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Whitby Free Press, 6 Dec 1989, p. 30

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PAGE 30, WMMTY FME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMdBER 6,,1M8 *Trafagar Castie Tiffany Bradley The houa pays were performed tremendoualy well. On Nov. 29, each individualhoua., gave an equally sup.rb show creating difficulty for Mr. Kamcke, aur adjudicator, to pick the winmng houa.. The houa. plays took place on Nov. 29. The well deeerved awards were as follows: Carter - Beat play overail - 'Spy Me This On." Farewell - Debbie Bryant, houa. captain, received the best director award for her creativitY in directing the ensemble production of ' Blind Dates.' She ia to b. congratuÛlated for winnmfg the adjudicator's award in memoiy of Mrs Hallpike, a former teacher, who was greatly involv.d in drama herm at Trafalgar. Maxwell - Rleceived two awarda - bet eset as well as best actre awarded to Stephanie Nickson for her- superb performance as Mrs. Hale in ' Tiflee. Hare - The. best supporting actres award was captured by Alana Assad as the "nutty professor in 1 To the Lovely Margaret.' Farewell was runner-up te the victorious Carter houa.. It was an extrememly enjjoyable evening of terrific actng. The, Ice Capades are coniing te town. Our girls will erijoy the performance on Saturday Dec. 2 which la the. special anniversaryof the Ice Capades. W. anticipate a wonderfully entertaininfg evening. Saudy, Nov. 25 was the echool's semi-fora.I a rn success. Ail went well, and eveiyone had a terrific time. It was a chance for the girls te get a little dressed up, and b. elegant for the evening. ' "Hello Dolly! Dolly la her. and tryoeits began on TIursday, Nov. 30. This ia our annual school musical, which Wil also coïncide with a play we will b. performing at the drama festival we will b. hosting agamn this year. AUl members of the. caste frm the il echools participating Will attend professionally guided workshops, and will perform in the. concert hall for this select audience during the three days of thie event in April. Next week ia the. time te polish up those basketball ailla! There will b. houa. games everydaY te catch up aler the. bard work and long houre of houa. play practices. Don't forget now, one more week befor. thoee ... EXAMS! Anderson C.V.I. Mary Waterman On Nov. 23, 24 and 25, the students 0f Anderson put on the, musical production 'Anne of (Green Gables.' Four years ago in Charlottetown, P.E.I., I saw the production by professional actors and actresses. I enjoyed it then very much but not as much as wiien I saw this great musical put on by my fellow students. To start off, the. propa and scenery were juat incredible. A two-story houa. frame was built onte our stage, an actual carniage was brought in, as well as a white picket fence. I have neyer seen our stage transformi inte such a perfect s.tting in al 0f my high school histery. To add te this great scene, tiie pit band, made up of talented Andersonians, nover missed a cue. Andrea Thorndyke, w ho played tii. p iano throughout th. play, should receive an award 0f excellence for her flawless performance. I don't think anyone else could have don. a better job. As for tii. actera and actresses, Kathlyn Kelly played tiie part of Anne and suited the. part te a tee. Matthew Cuthbert was portrayed by Gordon Lieitch who did an excellent job in playing hie roIe. Marilla Cuthbert, who was played by Karen McGale, was a definite hit, as Karen's performance was incredible. Scott Currie played Gilbert Blyth. When Scott sang, it was devestating, he aounded like -a professional singer. Tuie part 0f Diana Barry was played by Robyn Grant. RobynIs singing throughout the play wa spectacular and iier performance as Diana was better than that done by the actreas who portrayed tiie part in Charlottetewn. Andrea Swain was Mes Stacy tiie echool teacher. When Andrea was performing se put hier heart and soul into tiie part which made Miss Stacy a splendid teacher. Mrs. Lynde was portrayed by Beth-Aime Aselstyne. Beth's acting was imply amazing, no one else could have portrayed this character as well as she did. At tii. lest performance were the Campb.lls, wiio wrote tiie lyrice and music ta thie version of tiie play. They were asked te corne up ou stage ta say a few words about tii. production. They said tii. performance was the. beat ane they iiad seen in 25 y.ars. Anderson's performance of 'Anne of Green Gabled gets two thumba up. On Nov. 28, after echool, tiie studenta 0f ACvi were jumping up and down for a good cause as the annual Jump Rope For Heart was on. Students of Andereon were jumping rope for two hours ta raise money for tiie H.art and Stroke Founidation. Anderson la in the middle 0f tiie great milk drive and te encourage thie; event, on Nov. 29 the student council executive held a mi&l day. There was a rnilk drinking conteat, bobbing for Oreo cookies in rnilk, and a mooing contest. Fre. dance tickets, t-shirts and cowa were awarded te the winners. F mdraising at sehool for new gym Trafalgar Castie Sohool has embarke-d on a fundraising drive for $500,000 to build a new gymnýasium. tlii oped ta build the, gym la 1990, says school principal %aig Kamcke. "W. consider ourselves an im- portant part of Whitby," says Kamcke, adding that an organiz- ing comnmitte, hopes to receive financial support froin the com- munity ln the. endeavor., Gym improvements are needed to enable TrafàIgar ta b. com- petitive with other achools, and ta attract new students ta Trafal- gar, in competition with other schools that have modemn gym facilities. The gym will b. buiît north- east of the existing gym and will be connected ta it. rie original gyrm, built in 19 11, ie too sinail. Tii. fundraising drive, for what will be Trafalgr's seventh addition, began with a festival held by the. students in May of tuis year. Tii. girls' school has approxi- mately 200 students, aI? "very excited?»" says Kamcke about the. fundraisin g drive. Tii. fundraising drive will in- volve businesses and members of the. community, former students and