WHITYFRPM PRESS. WEDNESDAY. MAIKR 21 lmO. PAGE 25 Whietby teams elminated itn hockey playdowns Milton sweeps, series GriLbben,,i captures Ontarjo titie Whitby hockey KNIR NOVICE 'A' qPaamaud bY KOi mCroM am Oé IMUL aaon" Mgaach 9 Sean Mmilury 2 I. McNla thtan Ncbin0woe Dn" mau seutaut - JeffJackum Davd Oun wmaa*h 10 WMitby joq harrhm a. MçNaughtan Ntchalaaw4n =KleCraoch EénL WhitbJ NlchdaaOwe EYICrawch jowHrrima WMUthy Joflarrlaa o-m WMitby 1 NchalaOwn Whitby Im kaaUitoei2 MattJardin 2 SM-"- Judd Slavew Juff Chuch 2 San Bajns JdTfFramer Mat Jardin 0 ma adn a Chwg»uaayO 7 0akvMe 6 Max MAJOR NOVICE 'A - upaM@Wtd bY Blghland vaé&Staug 5 Onk Eed Wing 3 0mb. Bà ackhawha oe&rm i1 e dmdp -A' Flan) 1 0mb. Carmd1.a - qmATM 4 AR . çamued by m & M Mant &a«m Paul HdVicb 2 Shutaut - Eric Carte Whitby 7 Bcdiby Schlitt 8 jamnHuntar Pan)hwnnlc marh il Wbhby i 8ca P Bbby Ochlt8 Pan) matualak Sban. Nali sommy schem, 2 Paul Hdnulch RynMucAà tuir 1Onbava 7AJ.x 2 Il Bawmanvih. S IMNOR AM $A' - mSnard bPaupt Whftby EzhlhiI.m GaMah 17 WMity 4 Douinanvile O0 <Gram s<nw sentant - tSa Jadi vana Shtaut . Rd@" Bard.. Bwnie abmmi IMOR NOVIE 'Ah. - Mmard by Vlcklnazranc WMit Ejan Boyd 2 ==69qn.a- 5 Ajax 2 Aurma MAJORATON 'Ah. - qmanard by Pringi Mnh 12 Wbfty Robet Vitale ffioem ifdKxmn or lMaxh 14 ~aPaul Wbb 7 Markl.m 1 "dD=nq Scott B.fflm2 Jwmie Glbb Mat iarin IMmIea Manh 16 Wbâby ShmTam ~2 BYMaâW C«kGuardhn 8 tcg re 3 Ba.iqF Crmak 6 AC~ Dan Gribben of Wbitbyv, an insitructor at the Kiichi Si Judo Club,. wbn the. Ontario champion- sbhip in thi. blck beIt heavy- weight clasm at Humber.College on Saturda~ Grlbbenowever, downplay9d bis own triumph4 and noted the remarkable performance of on. of bis students, Chad McCarron., 1 Tie l6-yer-old, froin Wbitby, a junior brown beit, compete.ini the. rinus-86kgcles for senior nen's black beIt and flnished Second. Gribb.n says McCarron ie almost.tante b. a ehampion Ship contender m ti.Junorcas at t h e nationials m- Fùfy.0Mcar- ron will flrst competei a juno quaJlýwn tournament Mai 31 i Brantford.n« McCarron may also, compete in the. senior nationale iMay.' Grlbben will compet.i a qua- lif *ng tournament te earn a beirti on the. provincial t.am that will go te the senior nationale. Other Kiichi Sai mnembers also had umpreesive resulta at Hum- ber. Aima Sendail wae second i tii. plus-7lkg open belt clees for senior wom.n. Marcel Theriault was scnd in the. minus-65kg yellow-oange belt class. In a disappointing end to, an otherwise fine season, the Wbitby nunor atoin AA teainbot tbree straight games in their ail-Ontario semiu-final series with Milton AA reps. After a long string of continuous wins wbich eared them flrst place in regional league play and the divisional finals, Whitby M &M'Meat Stores won two other zone championshipa by eliminating Pickering AA and Scarborough AA reps. They then met Milton AA reps i the ail-Ontario 9senix-finas, and Mlilton proved to be- too much, defeating Whitby once on home ice and twice at Milton. Milton accomplisbed what had been thought to be lm ible., tbre straight wins over Whitby. Milton won by playing a strong forechecking ,gae. wbich effectively shut down the usually strong Whitby offence, and by teking advantage of every. opening given to them. The first gaine sw Milton, tbrough strong forechecking and offence, take conunand and win 3-1. Whitby was held from a bigher score by super