Councllor up3set.,over moonscape'l eft after treeseut down Seeus for your freezer needs! a> a> c: L.. a> o. t o. L.. o j- o 4- <o :3 a> a> C/) V a> a> c: I... a> 4-. Cu o- t <~1 o- :3 o L.. o 4- (o :3 a> a> (j) Happy Easter to you al 1 EAST END QUALITY MEATS- & DELICATESSEN Serving you personally with the finest in meats, cold cuts and cheeses. Try our ready to eat SNACK SAUSAGE $.99 - 100g Seasomed Roast Beef on the spit for the BBO "Always In-store Specials" Treat your loved onés DUTCH GOUDA thls Easter Weekend CHEESES to the finest in Half or Whole Wheels Steak or Roasts - Hams, Mild $4.85 lb Turkey - Rabbils Med. Spiced Pork Rolettes $ 5.15 1 b $4.85 lb CaPOMS - Veal COLD CUT SPECIALS Seasoped Beel or Pork Deli-cooked ham Finest In Câld Cuts $. 59/ 100g & Cheeses QUICK TAKE-OUT LUNCHES Homemade Med. llam - 2pm Rare Roastbeef Soup of the day and kaisers vvith lois of meat.mustard or 104 Lup 1 n Dr., Whitby. Ont. mayonaisse 1 kni. E. of 4 corners Dundas St E. 10W Cým@r& G 6 a - -4-7 8 2> 1 0 jý By Mike Kowahkli A- Toronto development firm has been accused of cutting down hundreds of trees it previously promised ta protect from destruc- tion. Councilor Marcel Brunelle said Monday that Nor-Arm Deve- lopments Imc. bas removed every tree from the site of its planned 3i-unit subdivision on Anderson St. w.s of Bradley Dr. l5escrling the site as «moons- capeλ Brunelle said that not a siÎetree has been left standing on the property fo rmerl Inown as the Bychyn #arm. "Tt wiII shnck vou bevond FOR EASTER SAVINOS m.a. REDEEM THIS COUPON AT PARTICIPATINO DOWNTOWN WHITBY BUSINESSES. VALID ONLY AT PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS 1IOPNPRCSOMRPRPRHS ITN IOE I IOE Regular Priced Merchandise Only-Expires ApnIi3th, 1990 SPECIALS ON ALL SPRING STOCK ~ 20% OFF 3 DAYS ONLY April ,i2 & 14 Closed Friday Fnal Markdown 0f Wiuter Stock $50.00 Or Less Hours: 9:30 - 6:00 M4on. ta Fr1. 9:30 - 5:00 Saturday Cmà ahmm nerfood i I 112 Brock St. N-, Whitb ;W 668-4141 4=U B, Buy 1 rake and get one package of TOUGH GIANT *LAWN & GARDEN BAGS, I REE IWith presentation of cnf 'j CD) CD c CD cn CD :3 CD CD CL) c belief," Brunelle told Town coun- cil. «Those trees are gone. and theres not a tliing we can do aboutit.» Brunelle remi±ided council, that when Nor-Arm's subdivisionpro- posai came before it Iast fali, the dev er pubIicly agreed to pre- Not wiU ling to accept a verbal comxitment, Brunelle suggested that the developer give-$2 000 peýrtree to'the Town, to beLeld là tust, as, a g uiarantee the trees would g8o untouched. «But I was told we didn't need that. W. were assured' they would b. saved,» said Brunelle. «Well, they're not there any more.»01 Brunelle told reporters later that hundreds of trees were cut down, many over 100 years old. Brunelle said hie will b. pro- osig to council that action be taent prevent a repeat episode in thefure Whitby has "nothing on the boo,.r#t now» ta govern a similiar situation, said Brdnelle. Tii.coucillor has not raised the matter with Nor-Arm. 1A representative of Nor-Arm promised at a public meeting ini October last year that the trees would b. preserved.U U-UUU AO CHECKLIST 0F EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO LOOK AFTER YOUR POOL THIS SUMMER Iý LIQUID CHLORINE / 'ALGAECIDE #4 ACID Have you been ta your pool suppiy store iately and ha your water analyze? ou probably found that you needed shock, pucks, boosters, sbiizers, test kits and other produots too numerous ta mention. At Swish, we believe you can KEEP IT SIMPLE. We have a Fre Guide To Cure And Maintenance of Vour SwimmngL Pool. which wiil aziswer any problem you may have. The heoet and soul af a simple program centres around Swsh-Brite 12% liquid chiorine.!-Its 12% avIabe chlorine and 88% water. There's no sedment for aiga. ta form around or ta clog your filters. Most public pools in Whitby, bshaWa and. Newcastle use Sish-Brite exciusively. Vou like the convenience of pucks? Consider Roiachem Automatio Pool Chlorinator. Swish-Brite is automatically ted into your pool. Ail you have ta do is change the container every 2 weeks or so. Swish-B3rite is oconomicai. it's lesa than a quarter of the prce of pucks, one.half the pniceof powder. Corne on'down ta the Swish Clean-It Centre and let us show you how ta look ater your pool the easy way this suimmer. MAINVTENANCE LTD. 500 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 666-1224 ..go I RECYCLING i c CONSERVES NA TURA L jRESOURCES, HELPS * IMPRO VE THE I !ENVIRONMENTANDj ICREA TES NEW JOBS.