PAGE 14, WHTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESIaAY, JANUARY 11t, 1990 Chairman's- actions inappr opiate,. says truste BA'y Trudie Zavadovici Separate school board trustee Fred Jones of Oshawa made aile- gations at Monday night's board meeting that chairman Cath- erine Tunneyhas talcen inappro- priate actions that are repugnant and inexcusable. His notice of' motion presented at the meeting requests that the Board ol'Trustees remind the Chairman of the need to conduct Board meetings ini a proper, f'air, and legal manner consistent with the requirements ol' the Educa- tion Mc, universaiiy recognized democratic principals, Robert's Rules of Order and the Board's constitution and bylaws.» Jones charges that Tunney ini- appropriately passed a motion to defray the cost of a retirement dinner and that the board pay $1,500 toward the dinner. He said that she did not allow the recording secretary, the pub- lic or the press to be present at the time t&hè motion was passed and allowed no discussion on the motion. He charges that when chaI- lenged on this point, she became «visibiy agità ited and extremely argumentative and inoisted that the matter pioced in camera. "I :wrote el4s. Tunney stating my intent (lýO present notice of' motion) andj asked o meet with her. She chooe flot to pet in touch with me. I had no choîce.» Tunney says Jones' ailegations are inacurate, and that s-he in- tends te consuit a Iawyer tomor- row (Tuesday). She says the press, p ublic and recording secretary we fot pre- sent because it was late in'the evening, after the press, public and recording secretary had gne home. "They were flot in the building.» Tunney said that after reading Jones' memo she feit he was using it (the situation) as leverage te get on a certain committee. 'I don't play those games,» said Tunney. According te Tunney, Jones' memo read, "Currently my inten- tion is te introduce attachînent number one as a notice of motion, at the next board meeting (public portion). However, before ýro- ceeding, I would like te ee with you te, discuss the matter. There's lenty of room for maOnoeuv11rîngonth matter, let's fet tegether and talk about it. ['.8. eCau lme so we can set up a mutually agreeable time.» "I ama annoyed that this would come at such a crucial time,» said Tunney. "Mr. Jones is taking up valuable time with nonsense such as this.» Tunney. says that Jones has also sent a letter te the Minister of Education aaking for an, inves- tigation and a pub lic and judiciai inquiîfy. Absence not. tolerated By Scott Laurie Trustees of the Durhamn Board of' Education are now te be heid personally accountable for any absences from meetings. Beginning immediateiy, atten- dance will be taken at ail board meetings and those trustees who are not present will have a cer- tain sum deducted from their honorarium. According te Patty Bowman one of' the trustees who initiatecl the move, it is a fair and, reason- abie proposaI. She says that the probiem eists with 'oniy two or three trustees. but, their absence is unfair te those trustees who work hard and attend the meet- ings reguiarly. She also states that there wl be some level of grace il' missinil ameeting fis completely unavOidl. abie. But, she adds, "We willno toierate members who miesto many meetings.» Woandes -in accident An Ashburn woman was killed and a mai from Oshawa was injured in a collision on Monday morning 1"t week at the inter- section ol' Taunton Rd. and Aud- Blake honored for design Peter Blake of Brooklin was one of fi'r Conestoga Coll e students h nored by the Ontaio Provincial foice l'or work on an OPP informnation dispiay that discourageý alcohol use among drivers an4l boaters. Blake, a graduate of Anderson CVI, is a second-year student in the colleges graphic design and advertisingprogram. Blake, John Bouctsis, Bian Ennett and Dan Ortlieb received a $200 prize donated 4y the Economical Ãlutual Life In- surance Co. of'Waterloo. The displaLy has been used at maIls and other community sites within OPP district 6 which i- cludes Waterloo Region and the counties ol' Grey, Bruce and Wel- .iington. 112C ley Rd. ini Ajax. Sharon, Woodbine, 32, of' Ri1 Ashburn,* was killed when her 1986 Sunbird collided with the 1988 Ford van driven by James Leather4l1e, 72,(if'Oshawa. She wa outbond on Audlêy Rd. and: Leatherdale was west- bound oni Taunten Rd. when the 8:30 a.m. collision occurred.' She was pronounced dead on arrivai à the Ajax-Pickering General Iospitai (APGH) ang Leatherdèle was treated for un- YW CA po The Oshawa, YWCA is again offering jýrograms in. Brooklin at St. Thomas Anglican Church. For childred aged 3 to 5, Brooklin Play Prograra encourages socialization. as wel as fun. Participants will play games, enjoy story-telling. and work on crafts. This program, began Jan. 16, heid from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m., and will continue l'or eight weeks. A new Brooklin morning fitness program l'or aduits 'began Jan. 16, 9:30 - 10: 30 a.m. Fee is $30 (less $5 l'or YWCA members). determined injuries at the APGH and then transl'erred te Toronto Western Hospital. He is, cur- rently listed in good condition. Both drivers were alone in their vehicles, which weredsci bed as write-offs. Police are appeaiing te, the publicel'or witnesses and anyone with "information pertaining te the accident is urged tecçal 683-9100 and askl'or Conat. Bob, Annan or speak te the sergeant ini charge. ramsoffed While ti child erijoys, the play prog:rani, mom, can "do her own thing" in fitness. The evening general workout, 7:.30 - 8:30> p.i., begins Jan. 18 for 12 weeks and the l'ee is $42. There- are some vacancies in ail the progranis listed. Fees may be prorated l'or classeà s misssed and interested parents inay register at classes at St. Thomas Anmglican Church'on Thuray, Jan. -18 or Tuesday, Jan. 23. Call the Oshawa YWCA at 576-8880 l'or l'urther details. SALE.. 'ON ALL WINTER MERCHAN DISE Excellent selection of blouses & sweaterE SHOP EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTIONI We must make room for Our Spring merchandise! Excluding Nancy Thomas Hand-knit Originels. r 'E Br oklinProfl Phone.668-6111l