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Whitby Free Press, 20 Dec 1989, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DEOEMBER 20, 1989 Craig:96. Downtown's fuit potenti al yet to be re alized By KIm Hawley-smith A good relationship han develo- peàbtween downtown WiVtby merch*nts and the Business Em- & rveent, Area (BIA), says tatCraig, soon to depart as BIA m#nager. And if that relationship con- tinues5 Craîgr believes the down- town cr wiIl eventually become thée atfýractive, popular location that r any people have envi- sioned. Oncé'the downtown Christmas festval is over, Craig will leave the position he has held for two mmar (he succeeded Georgfina Phillps). But he will takes with him the personal satisifaction that he has helped in the im- provement of the downtown busi- ness area. He also predicts big- ger and better thiffgs are in store for the downtown. The *priay objective of the BIA is to bring -as much atten- tion te the dowvntown area, and te keep downtownri Whiy k the public.eye, through promotional campaigns and advertisements. Amnong the phyýsical imnprove- ments phe has seen, he feels the Pearson Làanes development is the most notable. 'II think it's the biggest single improvement te the downtewn since rve been here,» says Craig. Several other projects that have improved the esthetic view of the downtown community, he says, include the renovations te the Old Whitby Chronicle build- ing (Cedricks) on Brock St. N., th e Russel Travel building on Brock St., S., and the building t the corner of Brock and Eil:n streets, now home te the Trading Post. They are projects in whg Craig was personally invoived and in which he takes "actual pride.» Craig fsays there has been the increased communication bet- ween the BIA office and the downtewn merchants. "I think a lot more of the merchants are more actively in- volved in BLA activities, and believe in what the BLA is trying te do,» saysCraig.. Anïd whie a lot of the BIA's* goals have been realized in recent years, Oral g says there are stili ome prablems te fron out in an effort te promoté the downtewn. One problem that bas arisen involves merchant involvement' in promotional campaigns such as sidewalk sales. Craig esti- mates that only baif of the mer- chants take part in sidewalk sales. Varying hours of operation amongq stores continue te hinder time frames for downtewn sbop- pers, he adds. «Uniform bours: it drives me nuts, sud it's driven me nuts for two years,» says Craig, indicat- mngtbe BIA's efforts te co- ordinate ail of the stores te offer the saine bours of business, and attempts te have each store stay ope laeron Friday sud/or "ThereWs still a sense of indivi- duslity (among the stores),» says Crchat these people have te realize is that they need te stay open later, if they're going te compote wit the big mails tjiat are open until 9:30 (p.m.)..' Orsig says more consensus smong store owuers about hours is just one example of how the owners can work together to attrsct more people downmtewn. «Isedof orneigh- bar as an enemy7, uhayo them do, they have to work together te benefit escb other.7 And he feels, msny merchants are tocqu*ck te -riticize the BIA. "But Se' won'gt come forwsrd. te make botter s ons, or gtinvolved in the BA says "I -ont mind criticisin, if they have a better idea.» Craqgsays3 the emaller pro- blems facinthe BIA are caused by y a few of the merchauts. For the moot part, he says, store owners are realizing the poten- tial for suoeess through tean-, work. He notes the BIA han a good rapport with Town of Whiitby staff, the Chamber of Commerce sud the mauy local service clubsâ a relationship that has 1e "pretty much te an open door policy.» He adds that "We can get them involved in just about a!nything.» Craig leaîves bis job as &I manager te take on the position of business developinent techni- cian with the busmness develop- ment departmnent of the Town of Ajax planning department. The position deals specically with commercial sud imdustrial deve- la pment. Reoently married, Craig, a university graduate in urban planning, resides in Ajax. However, he promises te be back te visit Wbhitby. "I feel downtowu is on the ver&eý of being what everyone envisioned it te be, which is a very commercial succss, offering a variety of unique stores and su attractive shopping' environ- ment." Msuy stores,'he says, enjoy good business, while others are well on their way. qI don't know if rve had a direct effect on that, but I like te, think. rve contributed te the upsjwing the downtewn han taken,» says Craig. . He says "bigger sud btter' improvements will be evident over the next two years. "I think the BIAis ging te have a much higher protile, and tasoing te lead te a hi be proffile for downtown, which is the focus of the community.» In the second haif of the twen- tietb century, it's impossible te, set up a business without havi te deal with goveniment. Làots of goverament. Wihile deliberate harassinent is very rare, the sheer volume of rules sud regulations at the municipal, provincial sud federal .More promotions are upcom- mng, according te, Craig, who bluita at corporate sponsorships sud celebrity appoarsuces te aid the BWB éefot. He predicts more development like Pearson Lines, sud a better relationship. among downtewn merchants. 'TnpredictingK the merchants will come tegether more, sud that the downîtown will become unified. "I have tremendous respet for anyone who opens a smaU busi- ness. Its not hard te apen a business, but it is difficéult te. make it work sud make it work successfully.n 1 level is immense sud can often appoar porplexing sud intimidat- ing. Even the most meticulous sud conscientiaus sma business owners are likely te run *afoul of some regulations eventually. And then they get te meet the accom- SEE PAGE 19 FUL SRIE EY j~ __3-30 Interiors Unique(y 9'ours Jp to 40% Off Mini Trisha Romance pdnts ... $40- Gift Baskets - Scatter Rugs Placemats &Napkins Victornan Clocks &Wall Plaques 111 Brock St. N. 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