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Whitby Free Press, 7 Mar 1990, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WIMTY FREE PIRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7.1990o New- bingo mes nee exlaiingUmtedCurh activities pl"aned By Mike Kowalsi The'Ontarlo government may be asked to develop more specific guidelines used by municipalities to determine a charity's eligibi- lity for a lottery licence. The Town's operations commit., tee recommended onday that council take this action ini light of recently proposed changes te rules governinq Ontario's chari- table gambling xndustry. The new .regulations, aimed primnarily at Ontario's multi-mil- lion-dollar bingo trade, will foroe owners of commercial bingo halls te open their books and ensure that money earmarked for charity does indeed get there. While the Province will assume full responsibility for regis tration and licencing of bingo halls, municipalities, howe- ver, must stili detrmine an organization's suitability for a iottery licence. It is this latter requirement that prom pted the committee's recommendation. In a report te, commaittee, Town cierk Don McKay said the overail changes are <"long overdue and Mill bring the charitable ganiing framework in lime with -teday's market- place.» However, McKay said the legisiation is stili unclear ini on. ares, leaving it up "te local offi- ciais te use ther own judçgment. "T'he one item'that gives the department more difficulty ..i the criteria used te, deterime an applicant's eligibility for a lottery licence and an organization's ehi- gibilitZ te receive iotteiy pro- ceeds, said McKay. He said key phrases such as «advantageous te those i need," Prlifof vrty» and "any pur- poebeneficial te the com- munity are teo broad te b.e of any use. "Interpretation letters issued from time te, time by the Po vince ... intended te clarify the eligibility criteria have, in many cases, only added te, the con- fusion and uncertainty. "What is needed is a clear, concise statement of the Pro- vinces charitable gaming cri- teria. "... Only then will local munici- palities, who have been delega- ted the responsibility for issuing licences -for lotte -y schemes, be. able te, regulate charitable gam ing with amy degree of certainty. Councillor Marcel Brunele supported the clerk's position. "The problem is that we have mamy groups invoived in bingo and fundraising. "Our cierk has te, interpret a vague set of rules i deciding whio gets a licence, it's not fair te, the clerk's department te, have them do this." Brunelle reminded the com- mittee that the problem was addressed only.fou years ago. «Tii whole thing was unclear then and 1 don't kniow if it's any clearer now." The. Ontari o government was foroed-te introduce*new legisia- tion because some 'bingo hall operaters were tk.n their share of the proceedsbeMore the charity tok its share. The proposed Ganibling Ser- Vices Act would create a central gaming commission which would ensure that a minimum 20 per cent of gross revenues from a bing., raffle or «Monte Carlo Night do«s go te, charity. Ifapproved by council, the. recomedaion ill b. sent te the. Ministry fCnsmrand Commercial Relations and te groups currçntil conductimg irngloteie'if.etown-. « The Prophets Speak,' a Unitedi Church television (UCTV) prograra, is being used as the main resource for the lienten bible study group which meets i the churc on Wednesdays from 7:45 te 9:30 p.m. The. prophet Amos will b. studies this week. Ile Sociables are holding an aduit bowling night on Marc h 24 at 6:30 p.m. at North End Bowl iif Oshawa. The cost is $4 per person and must b. paid in advance., There* will. b . a get-together afterwards at a ii. Brooklin Women's Insti- tut. international 'affairs meet- ing was held at the. Brooklilu commumity centre r.cently., mle motte was 'Let us not forget te ha kind.' RoIl cail was 'Paying Pennies for Friendship.' Aleta Camipbell gave a report on the. Associated Country Women of the World. Bessie Cos- way_ and Laurai Hamer served nearby resturant. If interested, sig the sheet on the. bulletin bad in the Christian Education Building. A quilt show will be heidin the Christian Education Building on Wednesday, March 28 from 1 until 9 p.m. Old and new quilta owmed locally will b. shown as well as the Canada Packers champion quilt collection. The. $2 admission includes refreshients.' This is a . special. 150th anniversary event sponsored by the communications committe. lunch.f The next meeting will ha held on Wednesday, March 21, 1:30 p.m. Motte will ha 'If you can't sSe the bright side, pouah the duIl.' Roil callwill ha 'One word to describe agood citizen. Convener will ha Marion Hall, with hostesses Carrne Arksey and Aleta Campbell. Visitors are wecoeme. The. Outreach 'committee is presentimg the Dofasco Maie Chorus as their, s pecial anniversaiy event. The concert will take place on Monday, April 9 at 7:30 p..Tickets. are $5-per per on ncl di mg lu nch . Focrý information, cail Bob ýEckel at 'Windy'. art' 'Wmd' isn the theme for what, will b. the frt 'Mardi Art Break'i Brooklin on Thurday, March 15, 1 p.m. 'Wïindy art will b. displayed off Thickson Rd. N., the snd field north of Winchester Rd. Local sculpter Bull Fraser and, fellow artiste Bey Williams and Paula 1~iag, will use avrit of M aeind scuptingteh niques, with about60 students fi-dm Brooklin and ares.- TIn the event -of rain, thepre- sentation will b. *made at iMea- dowerest public achool. The event is sponer.d by the Optimist Club of Brooklin. For more information call 655-4.434. iPAT JACKS~ON and Verna Hdo including the Canada Packers quilt are shown with the community quilt collection. The event celebrates the that will be part of the Quilt Show to lSOth anniversary of the United b. held at the Brooklin United Church in Broofln. Admission is $2. Church March 28, 1 to 9 p.m. The ÉéPe ht show wili feature over 50 guilts réPo ht Maie gospel group at Burns A concert featuring the maie gospel roup 'e Accord,' will beel a urnaPreshyterýian Church, Ashburn, on Sunday, March 18, 7:30 p.mi. Freewill offermng. MEADOWCR EST BAPTIST CHURCH Vipond Md, Brooklin "!CA-RS FOR KIDS"t A Sund ay School program with pick up atl0:3Oam. & home deliveiy at l2:15pm. for children aged 5 -12 yrs. Dail 655-8767 before 6p.Saturday. Fri»endship stressed at Broolin Women's club

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