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Whitby Free Press, 4 Apr 1990, p. 15

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WHYMB FRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APIL 4,1990, PAGE 15 Consumers Glass makesàxd supply contract offer Students win several awards Students of the Studio of Dance and Performing. Arts, Whitby, won many awards at the Dance» Gala Danse Canada Regional Gala held in Tarante at the Delta Chelsea Inn, March 17 and 18. Debbie Whelan was one of only eight> dancers wha received.,a scholarship to, the national flnal. The schlarship was presented by the adjudicaters at the end of the two-day workshop and competition. The. Studio of Dance and Perforrning Arts also placed in many other categories of the competition: Eàuembe A Janz (4-9 fiancer.) 7-1 2 yr lut (Mld.-Yvette Parier DelWhe aSrah Thlomas, Sarah Breen, Anne Zeechino, Tracy Olenlckand Maya McKay (80 marks) fluet Jazz 7-9 yrs 2nd Silver - Andrew Seely & Stephanle Taylor (82 marks) Solo Jazz 10-12 yrs Award of Merit - Amne Zecchino (80 maria) Stephanie Taylor (80 maria) Duet Jazz 10-12 yrs, lut Gold - Amne Zeecehino and Sarah Breen (82 marks) Solo Musical Theatre 10-12 yra lut Gold -Debl Whalan (88 maria) 2nd »0er - Maya McKa <83 maria) EnaembleBallet (4-9 danceru) 7.9 yra lut Gold - cme as Enaember AJan - (86 mari.) Solo Ballet 13-15 yr lut Gold -Kmr Harnema (89 maria> Solo Character 13-15 yrs lut Gld.- Yvette Parier (88 maria) Solo Character 16 yrs & over lut Gld.- Jante. Nunney (86 maria> Trio Character 13-16 yru lut Odd -' Kriaten MiLeWilHlamu, Shanmon Patabrook, Jmnnffer Dean (81 maria) Solo Janz 13-6 yrs &rd Bronze.- Alimn u" (87 marks) Ensemble Ballet (4-9 danmers) 13 yrs & over 2nd Silver - Shannan E.tabrooi, Jennlfer Dean, Janice Nunney, Nara Harne.., A]teon Henry, KCrila t ldU, Kristen McWillame, Cindy Thomea, Shelley Specer (83 maria) Duet Muaical Theatre 16 yrui& over lut Gold - Cindy Thomas & Jante Nunney (80 maria) Final placing for gold, silver, bronze and award of menit certificates is based on the international system of marlcing, 'Bedpan relay' pla md By Mike Kowalsld B.d pàans will replace batons when downtown mercharits spon- sor a «hospital.Olympics ne ay this spring ta, rais. moneýy for t he WVhitby General Hospital. Tii. May 26 fundraising event is one of a number of activities the Downtown Business Im- provement Area (DBIA) manageé- ment-,board has planned for this year. Promotion committe. spokes- jman Sheila Jones outlinedthe details of the relay and other events te DBIA members during their general meeting recently. Jones said local'lbusiness and other groups will -b. encouraged te, enter teains in the hospital Olympics relay. Entry fees will Ionto, the hospital's expansion A suitable site for the nelay is still being negotiated with the Town of Wiiitbv she added. Ariother major activity is cen- tered around the annual side- walk sale during the. first week- end in July. The. Canadian Street Rod Nationals, an antique'car rally, is expected ta, draw 800 vintage automobiles and 20,000 specta- tors overr a July weekend at Iroquois Park. Jones said the vehicles will parade through the downtown on the Saturday morning. She i. hopeful that free. bus service between the. downtown and the p ark will b. provided by Wihitby Tansit that weekend. Té get people inta the proper mood, Jones said mercharits will b. asked ta, dress their stores and employees in costumes from an decade prior te the «60s. Other promotions planned by the. DBIA include a childrens' festival on Canada Day weekend and the traditional holidays and special days such as Easter, Hal- loween and Christmas. Antique show on weekend The. l7th annual April Antique and Folk Art Show, te b. held April 7 and 8, in Bowmariville arepresents 20:of the b.st Canaiandeaersin country yantiques and folk art. The Bowmanviile show focuses k xclusively on .arly Canadian country' antiques, ancient, handadesomietimes primitive, but veny special pieces from l8th and l9th century colonial Canada. The Bowmanviile show ia lesson in how Canadian setesfurnished anid d.conated their homes. Dealers at the show are s.lected by