PAGE 32, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARy 31, 1990 BEST BUILDING BUYS. Save thousands. WINTER-. WORKS SPECIAL.Help keep factaory busy during winter mantha. Avoid upcoming price increase. Limited steel.. Paragon, 24 hours. 1-800-263-8499.B BUILDINGS - Factovy Winter Dis- counts - Quonset 25x30 $2,999; 35x40 $4,569 with sliding doars. Straightwall 24x20 $3,599; 40x60 $9,359 with endwails. Many sFes available ad similar savings. Pnces gaod for delivery before March 3V90. PIONEEf: ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). B BUILDING SPECIAL Clearance, 20x2O0 ft, $2,900; 24x24 ft., $3, 100; 28x36 ft $4,500; 32x36 ft., $4,900; 36x48 ft., $6,900; 40x60 ft., $8,800. Caîl 985-7930. STEEL, BUILDINGS. Immediate Savings. 20'x30' $2,593. 30'x30' $3,043. 40'x40' $3,774. 40'x42' $4,575. Sizes available ta- 100' wide. Positive savings. Caîl naw 1-800-668-4338. We pay for the caîl. B STEEL BUILDINGS. 1990 Farm -Equipment -Show. Special on al models and sizes from 20' ta 100' wide, large select ion. Caîl Future 1-80Q-668-8653. B TOO MANY KITTENS? Want a puppy? Check the cîassifieds for that special pet, or cail 668-6111 ta, place your pets in aur paper. CANAL CRUSIES on scenic Trent-Severn Waterway and Rideau Canal aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR; private staterooms; aIl meals; free brochure from Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. B "THIS SUMMER IN LINDSAY", Rivermill .Vllage. Adult iffestyle condominiums on the banks of the Trent-Severn Waterway. Magnif- icent recreation centre in the restared Carew Mill. One and two r bedraom suites priced in, the $180,s. May/June occupancy. Cal Ray Vint at 1-800-461-6521. Upper Canada Lakes Inc., B r- THANK YOU ta St. Jude for a favor g iven. M.M. ADOPTION. Our dream is ta have a family. We -are a warm, caring, sensitive couple who love chiîdren and have been trying ta have aur own *for 3 years. We would be thrilled ta LEGALLYadopt your baby. CONFIDIENTIAL, Caîl Vicky, coîlect, (416) 462-0167. B1 HOME MOVIES transferred to vldso tape. Eurapean video tapes conve&ted. Low, lov prime. 728-9565. BURTH CONTROL and farnily planning caunseîîing. Free and confidential, available Monday ta Friday, 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. Clinlo every Thursday 3:00 p.m. to 6:00. p.m. For f urther information,. cail 420-8781 or 433-8901. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. For help cali the Denise House for womenand children. Toil f ree 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Canfidentially assured. (Formerly Auberge.) BAHA'IS. BELIEVE; He that riseth- ta serve My cause should manif est My wisdom, and bend every effort ta banish ingorance from the earth. 668-8665. REYNOLDS- Gary and Cathy (nee Wilson) of Simcoe, Ont. with boy and thankful welcome Imrie rianne, a sister for Jalynne and Alanna, on Jan. 4, 1990, 7 Ibs. 7 oz. Fifth grandchild for Vernon and Margaret Wilson and Albert Reynolds of Brooklin, Ont. WHITFIELD, GRACE M. at the Penetang General Hospital on Friday, J anuary 26, 1990. Grace M. Linton of Elmvile (formerîy of Whitby and Gravenhurst) in her 93rd year. Beloved wife of the lae Gardon Bennett Whitfield, dear mother of John and his wife Mary of Eîmvile, Mamaon and her..husband Dan Arizona and Robeit of Wilowdale. Lovingly remembered by 4 9randchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Sister of the late. Grant Linton. A memorial service was held at St. John's United Church, Elmviîe, on Sunday, January 28 ad 2:30 p.m. Intemment Oshawa Union Cemetary ini Memnoriam. Donations ta the- Penetang General Hospital or the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated,* wiîi be received by the Lynn-Stone Funeral Homre. Box 239, Elmvile, Ont. LOL iPO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS- AND OTHERS AIl dlaims against the estate of MARGARET HEPBURN HART, late of tbe -Tawn of Whitby, in the Regianal Municipality of Durham,. who died on or about the Bth day of, September, 1989, mnust be filed wth the undersigned on or before the. 2nd day of March, 1990, thereatter the undersigned will distribute the assets 6f the estate having regard only ta the dlaims f iled. Dated at Whitby,- this 23rd day of January, 1990. HUGH T. NICHOL, Q.C. Barrister & Solicitor, 101 Dundas Street West, Suite 206, Whitby, Ontario, LUN 2M2. Solicitor for the Executors, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Al daims against the estate of FRANK< FOSTER DOWSON, lateoaf the. Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 22nd day of December, 1989, must be filed with the uridersigned on or before the l4th day of February, 1990, thereafter the undersigned wilI distribute the assets *of the estate having regard anly to, the dlaims filedi. Dated at Whitby, this l2th !day of January, 1990. HUGH T. NICHOL, Q.C., Barrister & Solicitar, 101 Dundas Street West, Suite 206, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 2M2, Solicitor for the Executrix. THE FAMILY 0F RUSSEL TROUSDALE would *like ta ex tend an invitation ta an open house for his 9Oth birthday. Sat. Feb. lOth at Faith Baptist- Church Taunton Road and highway #12 2:OOp.m. -6&OOp.m. Bée wishes onîy. LAKEFIELD, ART' FESTIVAL is now acicepting applications from artists for the 1990 Festival. For further information please cont'act Doug James (705) 652-8104. B COOPED UP 'WITH "Cabin Fever«? Kingston Winter Antique Show, Olympic Harbour, Kingston, Ont. February 3rd and 4th, 1990. 10 a.m. ta 5 p.m. each day. B ARTS, CRAFTS AND Country Cailectibles Show, showcasing quality artisans from Ontario and Quebec, March 8-10, Metra East Trade Centre, Pickering. Free. Ontario brochure and listings. Contact CraftworîdlCryderman Productions lnc. (519) 351-8344. B FEBURARY 3rd 1990 SATURDAYS AUCTUON ACTION P ETHICKS AUCTION BA RN Haydon.: 10 miles no 'rth east lof Oshawa. Every Saturday nlght at 6:30p.m._This week we have ta.. offer contents from 2 hmsin Bowmanville, ta include :Mtching frildge and stove, appliances, bedroom suites, oakdisplay case, pinball machine, lots of' primitive pieces, colour consul T.V. Plus lot 's. of glass, and collectables, Corne early, large. sale, Terms cash, VISA, or'Cheque with l;D.. To'ist your farm estste or consignments please caîlGarry ' ta discuss your preference, for your place or ours, Caîl 263-4252 or 985-0749. GARRY.K. POWELL AUCTIONEER AUCTION.SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" - every Wednesday at '6:30 p.mý. located on Brock Rd. Pickering, 3 miles n orth of Hwy. 401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiquès, fine furniture, glass, china, cole9ctibles;, primi- tives, and the unusuals. Sa join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "True" Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Con- signment & estate selling aur specialty". Cail us today. Previews (rom 1:00 p.m. «KAHN AUCTION SERVICES -'. (416) 683-0041 You've thought about it and thought about it. Now do iti Become a BIG BROTHER taday. Phone 579-2551. CORNEILS* AUCýTION BARN Frlday, Febùrary 2nd uà t Contents.0f localhome : 9 Place walnut.dinlng-raornsuite, 2 antique wardrobes, .oak 'buffet china cabinet combination, oak Iibrary table, VICTROIA,. and qualtityof 78 records, Kenmore' two door ref rig erator. and matching 30" stove, wash stands,. 2 barbers chairs, a DC 3,airplane lamp, 4 piece antique'parlor'suite, pressed back' chairs, waînut dresser, walnut end tables, oak pedestal plant stands, antique floor and table model radios, quantity -of china, glass, picture framnes, etc. DON AND GREG CORIEIL, Auctionbesi »RR#1 Little Britaîn. 705 786-2183' FRIDAY, FEBURARY 2ND' 7Î00 p.m. NEW FU RNITURE, AUCTION at ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER LINDSAY. Beautiful aak 9 pc. dining suite, bedroom suites, -round oak, dining tables and chairs. 'approx".1,o new chesterfield sutes, 3 pc. wall'1 units, wntertainment centers, -new mattresses and box sprengs,' headboards, partial ist. Don't miss this sale -of excellent -nane. brand- merchandise. 'ORVAL McLEAN_ AUCTlONS 1 , 70,5-.324-2 783. Lindsay. Orval and Barry McLean, auctioneers. LOOKING FOR A 'JOB? Check the classifieds f irst. We can helpl RAT ES aecheck your advertisement for errors on the f irst, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be hiable for failure ta publish an ad', or for typagraph.ic errors in pulicatio*n ibeyond the cost of the space occûpied by the error up to a maximum cQst of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta ciassify or reject ail advertisements.. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received bef are deadline> $5 for 20 words; i12e each addi-tional word Blanket Ads - ta bianket a wider market (sée separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $7,50 for 20 words; 1 50 each additionai word AUCTIONSIAN NOUNSCIEM ENTS 77e per agate Uîne (14 agate lines per inch) minimum c.harge: $5 prepaid, $7.50 biIled DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures, or graphics) Regular display rates apply - 82#« per agate Ii1nê, minimum size 1 column inch $11.48 (14 agate lines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior ta Wednesday publication. 668-611 i ACREAGE FOR RENT. 190 acres between Oshawa and Port Perry. SandyPeroam, gaod drainage, Remember those you. eiy plantlng. Also 60 workable love an ace mer Ashburn. $22 per acre. Valent ine's Day. 921-4776 (Toronto). This heart-shaped ad, C?*7 ;pC.. pro-Palu. Cali thé Whltby Fr.. Proe L. 668-0594 A