PAGE 20, WMjTYFPREE pRESS, WEDNESDAy, MMR 21, 1M~ Obituaries Ernest Northam was top -athiete E1NST NORTRAM, track and field champion at Whitby 1High Sehool, shown in 1927 photo. Whitby Archlwm photo THE, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM DURHéAM PUBLIC NOTICE* Take notice that the Regional Planning Commttee will consider AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN, OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The amenciment, as submitted by the' applicant, proposes approximately 150 bow and medium density residential units wthin the site indicated on the map below. M W Y -.2 In dr o sssiitheeauain0fteamnmn aplcainte ulc;i nvtd opOSeHAç WAy of sbmision to he Rgio's Pannig Dpartent Informatio related t the amenMn.plcaini avilbe n h ofie 0 tePlnnn DpaDenUR0 CosmrC rvLhty naio i A rb Ino re entoraged toi thorwar yoo shbmssionsto the ommsbissionr fthe annin attheanovnotDedaress a tIsfrainrltt h amendment application, ewudapeit hir rconei rortoDrieday, O aio,20, 6A3o90. PleaincluYDYu DdEssPanndntelepone nmber1an fie umbrer entifiaedtbelow nandyo subnissions acle. Cama, Commissioner of Planning tteao oeddrs s PloasgpossieI ertpoedwh urve f th1 ae.4en apliatin,à e od iappreci .bale her~ A champion athlete in his high echool years,- Ernest Thomas Louis Northam died at the Witby General Hospital on Saturday, March 10, 1990. Hie was 81. He had lived at 1518 Brock St. S., Whitby, for 76' years and formerly resided in Brookdij.. A son of the late Louis Frederick Northam and. Pearl Spencer, he was born at Brooklin on Feb. 26, 1909. Mr. Northam was one of Whitby's greatest track and field stars from 1924 to 1929, when he won most of the events at local and inter-echool field days. While attending Brock Street public achool, he was senior publice chool chatmpion for 1924 with* five first-plaoe finishes, and 1925. with seven firets. When he entered Whitby High School in 1926, he won t he Bassett-Stainton Cup for the one-niile racep and the 'following year lie won ail the .cups offered at the field day, which was held in Centennial Park. Mr. Northamn was the only Whitby Hligh School athiete to, win the Langevin-Sebert-Stainton Cup for the quarter-mile race, AN APPLICATION REGIONAL OFFICIAL TOWN 0F WHITBY four times, from 1926 te 1929. For this unique achievement he was aise awarded . a gold medal. In 1928 Mr. Northam set' a record for the 100-yard dash ýat the Whitby Hfigh School field day that stood unchallenged for years, and, at the inter-school meet between Whtb, Oshawa and Bowmanviile High Schools at Alexandra Park i Oshawa, he set a record for the 440-yard race. The same year he competed in the provincial track finals at Varsity Stadium in Toronto. At the 1929 Whitby High School Field Day, Mr. Northazn set records in. the running broad jump and hop-step-and-jump.' He was aise the winner of the one-nmile race held in Whitby te celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Canada's Confederation, on July 1, 1927. Mr. Northam was also, an accomplished. speed speaker. with several meds te his credit. Hlis athletic career -ended in 1930 when he went te work at Goldring's store in Port Whitby. Mr. Northam aIse worked for the Argo Petroleum Company at Port Whitby and during the TO AMEND THE DURHAM PLAN, OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE The amendment, as submitted by the applicant,ý proposes approximately ninety (90) multiple family units within!the site indicated on the mn1 below. ln order to assist in the evaluation of the amendment application, the public is invted to provide input by way of submnissions to the Region's Planning Department. Information reîated to the amendment application is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumners Drive,ý Whitby, OntarioLiN 6A3 or by calling KAY DRYDEN, Planning Department (416) 668-7731 (Whtby) I 686-1651 (Toronto). You are encouraged to forward your submissions to the Commissioner of Planning at the above noted address asc soon as possible In order to proceed wfth our review of this amendment application, we would 'appreciate their receipt prior to Friday, Apr. 20, 1990. Please include your address anai teIephpne numq>er and file number identified beiow in any submi*sion madle. FILE NO.: OPA 90-028 Marie Hubbard Dr. M. MicpaeI, M.C.I.P. Chairman, Commissiôner of Planning Plannjrjg ÇopnM!tte9 ., * . *.*** *.* Second World War lie served with the Royal Canadian, Air Force at. No. 20 Elementary Flying School at the Oshawa Airport. For 22 years after the war, Mr. Northam was 'employed, as q maintenance man at -Red Wing Orchards. Mr. Northam. was a member of St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby. ;i He je eurvived by. three sons, Joseph of Ajax, Gerald of Whitby and Ronald of Ne.wcaatle; seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. H-ie* wife, the former Dora May Tedford, died on March 30, 1983. Mr. Northam was at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby. ]Rev. Victor Li conducted the funeral service at St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby, on March 14, 1990, to, be followed b~y epring interment in1 St. John s Cmetery. If desired, contributions to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appr&iated. NELLIE MASON Nellie Mason died at Fairview odge, Whitby on Thursday, Mardi15, 1990., She is survived, by daugliter Phylli (Mrs. George Magvas),of Whitby, gandch. dren George, Gail andr on and sister Bsil Potter of Burlingtonm She 1aslpre eseby her husbandGoonMsn and son FeerickMason. The funeral was held trom 'the Kane Funeral Home Wilowdale, on March 17, 1990. Interment at Prospect cemnetery, Toronto. 6'G enerations of Service, Quality & Trtfgt *Family Monuments - Granite or Bronze Markcrs - Ccmctery Letuering *Sandblasting. Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 666- 1513 hiome appointmcnts gladiy arrangcd A busy year, for. staffat aréhives Staff at the .Whitby Archives, had their buajest year ever. in 1989. In hie annual report te oWnil Town archiviet BrianWinte said a total of 200 inquiries were registered'with the archives. 0fthis number, 56 were of a genealogical nature, marking the lowest percentage of inquiries of thi tye snce1976. The Iow number reflects the increasing diveraity of the kinde of uetion put te the, archives Baid Winter. According te Winter, the Most iteresting request concerned a person who died in 1946. "A genealogiet was seeking hi - formation on hie gra ndfýather who was a criminal *ho died i Kingston Penitentiary i 1946. ".ome of hie crimes - robbery, etc. - were believed te be i the Whitby area.' Ainong the many new acquisi- tions obtià ned by the achives asat yearý were copies cf local newspaperýs dating back te the early part'of the century, photo- .grtpb .u.ithe atej890s and THE REGIONAL MAUNNCIPALITY 0F DURHAM DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regional Planning Committee will consider -M 1 ý4 M