WIMY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6e,1989, PAGE 3 Panel 'shocked' at j ail- conditions That a bylaw be brought forward assuming Whitby Ash Dr., Sugar Maple Ores., Honey Tree Ct., Palmêrston Ave., Red Maple Ct., Red Oak St., Walton Ct., lronwood Ct., Littieleaf Ct., Linden Ct., and Knotwood Ct., be shown on Plan 40M-1 ' 148 as public highways; that the developers be released f rom the obligations of the subdivision agreement; and that the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario be informed 0f the assumption 0f the streets as D ublic hig hways. eicommended to council That a bylaw be brought forward assuming Nijinsky Ct. as a public highway; that the developers be released f rom obligations 0f the subdivision agreement; and that the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario be lnformed of-the assumption of the street as a public hghway. t oni Planning and Development Committee That council adopt a bylaw lifting the 0.3 metre reserve across Forest Heights St. in he Graywood subdivision in Nhitby. Recommended to council That counicil approve a condominium application for the condominium proposed for the north-side of Mary St. E., between Ash and Hickory streets, in Whitby; that the municipal solicitor be lnstructed to prepare a condominium agreement upon receipt 0f draft approval from the Region 0f Durham; and that the Region of Durham be advised of the condominium approval. Recommen&dto council Items from Whitby Counci agenida(s) De.4.189 Operations Committee That a bylaw be brought forward to authorize temporary borrowing of an amount up to $2-million for the calendar year 1990 (the Town annually authorizes tempo rary borrowing, from the Town's reserve f und, to meet spending requirements until the first tax instaîlment is received. Reconunended to council That a bylaw be forwarded to appoint Bill Stewart, animal control and pound attendant, as a municipal law enforce- ment officer for the purpose of enforcing the animal control bylaws. Recommended to counci] That the parks and recreation departmentreport regarding Prince 0f Wales Park be received as information; and that the redevelopment of Prince of Wales Park be considered through future capital budgets. Recommended to council j' il HEA11NG à AIR CONDMTONING '14 ~.WINTER 6CLEAROUT SALE Buy now- before the 1990 price increase' li z CA Ofi tzel*i1-0 aà le L 1 1/2 and 2 ton units SAVE $250. 2 1/2 and 3 ton units SAVE $300. Inctudes Air Cont rois 5 year warranty HUMIDIFIERS Reg. $169. NOW $149. instaied ALLERGENIC AIR CLEANERS Reg. $299. NOW $249a installed AIR CONTROL HOME COMFORT SPECIALIST CaIl us for any of your heating, air conditioning and heat pump needs. W e sric*llm e ndmdes Pleae Rcyce this News WIN Please join us for our annual Christmas Open House and enjoy hot cider and goodies. Don't forget to participate in our FREE DRAW and be eligible to WIN a beautiful gleaming Harden Brass and Glass 20% Fabrics from glove soft leather to 51 brass and glass. Accessories in ai 50% shapes and sizes.. Immedïate Delivery on I-stock Items TTfll.T~ATT 216 fiL II 1i,~~ifliiMary Street, N&YUCJUI4LVUEast, Whitby ~VE ~ HERFIAGE HOUSE Iimited Tor. 686-0061 str Hours:.Mon. to Wed. -10-6, Thurs. -& Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-5, By Trudie Zavadovics On a recent tour of the Whitby Jail, members of a public institu- tions inspection panel were "shocked and appalled a t the overcrowding, lack of ventilation, deteriorating sanitary conditions working conditions and crampeci medical facilities in the local correctional institution. In a report to the Ministry of the Attorney General, the panel outlined conditions and made recommendations for improve- Iments to the Whitby Jail. T he report states that the jail now holds 162 inmates and was only nieant to accominodate 118. The overcrowding, the panel found, bas led to unsanitary con- ditions' such as peeling paint, lack of showers and fungus growth in urinais. The report called the working conditions inferior and inade- q uate and called the medical facilities cramped and ill-equip- ped to handle t he inmate popula- tion. The panel recommended that a comprehensive study be carried out with respect to the over- crowding and resulting problems; bhat a feasibility study De carried ut to assess the property value :)f the current site with the in- ent to demolish the current structure and apply those funds towards the building of a new facility; that serious conside- ration be given to the 23-acre Rotherglen facility. 7:e panel report closed by saying that "If t he Whitby Jail was a structure in the private sector, it would most certainly be condemned." Thousands of Canadians are waiting for the git of a liIe-saving transplant. The Kidney Foundation of Canada urges you to sign an organ donor card. me rry téyou Great gift iledea.j Ir ;,mted tln~e off er I Seasons Greeti'ngs from AIR CONTROL C21M717 0j* 1