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Whitby Free Press, 14 Feb 1990, p. 22

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English on iy "wrong says Furlon Ontario municipalities -which declare themselves Enjilish- speaking for «fiscal reasons' are ivxng tihe wrong mrsion to the rest of Can a, warns P Ailan Furlong. "I don't accep their arguLments at ail,8 says PFurlong. "I think they're sending out the wrong message to thir, fellow Cana- dians. It's not worth the stand they're taking.» In- the past few montha, 40 Ontario municipalities have declared English to be their only officiai language. Initial , only smajl, rural muncialties; were aiqts step. fut*recentiy the cities of Sault'Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay and Niaara. Falls have joined Blamming the Ontario govern- ment's French Language Ser- vices Act <Bilt 8) fbr their actions, the 'unilingual»' munici- palities laim it is t he tirst step toward foroed bilinguaim at the local level and and an unwanted FuWrlong, emphatically rejected that scenarlo by pointing out PCB fire verdict FROM PAGE 3 of the first two dounts and $15,000 each on the other counts. Four other charges against Lasco were withdrawn at the Crown's request Lasco was charged under'the provincial Environmental Protec- tion Act following a fire at the company's Whitby factory on Oct. 30 1988. buring a three-day trial spread over three months lest fail, court was teld firefighters were called te battie ablz which erupted in a construction trailer. A subsequent investigation by environment minîstry officiaIs determined that oul contamina- ted with PCBs (polychlorinated bi-phenyls) had burned during the fire. The PCBs were beiieved te have leaked from one cf three unregistered storage tanks near the ste cf the blaze. Ironically, the unregistered tanks were located about 400 feet from where Lasco could legally store contaminated waste. Lasco had previousiy been granted a licence by the ministry which allowed it to store PCB's on its property. Following Mondays session Lasco counsel Patrck Duffy said the company's guilty pie as ac- knowledged that PC B waste was contained in the abandoned tanks. However, he noted that the Crown's decision te withdraw the other charges meant that Lasco did not wilfully try to conceal that fact, nor was the company aware of the leaking sterage tank. Two counts of failing te notify the miistry of the PCB wastes, and' one each of dischargrng smoke from PCB contaminated oil and for allowing ou te leaic, were withdrawn by the Crown. Ministry prosecutor Doug Chapman said the amount cf the fines underscored the serlous- ness oftýhe charges. "If yqu look at the fines in tetal, the penalty fits the circum- stances.4 Chapman said the fact that fireflighters were unknowingly exposed te PCBs, required a sub- stantial fine. He added that resuits cf medi- cal testing of the firefighters were negative. that'the act does not cover muni- cipalities. «You can use the argument about financiai costs and apply it te anything. I don't think that's the reai reason for it, I think it's a bigoted reaction.» Ieblamed right-wing.pressure oussch as the Alliance for %e 'eservation of English ini Canada for fomenting contro- versy by disterting te actuai contents of the bill. tYnder the'act, *hich became When contacted by, the Whitby la,~ last November>, the Province Free -Press,7 Roger- Brideau of pvides services i» both French- Whitby, Mrench langufge trustee anEnglish in areas designated on the Durham separate achool te have a significant francophone board, dedlined te comment on population. the issue. Furlong doesl not expect an Claire Ducharme, president of «English-only» movement ini Dur- the local chapter of the French ham Regfion, "at least, 1 hope Canadian Association of Ontario, flot.' But admitted that he is preferred flot to comment «at this concerned about a «snowballte! effect» spreading eisewhere. Bugelli favours shifts If Whitbycouncillor djou Bugeili has lis way ail Durham Region empioyees wili be work- inýshifts i the future. oncouncil Monday endorsed a motion from Bugeli which asks Durham Region council te investigate the feasibi- lity of having its employees work fleible houri and shifts. Bugeili teid council his motion was prompted by last week's announoement that two new regionai headquarters buildings i Whitby andc Oshawa wiII cost $52 million. «When I read that the region is iooking at additionai space and extra staff I feit the time had come te look at the costs of this Lasco dinpdelayed By Trudie Zavadovios Despite efforts to beat