WHIJI FREE PRSS, WEDNESDAY, MARCE 21ý 1990, PAGE ri For six menthe our dishwasher sat mute in our itchen. For five monthe now I haven't mentioned it once. For a columnist, that's something of a record. But now cornes the time te eat humble pie. Or crow. Whatever. Or, as a certain person around the Swan household said, time te wear a hair shirt. rmn beginning. te understand why the Maytag repairýman lead such a lonely life. -Let me tell you about my triumfph - I did, after all, repair a dishwasher. But first, a littie history. When last I talked of dishwashers in this space, I praised the restraint shown by a certain person, whom I called the guardian of the dishwasher. Not once, I wrote, has she implied that this whole adventure would have been chapr had I called the Maytag repairnian in the first Place. 'Her only reference te the whole issue," I continued, "came when a relative asked her what was wrong with the dishwasher. "Bill fixed it,' she replie&'" Let me explain. It started with a grating noise in a dishwasher nlot even two and a haif years old. At first it made about the same sound a handful of pocket stones will make in a clothes dryer. But that's another str. Eventually, the -machine grew louder, finally making a noise very much like- that a cat might make when being put in the shower. Bearings, thates what it was. But no, one repair shop told me, what you need is a p ump kit, mainly because we dondt have bearings. Thrty-four something something. And now we have growls. Plus chips and leaks. Right. Bearings. Forty-one something something, says repair à hop WITH OUR FEET UP by BillSwan Di shwasher blues number two. "But 1«11 teil you what 1'd do. Id replace the whole pump assembly. Cornes with housing, pup ports, bearings, pulley, the works. Just pop it in. Thati Swa you don't run the risk of breaking anything. 'falow the forty-five bucks on whatever you've spent e far. You'll have the rest of the weekend off." One hundred and flfty something something. At'place three I found the right bearings. Let me cut some of this short and simply say that I ruined the new bearings b y putting, them iwog and this in turn ruined the pump it..ý' Then came the community. college, ah, er, interruption in regular classroom services. Then came Christmas. There neyer seemed te be both budget and time together te tackle the needed repairs. One hundred and fifty something something, remember? Then it was suggested that certain computer repairs should wait until a certain dishwasher is repaired. That's when I cali Domestic Maytag. ':Do you," I say, have a price on a pump assembly?" "Yah," replies a voice. "What model?" Okay, just a moment ..,. sure, we have one. That's a built-in model, isnt it? How old's the machine?" "Coming up three years." "Gotcher sales slip? That part should be covered by warranty. Motor, pump, stuff like that." You've seen the cartoons of the dunderhead walking inte the repair depot with a bushel basket full of parts. On Saturday that was me. Only I used a plastic bag. And wore a disguise. Prepare.d te take my lumps as darned fool of the year, I was stunned by what followed. "Tried te fix it yourself, eh? Hey Charlie, hels put more'n a hundred dollars in arts inte this. Too bad. You neyer tear' these thingsdgown, you know Awy replace the whole'assmbly." .lwY So now I know. But the, serial. number checked ou0t, the receipt checked out, the parts checked out. Eit, stage, left, Swan, with. pump,'assembly undler warrantysmihng the Maytag Smile. An hour later, the dishwasher's humrning like new. "Six monthe it took, and it was under warranty ail this time?" I nodded. - "AMd it didn't coot a cent more?" I nodded again. "And it needn't have coot a cent i the first place?" Again I nodded. Hunibly. "Ail I can say is the'-girls at work are gaig te have a, good laugh over this one." We Maytag repair people get no respect. Public comi The second Whitby meeting of the public liaioncommittei of the Dra at Management Master Plan will be hldtenight (Wednesday) at Henry Street High School. Rph Blank of Whitby is chaýirman of the committee which invites members of the public te maie comment and participate i the planning process for 'a Durham-only waste management master plan. Representatives- from MacLaren Engineers, who are formulating the master plan, will discuss the constraint mapping procedure and outline areas con- sidered unspitable for waste pro- cDur nam Région works staff and PLO n"embers will also attend to provide information about current and proposed waste reduction programs. While the Durham-only master p Ia is formiulated, the Solid Waste Interim Steeriîng Commit- tee (SWISC), made up of the five regional chairmen of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), has recei- ved more than 80 submaissions as part of an overaîl waste manage- ment scheme. Although only an expression of interest, one of the submnissions te SWISC is for an incinerator at Atlantic Packagin in south Whitby.agn The public liaison committee says public participation at the meetings is essential if the mas- ter plan for Durham Region is to, be a true reflection of the publi's hopes foi' waste management Custom Upholstery efnishing, In Busmess For 30 Yeaw Modern & Antique Choose from hundreds of quality fabries! Appraisals nient wanted at meetings about wast'e management frocn 1997 te, 2016. were overly well-represented ation" were under-rèpeene. master plan hotline it 1-800- "Garaei vroespo while those of the "middl gener- For more infrain".cîl he 4526 ble,» ssBlank.*«It is onlybýy working tegether that we willble able to find reasonable solutions te the critical problems facing us the.r meeting tenight is part of the second round of meeig held around the egon!tte dance was "generally good" at the first round of meetmngs, but PLC members say senior citizens MA EH L YO ?5 68 3M IS UPO i