WITBY FRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1989, PAGE 37 Durham College' s newL wing opened CIELE>RYL SANDERS, public relations officer for Dur- ham College, places one of about 100 items into the college's time capsule buried during opening cere- monies for the new L wing at the college. The -capsule won't be reopened until 2039. Frc Press photo ByTrudlie Zavadovic Durham College's new L wing was officially opened Monday, 14 months after excavation began. College president Gary Polonsky welcomed several pub- lic figures wbo were hand to join in tbe celebrations. The $5.2-million wing hoùses students in the applied arts divi- sion. This includes graphic arts, graphic design, journalism, pub- lic relatiQns and advertising stu- dents. The new wing will enable the college to meet increasing enrol- ment and bas capacity for up to 1,200 students. It is equipped witb 30 new classrooms, a drawing lab, two lecture halls., two computer labs, 30 Macintosh 2 CX units witb full color capability, 30 Mclntosb SE units, four Apple laser wri- ters and two Apple scanners. Durbam East MPP Norab Stoner said tbat Durbam College sbould be applauded in its effort to provide quality educatiion and to keep up-to-date with . the cbanging demograpbic trends. "In 1988 more than 500,000 students enrolled in the college system." Regional cbairman Gary Her- rema said that the L wing was appropriately named. 'To me, it stands for com- munity liaison. I congratulate tbe college for its outreach. We are aware that this is wbere the changes of the '90s will be at." Former president of Durbam College, Me Garland, was on hand to see tbe finished product of what had been started during bis last year as president. "It looks very good. It's inter- estin g to see it finished." He also said h e was impressed with al the care that was taken to accommodate students With spe- cial needs. Ail guests were invited to con- tribute something to college time capsule. Among the more than 100 items dropped in were local newspapers, a dollar bill, a loonie a staff photo book-, a Canaâian flag brougbtby MPP Mike Breaugh1 polaroïds of the event, a nurse s cap, a computer mouse contributed by Apple Canada, the college annual report from 1989, and one man dropped in a quarter., When Cheryl Sanders from the public relations, department asked why he dropped in a quar- ter, he replied, "In 50 years, there won't be a queen on the front." The capsule will be buried within the next few days and wili be re-opened in the year 2039. PATRICK'S GENERAL SERVICESI Quality Renovations/Improvements REC ROOMS, BATHROOMS -I ROOFS, DECKS & FENCES INTERLOCKING STONE WALKWAYS & PATIOS 430-1422, 430-1167 PA1jINIGI& l I Il MU. - Any aranteh Wob * Cîl heWhibyFree ess fores 668-61 5 rtv; STAR APPLIANCES We buy, seiI, andsevc. ditioned appliances. Frldges, .~Stoves, Washers, Dryers, . .~and Air Conditioners. 1202 WECKER DRIVE .~OSHAWA, ONTARIO -~~ 432-7257 - S Seniors Discounts. Residential & Commercial Specializing in home renovations Kitchen, Bath, Rec Room, Reasonable rates - Free estimates (416)-571-4065 1-1 BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO HARWVOOD AVE. S. AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074 reý DANNY'S -GE N ER A Lý FOR FREEQUOTATION CALL HERB TRAN 725-6564 D Dand.Sj General Contractng eRec-ýOOrnS * *Bathrom Renovation j General Carpentiy AL'S DRY WALL " Ornamental design ceilings " Plaster work N.~c*Painting & decorating " General contracting 68-8958 666-1 657 cott y AI FITZGERALD i CARPENTRY WHITBY LTD. i General Garpentry Additions tme Improvements Ceramic Tîiing Roc Rooms Dry waIi and Paintiîng, %1YEARSIN DURHAM REGION Cali!:-2554 i668-4686.1 RECEIVING honors at Henry Street High School's recent awards night were Jennifer Smith (front, left) for highest mark in computer programming; Kiran Husson (front, right), third highst average in Gr. 12, cooperative education award and Rene Soetens scholarship; Claudia Luddemann (back, left), activity award; Jennifer Treleaven (back, right), sehool honor prize. Shown with students is business studies teacher Sylvia Grdovic. Freo Press photo TOP OVERALL students recently honored at Anderson CVI included ( clockwise, fromn top right) Lisa Dairymple (Gr. 9), Michelle Drwyer (Gr. 10), Astrial Sauer (Gr. 12) and Heather Arini- tage (Gr. 1 1)all joined by principal Arend Dekker. -- Contractors-- BASEMENTS - BATHROOMS FIREPLACES - SPAS .WATER-PROOFING SERVING DURHAM REGION FOR OVER 20 YEARS DAN O'LEARY -- 666-2827