîf, although Lasco is hoping the start-up will be earlier. We've been working on it for two years now," says Deeth. ý Yo Krk makes j-vu oeelgoodihsida. 144tha promise you can take ta mhe bankl with one efficient unit A ork beat pump culs wkter heating bis with orosuper efficiency audits remaîkabie air conditionu»g culs summer 's het Andyou //feelgood insde (rom mehelltred and moisture-ba/anced airthe York heat pump pro vides. A/I thi plus the FINANCEOBDY THE E Scotlobank 'I Y8997, A IR CONVTHRL EA TINSEt A IR CGNDI TIUNIèVG 600 EucIid St. Unit 10 Whitby chanoe to get. ,fit we'vecdropped theprice! you drop the pounds! $ DON T DELAY SpE avcuo . . pAST & PIRESENT MEMBERS, CALL TO DAYoi other clubs CALL FOR 0ETILS 1