d"~ -. *1 WHITY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVMMER 22, 1989, PAGE 17 Nov. 20-,26 Dupont: Recyclin for 3 '0 yea rs By Trudie Zavadovica 'Recycling,' 'the environninent,' are buzzwords of the '809s, des-, tined to mean survival in the '90s. Dupont Canada Inc., for economic if not environmental reasons, fias beeniýécycling since its move to Whitby 30 years algo. Today Dupont Canada h as expanded its recycling process wihan environmiental con- science and serves as an excel- lent role model for industry and individuals in the surge to save our environment from wasting away. "About three per cent of our materials go to garbage," says warehouse co-ordinator Tom Humphris. "The process of reclaiming our plastic products had already been developed when the plant opened in Whitby in 1959. "Dupont's major product is plastic;, Plastic bread bags, milk bags, cleaning bags etc. 'What plastic we don't reuse ourselves," says Hum phbis,"wewill seli to sbmleone who will use- it. coepne in the. Regioei of Durham active in waste reductioe, roua. and recycling MW ifawimng conine b ave mmntadd the Rogima ce uhns Wat. e neà tie. Faaflatoe fbe amdlMuta umauaglugthe&r wte and auuriiy have reuydJng Perquu Acustar <chrysler) canada Inc., Ajax - popcans, old corrugtad cardbeard <CCC), feam, kitche pgaseuet,' bomboard (firat recipimnt cf the Regian of Durbam's 'IndustnrilWanttsReduction and Recyflng Award,' Oct. 23,19M9) Ajaz Market Place WEB Aome - OCC (cid coruatsed aoerd A & P. Thickaoe M., Whitby - OCCC AMJ Campbell Van Lines, Whitby - OCC Alderbrock Industries, Pickering - CCC Alcan Extrusions, Pickering - OCCC, pelleta, cauatic wastes (ALOR) Dupont Canada 1nc., VWhy - OCC, Darlington Nuclear Generating %ttion - offce paper Dedicstedg Distributors, Pickering - OCCC Eatom'a, Oshawa Centre - OCCC General Mote' (North and South Plant) - Oahava - OCC, popeana Ilowies Drug Mart, Wbitby - OCCC Hubbel Canada Imc., Pickering - OCC IGA, 66 Old Kingston Rd., %ia - OCC KCnob HUIParme, Kingston Rd., Pickering - MKiob HiD Parm, Oshawa Terminal - OCCC Lî ar Siegler Industries Ltd., Wbitby - OCC, Pallet M racle Food Mart, 600 Ring S. E., Oshawa - OC Mrcle Food Mart, Thickaon Btd. Whilby - OCCC racle Fmai Mart, 290 Harwoad Ave,.S&, Ajaz- CCC hester Plastics LtL., Whitby - CM am WindowsMt, Pickering - OCC Canada hic., Pickering - OCCC PackagnWhltby - CCC, Un Bowes, Pickering - CCC Nucisir GumatngSbation- Len.oR Put Mx- glas., ppeana Oamd,Oswa - CC l bc.. rhWhtby- wood y i~t là d, Pickerng- C Wesl n dCuRer GardersCmbraWbltby Woo6rdgelom Corp, Pickering - CCC WhitIv GM@W iraiBeptal -CCC epean @mm per Tise Raglan et Durlrm'h Watt Reductian acilitater mts as a liaison betweer Induty and Eugevununtin promding asistance for wssta reduction anrd recydling The assistancse «""t mainly for mSdinr the. Industries with1 "It was almost a year ago wben Dupont started recycling cardboard.-They have an area of their warehouse designated for cardboard products. -The card- board goes into metal containers and is picked up about every fi1ve weeks. "Now we are expanding into beverage cans," says Humphris. "We got into it voluntarily because there are about 500 cans of beverages sold here a week. We have two drums. Wben they get full we voluntarily drop the cans off at Durham Recycling. "Humpbris says, the co-ope- ration among the estimated 300 employees bas been great. "The people on site bave. been very co-operative. We bave set up committees of about eigbt fo ten people. They bave been very successful. People have respon- ded to our requests to save the cans and put themn in the proper containers. "The next tbing Dupont is con- sidering in their recycling efforts is newspapers. "We accumulate about 50 papers bere a day.. Humphris sees recycling as a sign of the times and sees tbis as just tbe beginning. 'mn almost sure tbat one of tbese aays there wiIl be a space for everytbing -- even in homes. Industry sbould set the pace for everyone. I think we're heading in the rigbt direction. Whatever we recycle is Dup ont's contribu- tion to helping the environment." OLD corrugated cardboard recycling at D upont Canada Imc. Waste reduction awards program Ontario Wastc Management Corporation (OWMC) has announced thc creation of a ncw industrial wasItc reduction award program. Each ycar, two awards will be prcsentcd to companies or trade organizations that demonstratc successful industri-. ai wastc reduction practices. Application forms have been distributcd to morcel.han 14,000 plant managers and trade orga- nizations throiîghout Ontario. The dcadlinc for applications is Decembcer 1, 1989. AS 10W AS Àéq jper day IN-STORE DEMO RUG DRY CLEANING SYSTERK SAT. NOV. 25 from 1 Oam to 2pm HO(ST The Only System Recommended For Oriental Rugs AS 10W AS I FLOOR SANDER Professional sandin g machine for creating a 1 smooth, even surface on hardwood floors. must for wood floor f~ retinishing projects. AS 10W.AS $32 pe >r day 1020 Dundas St. URHAMEast. Whltby DURHA428-0880 668-0880 EQUIPMENT '5TgiHLi NUMUER MNE WORILDWIDE .RENTALS- Nothing Runs Lioe a Dee I ' Space Age Shelving are the best solution at a competi - the experts in maximizing-your 'tive price. And.speaking or closet space.- solutions, weve got over 250 And since every house and products to help you organize space is dilterent we'll corne your lire. right to your house and give Just cail the Space Age you a free estimate. You'IF get Shelving store riearest you. fSPACE- AGE SHELVINQ3 WR MAKE FREE HOUSE CALLS. RESIDENTIAL- COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL 80 THICKSON RD. SOUTH, WHITBY (416) 430-1636