(~ fi ¾T~/~I~VJ(i !I/(I...Of~(Ti¾I( 4 ~ 'j¶r'.I r;rj i r ~ r r WHflBY FRE RSS, WEDNESDA DEEY I M Rk20,1989, PAGE.7- PAGE SEVEN For the first timne in decades, peace has broken out al over the world, not just at Chistmas time but throughout the world. Long may it last. Need I- say more? Meu Chrîstmas and ma y the Peace and Joy of the Season f continue throughout the Year Il CHRTSTMAS PAGEANT AT ST'. JOIHN'S ANGL4ICAN CIIURCH, C. 1950 The Junior Auxiliary of St. John's presented this pageant in the church, with the children taking the parts of Mary, Joseph, the wise men and the shepherds. This picture. was taken by Marjorie G. Ruddy, a local photographer from 1930 to 1960. Whitby ArchiveS photo 10 YEARS AGO from the Wednesday, December 19, 1979 edition of the WHITBY FREE PRESS " The NHL Oldtimers defeated the Whitby service clubs by 20 to 12 at Iroquois Park Arena. " Thirty per cent of housing starts in Durham Region in 1979 were in Whià tby. " Candidates are preparing for an unwanted federal election on Feb. 18, 1980, following defeat of the Conservatives'budget. " Two Brooklin residents have expressed their concern that drainage from septic tanks is causing health problems. 25 YEARS AGO from the Thursday, December 17, 1964 edition of the WHITBY WEEIKLY NEWS " Rev. David Marshall, 74, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church died on Dec. 14. *A flash fire destroyed Whitby Boat Works for the second time this year. *A and P Food Store is selling steaks at 77 and 87 cents a pound. 75 YEARS AGO from the Thursday, December 17, 1914 edition of the WHTY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE " At 12:37 a.m. on Dec. 11, night telegraph operator at the Whitby Junction station William Stone was shot and killed by an unknown assailant. " Disney Brothers, of Brooklin, are selling easy chairs and rockers fromn $2 te $15, desks from $6 and mahogany parlor tables for $3.50) te $10.