PAGE 31, -Wi TY i~14. BAHA'IS BELIEVE; Be generous in your days; of plenty, and 'be patient in the hour of loss. 668-8665 LADIES IN THE ORIENT seek correspondence Wl single gentlemen. THE- FRIENDSHIP OFFICE, Boxý 5248, Stn. A, Calgary, Alberta,T2H 1X6. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. Fpr help oel the Dons" House f or womnen and chldron. Toli Ifree 1-80-263-3725 or 728-7311. Gant identially assured. (Formerly Auberge.) ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching back? Stifi joints? Sleeping hands? "Beulah 011" helpsllSend $2. for brochure/ Information: Beulah Land, Box 1086, Partage La Prairie. Man. RIN 3C5. B HOME MO VIES transi orrod ta videa tape. European video tapes converted. Low, Iow prices. 728-9565. LOSE WEIGHT FAST. 15-29 lb. ln 30days. Sale.ý naturel - nutrtious.Eeam $$$ as yau lase. Cail: Mary, 430-8096. "SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION" MARCH 17 Pethick Aucion.Barn, Haydon. 10 mi. NE ai Oshawa. Every Saturday night et 6:30 pm. This woek we have' ta affer 2 setees, loather inlaid double pedistal mahogany desk, mahogany camer china cabinet, marbie top empire tables, 2 nwedle point wvng back chairs, set af 4 canod chairs ladies rall top doe*, Louis XV chair, bronze hanin lamp, 5 PC- silver tea service, bts of jugs and craclcs, aId ail Iamps, wash stands, drossors, harvest tables, set of north wlnd pressback chairs, d*umang room suites, china cabinets, plus lots af glass and colloctablos. 2 electranic motor tune-sup machines. Ternis are cash, Visa or choque wl ID. GARRY K. POWELL, AUCTIONEER FOR MORE INFORMATION. CALL 1-416-263-4252 I 'THIS SUMMER INHLINDSAY" Rivormill Village. Amonities plus at the Rivormill Club, Videa room, billiards, marina torrace over- looking Trent-Severn Waterway. Boat slips, tennis, lawn bowling and, much much mare. One and two bedroam suites priced ln the $180%s. May/Juneoaccupancy. Cali Ray Vint et -1-800-461-652t Upper Canada Lakes Inc.B SOUTHERN CAUFORNIAI 4 bodraams, 3 bath, Spanish Villa. Elogantly furnishod and completely stacked. Spoctacular viewl Write ta lslay Investmonts at 800 Gardon Street, Suite K, Sente Barwa, California, USA, 93101 for brochure and rate schedulo. B IMMACULATE housekooping cottages on Halls Lake, Hlghwey 35, Miden. Aveileble weokly April, May, June tram $195. Cottages aveilable July and August et rogular rates. Glengerrian Resort (705) 489-3779. B CANAL CRUISES on scenic Trent- Severn Watorwey and Rideau Canai aboard KAWARTA VOYAGEUR; privae stateraoms; all meals; Iree brochure tram Ceptain Marc, Box 1540, Peterbarough, M9J7H17. B AUCTION SALE *KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" - every Wednosday et 6:30 .p.m. located on Brock Rd. Pickering, 3 miles narth ai Hwy. 401 (exit #399). Foaturing overy Wed. an excellent soloction ai antiques, fine lurniture, glass,.- china, collectibes, primi- tives, and the unusuels. Sa join us every Wed. and participate in one ai Onytaro's "True" Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Con- signment & ostate selling aur socialty. Cali us today. Previews frmtOp.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 BLANKET. To Reach a Wider Market Advertise throughout the regional memnbership ai the Ontario and Canadian Comnmunity Newspaper Associations. Example: Cemtal Ortarlo Al Onitarlo 49 newspaer 1Q5 nwspapers- $142 for 25 words $289 for 25 words For further information please cal 1: 668,6111 ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTIONS SAT. APRIL 14 AT 10 A.M. Farmn machinery canslgnment sale at Orval MctanAuctians- Jidâ« - flow accepting farm machinery, tractars, RV's, trailers, cars, trucks, construction equipment, woodwarking and shop equmpment, toals, gardon tractars, boats, rlding Iawn mawers, rota tillors. Cail-now ta canslgn. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (705)>324-2783 LINDSAY OR VAL & BARRY McLEAN, AUCTIONEERS CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI. MARCH 16 AT 6 P.. Refînlshod fiat ta wall cupboard, tea wagon, aak sideboarci, antique drossers and chests ai drawers, 12 plece modem dining room suite, gr k chairs, cublc foot rost free relridgerator, walnut vanity dresser, oak mirrar (bevelled glass), gane with the wind ýamp, coal cil lamps, antique aak bod, 14 h.p.. MTD garden tractar <with Iawn mower), il h.p. Craftsman gardon tractar <with lawn mawer, snowblowor and utility blade, quantity ai china, glass and calloctable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL, AUCTIONEERS RR # 1, LITTILE BRITAIN (705) 786-218 NEW MATTRESS TRUCKLOAD SALE 870 Taunton Rd. E. SWhltby Friday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday10a.m. - 6p.m. Namne brand mattresses, ail sizes, $50 and up per set. Sofa bed mattresses, king size, etc. Seconds. Boxsprlngs. New tables& chairs, sofas and bveseats and chairs, round tables, ski suits. Great savings, shop early. Many more Rtems. MCLEAN AU TIONS à LICUIDA IONS 576-75 0 686-32 1 ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTIONS SAT. MARCH 17 AT 10 AiL. Estate aitiques, q ity lumituro gormieos 6 pc. f mg bedrauite, 3 carved n inut bedrom nsuite, e. ak ccurved glass bow front china cabinet wth caved top, round ai table & 6 chairs, carved sofa, beautiful Victorian sottes & matching chairs, Durham Region AcinCmUe or Tratnln Suite 302B, 209 Oundas St. E.. Whltby. Ontario LUN 2H9 (416) 430-8511 TIRAINIfG. TENDER -IN-ORMATION The Committee will be tendering the follawing courses for fiscal year 1990/91. The expected start/stop- dates are as shown along with the tender submission dates. ~M~U~AWMM4IRUJ5W Lotus Spreadsheet Bedford Accouietng WordPerfect 5.1 WordPerfect Dosktop Publisiung Pagemaker Interperuona Business Skils General Office Administrator, Appliance Techicien 'Upgrading Retail Business Owner >Development Sept. 10 -27 oct. 1 - 18 June 26 -30 July 3 -6 Oct. 22 - Nov. 9 ept. 25 - Oct. 23 Aug. 6 - Oct. 30 Sept. 12 - Dec.12 June- 6- Mar. 29 If yau would like further informationor are interested inu tendering any, or ail of these' courses pieas. contact DRACT cffio at 430-8511. Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost ai the space occupied by the error up ta a maximum cost ai the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or reject, ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, choque received bel ore deadline) $5 ior 20 words; 12* each additianal word Blanket Ads - ta, blanket a wider market (sée separate panel for sample rates> BILLED $750 for 20 words; 15o each additianal word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCIEMENTS 77$ per agate lino (14 agate lines per inch) mInimum charge: $5 prepald, $7.W0 bllled DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures, or graphics) Regular display rates apply - 82# per agate UIne rninmumn size 1 column Inch $1148 (14 agate linos per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior ta Wednesday publication. 668-6111'. July 10 Aug. 1 April' 25 April 25 Aug. 22 July 18 Juno 4 JuIy 4 April 9 C*nrt /ýqtnvb ingneipr %ihmicminn J4mý 1 '1