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Whitby Free Press, 4 Apr 1990, p. 36

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PAGE 36, WHITY FREE P1WfS, WEDNEýSDAY, MMRI 4,19lm Bantams stili a Wl» away With a do-or-die 7-5 win on Sunday, Welland stayed alive fagainst Whitby Jennie-Lynn Meats in the ali-Ontarjo chain- pionship final*forý major*AA ban- tam hockey. It was the first win for Wel- land after Whitby won the first three games of t he best-of-seven series. The fifth game willI be played in Welland tonight ( Wed- nesclay). Brad Stella scored twice for Whitby, with Marlin Sookdeo, Kelly Vipond and Bart Muffin l etting singles, in the 7-5 ioss. land.Bradley scored two for Wel- Whitby won the third gaine of the series on Wednesday last week, an exciting 5 -4 win in Welaànd. The teams were tied 1-1 after oneperiod, Peter Allison scoring for Whitby It was 2-2 after two, Mark Wisdom scoring ,forp Whîtby. SteIL and Jordie Johnston gave Whitby a 4-2 lead in the third but Welland came on strong to tie it up before regula- tion peayended. Geof Cadan scored in the first minute of the overtime period, bis second game-winninggal of the series, and Wtbbeld off Welland for the remander of overtime. Final series goes. to fth game By Nicole Llk A aelast night (?esday in Wi-ywas to decide the Ontario champion minor peewee AA team. Brooklin-Whitby minor peewees, sponsored by Eastway Pymouth Chrysier, and Chathamn were tied at two gaines apiece in'the best-of-five final. WVhitby coach Steve Cardwell says that «It's been a close series. They (Whitby and Chathamn) are a couple of veiy evenly matcbed teams. The first game of the series ended in a 6-5 win for Chatham with Whitby goals scored by Bilan Lodge(2), Bilan Scott, Ste- yen Biais and Jeremy Schott. The secc»xd gaine earned Whitby a 4-3 ývictory with goal soe Biais (2), Scott an dIan With the series,. tied at one gaine apiece, Witby broke away in the second game, defaig Chatham ,.10-6. SCott (2), Biais (2) Lodge (2)i Steven Holbiski Jefr Malcolmn, MacNeil. and Schott led the teain to victory. The team's fourth gaine resul- ted in Whitby's second loss, with a final score of 5-3. GoalsSorers for Wihitby included Biais, Schott and Matt Cardweli.. "Whichever teain wants it more and bas the better gal- tending will win it,» said Card- well. LONDON goalkeeper goos for the tte oe Wld ring during the junior championsbip Muffler lost ail six gmst final, a 4-2 decision over Almonte, of plaYed in junior while Whitby Prin-'-ý the Ontarjo A ringette champion- gle Creek Guardian Drugs managed ships held at Iroquois Park over the only a tie in live games in. belle weekend. Gloucester won the tween action. (Jhrf Bovie photo Sp)orts BRy Mike Kowalsld In a move termed "chintzy» by councillor Marcel Brunelle Whitby's annual sports awarâ nigbt has fallen victîm te budget cuts. Duing its 1990 budget delibe- rations last week, Town council agreed th do awa witb the sports award nighZt and its $4,500 cost te tbe municipality. - Council rejected Brunelle's attempt te, rescue the awards nigbt from the chopping block by defeating a motion callhng for its inclusion in the budget. The decision to scrap tbe awards night was contained in the parks and recreation depart- ment's portion of tbe budget. Director Larry Morrow said staff felt tbe function would be better served by baving a local service club assume responsibi- lity for it. award night He also pointed out that a speciai nigbit to recognie the contributions of Whitbya com- munity volunteers was eing proposed and it will cost $7,000 fort bat event. - The volunteer apeito night would be a one-time event beld at the beginning of every decacte. «You bave in this coinmunity many young and not-so-young peopje who compete across tbe ~rvnce and nationally,» said «We do this te, recognize them and say thank you as a munici- pality.» Councillor Ross Batten said that while the event is we]l- planned, he felt interest in it was waning. "If an individual or teain excels we can recognize them at coun- cil," sa.id Batten. The problein witb a sports award night is that there are other individuals -who excel in their own way and, they are not recognized., "We should take everyone into account, fot just tbose in sports if we do this.» Following sizilar commenta from other councillors, an anpy Brunelle pooed rein- stituting the expenditure,. "Tis B'will bhave absolutely no impact on the budget, yet we bave bundreds of young people Wbo reacb national and even international stature beind denied recognition by their com- munity," shouted Brunelle. "Tius' is the community that produoed Anne Ottenbite and Lori Strong. For this coinmunity flot te recognize people like thein is cbintzy." (Ottenbrite is a former Olym- pic. champion swimxner, Strong won several gold medals at the John Brotherhood's rink recently captured1 the Ron Caineron Insurance Agency Tro- phy for most pointa durig the season at the Wbitby Curling club. Brotherhood, the skip was jomned by vice-Gord d!arrol second George Shields and lead Andrew Carroîl during the sea- son. -Second .was .the rink of alcip Ken Fulton, vice Paul Rycroft second Bill Bessa ànd lead Bill Mowr'ay. Tied for third were the Paul Sutten and Larry Wkod rinka. Members of Sutt 's rink are vice George Aunger second Gary Cleghorn and lead crue MFKay. Memnbers of the Wod rink are vice Steve We .r,- second Andre OBumew ad lead GovdWright. Commonwealth Gaines and has also competed at the Olymnpic Games.) "I understand this is a teugh budget. But this is negative te, the community --and achieves nothing,» added Brunelle. Colli 'er lst at inteIrclub .Jason Collier of- the Whitby Figur Skating Club was firat i te juvenile men's final at the Eastern Ontario section inter- club championahipa held recently., Collier bas previously won bis division in the Eastern Pîneridge iterclub compeiition. He was te go on to the Ontario iterclub cbampionsbips. Joinibim was Nfr*k Brann of tbe Whity club. Brann ,also com- peted ithe Easteru Ontario competition after placing firet in the prelingr boys firndl of the Eastern Pïnerige competi1 ion. Maria McKinnon was scnd i the final for pre-novice ladies, at the Eastern Pïneridge. Alo competin ithe -pre-novice,- ladis ere Meredith Gilbert and Teri Ninacs. Other Whitby club members who competed at Eastern Pineridge were Kellei!li 9ldman and Manie Hinkson m 're-pre- linii ~ls ; Bridget oe land and £igh-Anne Coninelly i preliminary girls- Molissa Lawrence, Alicia 1&ui'r; and .Angela Hansford ipre-iuvenile ladies; Michi Motemura., juvenile ladies.' Gold for' Tce Angels ByNcle Lylyk The Ic Angels, Wbitbys novice precision skating teaým, were champions at an invita- tionalteourniament held recently i Clinten, New York. "TMegirls perfornxed well and had fun, aaid coach Dianne Cor- nelissen .. Competing against three other team i theïr category, the Angels received fn-st place statuis froi aIl seven judges. Tbe balf-day tournament «wasn't up te par as in Canada,» adds Cornelissen. "The competi- tion was not very strong, so the girls were more relaxed.» The Angela are stili preparig for the Eagterný Ontario divi- sionala.j chopped Brotherhood rn is points chamlpion A

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