PAGE 22. WIIM~YFEPIRE9S WEDNESDAY, MAXOCE 21, 1MO 0W AFERL4 Your car has stalled at one of Durham's busier intersections. Despite your best efforts, the engine, refuses to turn' over. Traffie rushes past on ail sides. It's an unpleasant - and decidedly unsafe - situation. to be in. Until recently, your options would- have been, rather limited. - An expensive tow truck, perhaps, or if you happened to have a membership, an hour-long wait for the Auto Club. Suddenly, your rearview mirror lights up in flashing amber. THE TROUBLESHOOTER HeIp has arrived in the form of the TroubleShooter, a specially-equipped 1990 Pontiac hood of your car. A quick, insp TranSport or reveals the problem:, a batteryà Chevrolet clamp has loosened just enou M 1Lumina APV disrupt your car's, ignition cici Il PuposeA few quick turns of a wren o -~Vehicle), sponsored the engine turns over beaut by your Durham GM Dealers. EveryFRE OA SRV ekdayduring peà "Wonderful!"you'think, driving hours 6:,3Oam' .then, ý"WXhat's this going to co "No'charge, the operator to %9am, & 3pm he switches off the TroubleSh( to 6:3Opm), flashing amber it patrols the emergency lights. road ofAs acom- Durham, looking munity proj eet fr motorists in trouble. Of your local GM A friendly young man slips Dealers, TroubleShooter out ftombehind the wheel, and - service is absolutely free of ch after a brief explanation of the You pay nothing at ail - excepi, problem - he asks you to open the perhaps a smile. COWAN PONTIAC BUICK LTD. 166 King Street East Bownianville 623-3396 BOB MYERS CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD. 425 Bayly Street West Ajax 427-2500 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 Bond Street West Oshawa 725-6501 THE CL1FF MILL MOTORS LTD.. 266 King Street West Oshawa 436-1500 BRUCE BISSELL BUICK PONTIAC LTD. 201 Bayly Street West Ajax 683-6561 SHERIDAN CHEVROLET .OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC LTD. 1800 Kingsron Road Pickering 683-9333 MICHAEL BOYER PONTIAC, BUICK GMC LTD. 715 Kingston Road Pickering 831-2693 1 -