parents. Recently students organized a acllon witii 160 people attend- ing Teyeening of dinner and dning raised $6,000. A'POP' at Pringle sehool PZingle Creek Public Sehool le rdy for the. '90e with the. launciiing Of ita own environinental campagn. POP (Protect Our Plne) ea schol-wld, proraninvalving staff, students and tiCe community. To mark Recycing Weed and the official launching of POP, classes participated in a variety 0f special activities which included visite te the recydling centre, re-using garbage in "garbage art," writing and performing sangs and doing ,commnercials" over the PA system. Grade 8 students worked with grade 1 buddies and did activities on the steiy '¶Bagaee," and tiie firat POP newsltter featured tips on environipental luncii-bag practices. Students made posters encouraging the use of the "Three R's;" (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) and entered their artwork for an official POP logo conteet. Tu. whinin entry was froin David Svoien Grade 8. Pringle Creek will keep the, locus on the envlronment with regular newslettere home and continuing activities. Outdoor projecta will. b. planned aver the wmnter te involve studenta in compostmng, tre. planting, gardening and making and observing bird feeders for the. springtime. Heather Johnste, a grade 41 student, auras it up in thes. words: "POP le short for Protect Our Planet. Tue reason we say that la because aur planet -is ini danger. Our animals are becoming extinct and tropical forests are b.ing cut down. Tue pollution stinka. Our lakea are pathetically polluted. t "Join i and keep aur planet1 dleanl"1 Hienry Street H.S. Kelly O'Hare Hello, hello! How ie everyone SUW =the weather and the neyer ending pressures that ail high school students have at this time of the year? Someone teld me last week (wiiile I was complaining about it all) tiat December is the worst tim, of the year for highschool etudents. It makes sense te me. l4ot only do w. have te worry about the essay overload and "homework happi" teaches,% but we also have te worry about the fast approeching &=rstas Day. Its tough when youve got a limiît.d cash flow and you have te buy for four people you knwTo add te the pressure you also have te worry about, what te get that special someone, since he/she didn't 1k. the. phone you bougit hirnher last year and youWr left with the, decfison 0f buying something original again, or the. mme old flannel shirt. 1 really don't believe mn people are awar. of how iiardlit la te b. a high achool student tes days. (Ah, young love!) Not te worry, though, because wel b. university or college etudents before w. are -able te say "Wiiat? Another test w, just finished mid-terms yesterday!" Actually, te b. exact the in-school deadline for university applications is this Friday, Dec., 8. ThÎ. final word on United Apel Week is that w. collected approximately $1,000. Way te ,Hemy&t. Fundraising will continue trough tii.end of this week with our Elf uction. The. auction ie being held te gain some funds for our grad committe. Tii actual auction will b. on Thursday, at lunch, in the cafeteria- Friday will b. EIf Day. The. committe. la hoping te have saime great participation. This a the. chance for anyone te humiiate those people who deserve it, or te have that gorgeous somebody te b. at your beck and call a day. Whio knows whatwifl happen, almoot anythlng could. Father Leo J. Austin Kris Davis Ware stilI. trying te, bounce back froin our mid-termn reporta, so aur c oncentration iias been an academica thie week. The. junior girls' volleyball, teain has etarted te practise, and ail reports indicate that they ar, a strong group of playere. And speakting of strang, tii. midget and junior baye played Eastdale in aur firat gaine of the. season. W. gave them quite a struggle and proved that we are a teara te b. contended witii. We joined together for a service of recancilliation and peace on -Nov. 30. W. were led by Fatiier OYBrien of Holy Famlly Churcii. The. religion classes who, planned thie penitential service helped te set the ton. for the b.ginning of Advent. Advent is tii. time bofore Christmnas when Catholica are exiiorted te "stay awake" and "stand ready," te prepare aur hearta ta celebrate the, birtii of Christ. In aur office tii, Advent wreatii stands, eacii candle on it a symbol 0f one of the four weeks before Christmas. In each classroom, students are pr.paring baskets of non-perishable food te b. delivered te tii. needy of aur cammunity. "As tii. days shorten and tii. darkness descends and the earth cools, we tend te hubernate. But Advent joîts us awake." Denis 'Connor H.S. Tanya Trinkaus To start off, Iwould like teupdate you on the grade12 dramatic arts clasa production of "Don't Adjust Your Set - This la Only a Test.' Tue originally scheduled date of today iias been changed te temorrow night. It is a one-night-only performance and from what l'y, heard should b. a terric show. Under tii. direction'0f their teaciier, Mr. Gallagiier, tiie studenta have prepared an evening fuill0f excitement. In sports, the LOSSA championship for wreatlig was held on Thursda:y, Nov. 30. Three silver medl and one sixtii place.finish were achieved by aur four wrestlera. That saine day, aur hockey team. participat.d i a hockey teurnainent at the Pickering recreation centre. Tuey won -their fret gaeb cr f43agis .-.Ptrfo Toronto and also won tiieir two gaines after that one. Tii.DOUC community ia very proud 0f their succeases. Congratulations are in order for DOVC' senior boys' basketball teain. Tii. Ciargers defeated General Vanier by a score of 75-38. Tue fret meeting of DenisO'Connores French club was held last Tuursday. Ibis club was establisii.d te provide any studenta wiio wish to Speak French outside 0f the classroom or experience French culture an excellent opportunity te, do so. A soeilab.ing planned for tiie future that will give students a ciiancè toeerience a typical French dinner. For anyone who la înterested lainrench, tIns group would dçfinitely b. a way te enricii that intereat

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