invitation; ail antiques must b. pre-1870, and ail displays are carefuly exnied by a vetting commxittee before the show opens. T'hese high standards ensur. to quality menchandise. Indeed, te dealers fi= the. Maritimes, Qwibec anid f Ontario, save special pieces for this show for months in advance each yean.. Seriaus collectors from al aven Ontario will begin ta lin. up .arly Satunday morning ta have finst pick of the. furnishings and accessories offered for sale at the show. Crowds will b. st.ady throughout the day as visitors scour the 20 booths in search of unusual pieces ta decorate thein homes.. Folk art enthusiasts look forward ta tii. Bowmanville show. Dealers offer for sale superb examples of old, oripina1 Canadiari folk art, one-of-a- Lnd pieces, handmake punely fer the enoyen of the. maker. The show takes place, at the new Bowmanville sports complex, on Highway 2 at the. western end of tewn. From Hlighway 401 take eit 431. The show i. on Satunday, April 7, 11 a.m. until 6 p.m., admision $6 and Sunday, Apil8,' il a.m. until 5 p.m., adimissin$3. Knsmn hold Yuk Yuk's Wayne Fleming will b. a fea- ture attraction at 'A Comedy Night with YuIc Yuk's' te b. held by tii. Kinsmen Club of Wiiitby an Priday, Apnil 6, 8 p.m. te 1 am.) a# Hydenehere-Pa'iliofl -- Money rais.d from the. event wiil go ta the Whitby General Hospital Fi rst Class Fund. Tickets are $15 p.r persan, and are available from Day. Stowell-Smith .ýat -436-7979 or Bryan Cildenhous. at 668-5206. where awards ar4 not presented if a sufficient s dard is not attained. 'Ailda ers receiving a mark of 80 or be ter and placing first, second or tý rd wiil progress ta compete at the ational final. Dance Gala D se Canada is Canada's prendI dance festival and workshop. e gala offers dancers the opportunity and encouragement for the pursuit of excellence. The tWo-day workshop and competitionwa the first te b. held across Canda -this year, with others te olow in Waterloo, Ont., Vancouver,ý B.C., Calgary, Alta., and Winnipeg,, Mari. Ail winners of the competition are éligible ta, advance and'compete at the national final inHait, Ontario, OJune 29, 30 and July 1. Ail students wiil b. striving ta, obtain* scholarships offered by the gala 'ta: the Sussex Suxnmer Shool, England, the National Ballet Sehool, Toronto, Canadian Dance World, Vancouver and the Edmonton Ballet School, and those traditionally awarded at the request of the ad.udicators. C onsumners Glass is underscoring its. commaitmnent te recycling with a new' supply contract offer. Under the new offer, recyclers participating in the Ontario blue box-curbside collection program, wiil have the opti O f contracting wth Consumers Glass for a guaranteed, five-year market ta January -1995 for contarnination-fre., color-sorted glass. Contract agreements wiil also guarantee the prie. of $60 per ton, paid by Consumers Glass for these recyclable materials for a period of two years. Price adustments foilowing this wil reflect market conditions prevailing at the time. Tih. announcement of the supply contract offer was made by Consumers Glass at a recent meeting of the Recydling Council of Ontario in Toronto. The new contract; offer is mntended te, provide recyclers with the market stability needed te promote the development of the. Blue Box program. It wiil alsa support one of Consumera Glass' mAjor objectives, which is te help conserve the environment b y achieving a 50 per cent recycling rate acros Canada within ten years. In 1989, Consumers Glass recycled over 40,000 tonnes of iesclected through the blue box rogam.This figure is expected to double by 1992, as new recylers corne on stream and as the 'public becoînes more knowledgeable about the items that can be'recycled, including bottle glass of ail colors; and those that cannot - such as light bulbs, pottery, window glass and chinaware. Glass is the perfect ricycling miediuma. Glass, containers cari be recycled by Consumers Glass again and again ta make new containers, with no loss of quality. More glass is recovered byteblue box program than aîna ohrpackaging materIgI including plastic and mnetal caris.

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