PAGE 20, WR1TYYREME PRESS, WEDNESAY, NOVEMBER15, 1989 Trafalgar Castie Tiffany Bradley Trafalgar's annual bazaar was a great success. We managed to raise about $5,000 for charity! As thanks from Mr. Kanieke, the students were granted a -half-day on Thursday to start off our well-deserved, half-term holiday. House plays arrive on Nov. 30 and there's anticipation and excitement from everyone involved. An adjudicator, not from the school, will judge and choose the winning house (go, Hare bouse!). Already you hear people say: "Only 41 more days to Christmas holidays!" Unfortunately, Christmas examinations corne a lot sooner. Miss Mulhall's study hall bas become a lot quieter. The easygoing start to the year is over, and heavy studying and homework is upon us. Its ail worth it in the end, however, when you receive that graduation diploma. The forms for 'Educational Experience Week' in March have been given out. The flrst week of March, previously an examination week, bas recently been changed to an ' Educational Exrperience Week.' During this week, the students can participate in an interesting experience that will benefit in future years. There is a list of the wonderful opportunities that we have to choose fi-om during this week. NI~ Father Leo J. Austin Karen Achong The rainy weather didn't dampen school spirit last week. On Tuesday our junior boys' soccer team advanced to the DYSSA championships by winning a gold niedal in LOSSA. The whole Austin school went to the first game at Civic Fields, where Austin won over York Millsby a 3-2 score. This vctory put us ini the finals. Thanka to a generous donation of $150 from the student council, the school was able to attend the second match. Austin put up a good fight, but lost 2-0 to Ho1ý Family. We congratulate the whole junior boys' soccer team on their successfu season. The swim team attended their first swim ineet at the Pickering recreation complex. The teani was led by outstanding swirns by Jennifer Dupuis and looks forward te the next meet on Nov. 30. Junior boys' bsketball started on Monday. The midget girls' basketballi tean won their game against St. Mary Catholic Secondary Sehool. On another note, the school constitution is now being written. Twenty students have been chosen te do the wriing in preparation for the élections after Christmas. On F'riday, Nov. 10 we paused to, rexuember all the nmen and women who gave their energies, and in some cases, their lives, so that wee might have freedoni today. A service was held consisting of poenxs and facts about the Canadians who fought in the world wars. The students of Austin gave thanks for ail they have today. Separate board, commites chAngïed' The Durhamn Regfion i-coman Catholic Separate Sc ool Board rece 'ntly decided to mnodifyý its committee structure. Administration bas been aivi- ded into five- new committees: property and transportation; ýper- sonnel and finance; priorities (te naine and assign m'atters: that require board action); rommunity and communications (to help staff, students, parents and trus- tees grow in community with Jesûs Christ); and policy (te con- sider new policies and policy amexidments). The former committ..,e struc- ture was: trustees' affairs; focus on faith; education centre facili- ties; transportation; policy; sites and accommodation; student education advisory. 'Anne' at Anderson By dulie Parsons Anderson CVI will stage 'Anne of Green Gables' on Nov. 23, 24 and 25, 7:30 p. Tickets are now being sold- in the school lobby every weekday between 11:45 a.m. and 12:30 P.m. The cost is $5 for aduits and $3 for students and seniors. Tick- ets will also be sold at the door. Workshop about drugs The Famnily Education Resource. Centre of Durhami House and the Substance Abuse Council of Durhami Region will present a two-hour workshop for parents of teens and pre-teens on Wednesday, Nov. 22, from 7 to 9 p.m., at R.S. McLaughlin CV. The workshop, which costs $8, will focus on developing an understanding of drugs and their effects. To register, cali the centre at 579 -2021 or 686-4353- Anderson is filled with talented musicians. On Nov. 2 our musicmans held their first music concert of the year, 'Autunin Leaves' The concert started out with a solo entitled 'Autuxun Leaves' fro Janet Stachow, folowed by the junior band, Jazz Pizazz, Double Stuif, Junior Jazz Band, Neon, Jazz Tech, Cantabile, Anderjazz, Jazz Inc. and the ACVI Concert Band. Throughout the night there were original keyboard compositions b~y students of Anderson. The concert was a real night te remeniber. Upconung events in the music department are «'Anne of Green Gables' Nov. 23 -25 and on Tuiesday, Dec. 12 is the ACVI Christmas concert, «'Silver Beils!' Aiso on the music side of things, "Double Stuif', a quartet made up of Robyn Grant, Andrea Swan, Kevin Brereton and John Camnpbl made their radio debut on 1010 CFRB this week. They were great! Our week-long penny drive for the United Way is over and was very sucoessful. Homerooms sold pizza, pop, roses, carnations, candy-grams and singing telegrams. The drive was a great succeas, but not successful enough te beat Donevan in our competition te sée who could raise the xnost. Congratulations, Donevan! The Recycing Club is doing a great job at setting an example for our whole school. The club bas plaoed new recycling containers for pop cans in our cafeteria, so students, too, can do their part in helping the environnient. The annual Milk Drive is underway. Every tume you buy a milk in the cafeteria you will receive a scratch-and-win car4for a free mik T-shirt or enter the grand prize draw for a compact stereo system. Denis O'Connor H.S. Tanya Trinkaus The most exciting news this school week is that there are only four days te it. On Friday the annual staff retreat wiIl be lheld, meaning no school for students! Last Thursday, students received their rnid-term report carda and to, coincide with them, parent-teacher interviews are scheduled for fl tonight and temorrow night. % sure that there wiil certainly be ~ legions of anxious students waiting at home te hear what was said about theni. The Denis O'Connor Resource Centre is hoeting ita second annual Minnow Book Fair. It started yesterday and continues untl tomorrow. Tonight, because of parent-teacher interviews, it will be open froin 6:30 te 9 p.rn. and tomorrow it wiil only be open from 8:30 te 1 a.m. Posters, bookmarks and paperbacks will be available at very reasonable prices, so corne te the Bok Fair and support DO'C's Resource Centre. On Friday, Nov. 10, Denis (Yonnor students- attended a Remembranoe Day Paraliturgy during first period te, commeniorate the lives of the soldiers who died during the world wars. lI sports, after our senior boys' soccer team7s vin at LOSSA, they took part in DYSSA on Nov. 9. They won their tret gaie 2-1 against e c O l m w Unionville and then lost a hard fought match against Father Brisani S i n e O y p c by a score of 1-0. Congratulations are in order for their fine effort. SANJAY VAXIL (left), Mark Char- High School project in the Finaily, Denis (YConnor's sponsor for the Durham Young Women of linski and Terry Scheltema con- Science Olvm pics at Ain er, i>rcss phot Distinction Award is Chantale Menard. She repreeted DO'C well struct a bridge as a Henry Streç1t Sand dèsèii-s-ia satuté foi heiý à chiéveéfiet. ~ ~__________________________ Anderson C.V.I,. Mary Waterman