the dlock, LASCO Steel ha-'ate wait at least four weeks te allow for an offliciai plan amendment before they can use a temporary dump site for their car shredder waste. Regional council psed a motion that an officiai' plan amendment application be pro- cessed te determine whether the site cmi be used. The dump, iocated next te the berm site at the Wlhitby plant hes the capacity te store up te 125,000 tonnes of waste over the next 18 months. Whitby Mayor Bob Attersley told council that timning was cru- cial and that LàASCO is not only runninf out of room" te dump their waste but could aiso be facing'a possible layoff of 40-60 employees if the site is not approved soon. . on Deeth, the berm project manager siays that he doesn't see that as a problem just yet. «If it drags on te any length' of time~ we may mun inte thatpoi tion, says Deeth. But there's stiui rOM i the bermn. UWe're no't stumped yet,' says Deeth. "W<'ve just got te try te work it ouLI the best we cmi and expedite things the best way possible.' He says that everybody is making an effort te co-operate and that there are about 10 to 12 poducton days left before'they have te consider using the tem- porary dumpsite. move,» explained Bugelli. «We shouid ask the region te look at its costs and whether it shouid maximize these costs by having staff work flex hours.' Anew regional office in Osh- awa would cost $30.25 million and one i Whitby, $16.6 million. Furniture, movig costs and architecturai fees. wouid add te the final tally. Regional councillor Marcel Brunehle assured bis town coun- cil colleagues that he will not spotany proposai which !would put our taxpayers in a diflicuit position." *While Mayor Bob Attersley said the $52 million was only a consultant's forecast, "there's nothing definite yet.» Councillor Ros Batten suppor- ted Bugelli's motion, "but rmà not convinced that it wili save money. ,"If we have -more than one shift, it will mean more staff and more costs. Regional council voted lest yvear te owith two buildings for its new headquarters as a com- promise with Oshawa, which dlaims partial ownership of the existingheadquartrs. Town councxl's request will be forwarded te the region. Bro olinrofl Phone 668-6111 Spaghetti event for Heart Month Womeng' Institute Saturday, Feb. 17, marks the third annual Optimist Spaghetti Dinner, open te the community. This year the event will be held at the Brooklin Community Centre on Casseis Rd., from 4 ta, T Ëiets avaliable at the door, axe $6 l'or aduits and $3 for children under age 12. Since February is 'Heart Mnh'the Optimist Club wili doae$3 te the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario for each person served. Aiong with ali-you-can-eat spaghetti, there wili alsio be spe- cial homemade sauce, saiad, rails, dessert and beverages. Entertainment wiii be pro- vided for kids by a clown magi- cian. For more information, cali Bilan or Keith Wick 655-4434. 'ïinternationaV'meeting The "international" meeting cf the Brooklin women s Institute will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 1:30 p.m., at the Brooklin community centre. Aleta Campbell will gpve a report on the Associated Cuntr Women.cf the World. Motto wiii be "Let us not forget te be kind.' Roll cali viii be 'Payng pennies for friendship.' Hostesses wili be Bessie Cosway and Margaret Watson. The Ontario Women's Institute will hold a conference at Carle- ton University, Ottawa, June 1- 3. Theme wiil be «Women and their environment, an inter- national challenge." Registration before Feb. 26. The Whitby parka. and recreation department and the Brooklih Centennial Seniorsd Club will continue to, offer special leisure aflemnoons at the Brooklin community centre on Casseis Rd. E. Ail seniors in the Broolin area are weicome to, come out and participate. On Tuesday, Feb. 20 a specia] '"shuffleboard social" afternoonwiil be held with guest shuffleboard players from the Whitby Seniorsd Activity Centre. Bath events start at 2 p.m. and finish up at approximately 4 p. There is ne registiation fee for these activities. For details cail 668-1424. further Wheels to Meals A Wheels te Meais luncheon will be heid on Wednesday. Feb. 21, atnSt. Thomas Church, Ail senilors and shut-ins are invited. Anyone needing a ride can cail Jerry at 655-4284. Senieors to have a sluffleboard soci-al. MEADOWCREST BAPTIST CHURCH Vipond'Rd., Brooklin "CARS FOR KIDS"' A Sunday School- program with pick up at 1:3Oam.& home deliveiy at 12:l5pm. for children aged 5 -12 yrs. Cail 655-8767 before I 6pm. Satûrday PA u

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