effort krm BilanHariso in the Whitby ini the Wbitby net Seven Whitby penalties added t., probleins but a fine defensive effort was shown. in thi econd' gain., Wbitby loit 7-1 but it wes a better balanced gaine that saw Wbitby, êuffer from plain bad luck. *The score should have- been much dloser but the Whitby offence bit. too many goolposts and croshars. Agein, the determined Milton team. carried the .play toWhitby. The bon. Whitby goal was scored hy Paul Gray. Wbitby lost the third gaine 7-3, but it was the best gaine of the three-game séries for Wbitby. Whitby outplayed and outshot Milton in- the first period but could not get the puck past the Milton goai. Despite 14 minutes in penalties for Whit1by in the third period amnet only six minutes for Whitbhy doniiated the period, scoring tbreeturnes to only once for Milton. The shots on goal were fairly even, 26 for Whitby, 29 for Milton. Fresh froni elimination froin the, ail-Ontarlo senii-finals, Whitby defeated Aurora 8-2 in an exidbition gie ne Auror a .a?" was pparng for 'the 'al-Ontario minor atoin A championabip plaoffandWhitb~y was-preparing for the FraserMchigan International Tournament in March 23 to 25. 1 The. Whitby offence was again in evidence, led hty Mark Haeynes, Jason Hotchkiss, Denel fliorne, Steven Death, Biyan eruh and Matt Cepson. The usuHa'l tr Whitby defence was i lc (Aaron Bryant Doany Camnpbell. Bryden Denys, Chrie Kerr and Danny Ricica), holdigAurora .to iffly 19 shots on the Whitby net. 'We11 blek,"' say- major atoms «We'll be back neit seon' was the promise miade hby mein- bers of the. Whitby Pringle Creek Guardian Drugs majorf atein AA teain alter their bidforan ail- Ontario ciiampionship was wrecked by Stoney Creek in the Oiftii and declding gaine of the Provincial semi-final series. Stoney Creek moeed two goals inte an empty net lu the. lest minute of pay inthe flfthgan on Friday te submerge Wib 6-3 and advance te tthe Ontaro final. The home gaine proved deci- sive ln the. series as Stoney Creek won the tbirdgan 4-3 on Monday lest week beoeWiby, back on home b came up witii a 3-1lvictory on W.dnesda tetie tiie series at two gaine As with the. previons four gaines, the* deciding match was a close hard-fouglit effair tbat cold hav on: .ither way. Bob French, wltii assistant coach Leo Hase, freiner Dave Webb and managr Barry Prout., Double tri*umph for seleet s Whitby Walter Fýrenk Rteal tournainent.by goaltender Rob Estate major novice selecte Ferguson. enjoyed a double triumph over ie. was spectacular as Whitby the, weeknd in a teurnainent in skated te a 4-4 ti. witii Thorn- ThornIhill. bull, the. tournaent favorites, in The Whitby teain came home -the. firat gaine. witi the. tournement champion- Whithy then defeated Weston shi bnnerafter deféating 8-1 and Cedar HM115-1. Whitby Cerng2- inth lagaine. adTonflboth bad two-wins It was the. fret tÙme tMissea- and a tue,' and under the. tie- son tiiat Whitby lied defeated breaking systein to determine bPïhk Paf Gham ~sored wbich teamnwould go thiefinal, bath orlzbbg.alpwedtesamne nuin- But Whitb y advanc "ed as tbey ecored more goals Mui.hetbre The Wbitby teain, wbich had greviotimly iiost.d a teai fin t.CarShores, ichig apid a return visit .enlier this montb. "«W. were ùtreeek kngs," said tami officia Steve Disney of the visit te St. Clair. Whitby won both exhibition gaines-the- Dhi fl Àw Alm la 1 jeu Emm