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Whitby Free Press, 18 Apr 1990, p. 32

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PAGE 82 WHTrYnME PRtE88 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1990 SMALL CAR TOP 3 meater FAMILY HOUSEKEEPING ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE A UONACTION fihn oto aIba dinghy w/ cottages. Large wsll, malntalned AUCTION SALE ACINATO l1ifeJackets), $375 and doub flfa property, sandy beach, boats, and SAT. APRIL 21 ATr 11A.m. APRIL 21 "KAHN' COUNTRY AUCII bsd trailer. $300. 430-0643. fishing. Golf tennis. shopping METRO EAST ievery Wednesday at- 6:30 nearby. Homestead Cottages, RR TRADE CENTER Pethick Auction Barn,- Haydon. 10 Iocated on Brock Rd. Pickeri S2, Minden, KOM- 2K0. (705) 13ROCK ROAD & HWY. 4019 mi. NE of Oshawa every Saturday. miles north of Hwy. 401 (exite ___489-2550. B PICKERING< niglit et 6:30 'p.m. This week we Featuring everv Wed. an exci ADOPTION - PREGNANT? Loving couple.wishing ta adopt baby. Cal collect, (416) 731-5769. B OVERWEIGHT? Try our e Appetite Control Program - lose up ta 29 lbs. in 30 dlays. No drugs. 100% guaranteed. Surprisingly affordablel Cail (416) 338-5550. Distributorships now available. B PAIN RELIEF 1'RBATmcrT. Drug free. Safe for ail ages. Free Bookîet. 30 day money back trial. Oxihixo Marketing, 106-75 Watline Ave., Missisauga, Ont. L4Z 3E5. B MANY THANKS TO St. Jude for prayers answered. M WOMEN IN AIBUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. For help cali the Denise'House for womnen and children. Toîl f ree 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidsntially assured. (Formerly Auberge.) BAHAIS BELIEVE: By the righteousness of the Lordl Ye were created ta show love ans ta another and perversity and rancour. Caîl 668-8665. HOME MOVIES transferred to videa tape. European videa tapes converted. Low, low prices. 728-9565. LADIES IN TH-E ORIENT seek correspondence W/ single gentlemen. THE FRIENDSHIP OFFICE, Box 5248, Stn. A, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 1X6. THANKS TO ST. JUDE for favours recieved. J.P. BIRTH CONTROIL and family planning counselîing. Free and canfidential, availahîe Monday ta Friday, 8:30 a.m. ta 420 p.m. Clinic svery Thursday 3:00 p.m. ta 6:00 p.m. For further information, caîl 420-8781 or 433-8901. ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching back? Stiff joints? Sleeping handa? *Beulah 0ilm HELPSI Send $2. for brochure/information: Beulah Land, Box 1086, Partage La Prairie, Manitoba, RlN 3C5. B HURON STREET PUBLIC Schooî turns 100. Join frionda Saturday, May 26, 1-4 pm. (ar send Jttera). 541 Huron Street, Toronta, N15R 2R6. B DOWSERS., DIVINERS af w"or, minerais, heafth, etc. ta consider membership in the Canadian Society of Dowsers. Convention June 22. P.O. Box Q9, Boston, CRUISE THE ST. LAWRENCE, Saguenay and Ottawa Rivers. 3, 5, and 7 night cruises aboard elegant replica steamships. Romantic cities, the world-famous 1000 Islands, the- International Seaway and Locks, whalewatching and magnificant fjords. $592 ta $2,480-. Dia-a-brochure, 1-800-267-7868 toll-fres. B BONMAIR R.V.'S, Campers, Traîlers, l-ardtop, Tent, -Foldown, Fifth-wheel, Travel, Park-models, Accessories. New & used. Large selection. Fibreline fiberglass & aluminum truck caps. Royal Trailer & RV. Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. (519).343-2122. B SET SAI THIS SUMMER In Lindsay. Rivermili Village, aduit waterfront condominiums in downtown Lindsay now offers Boating Slips right on the Trent-Severn Waterway. Ribermill provides accesa to 240 miles of spectacular fishing and slghtsSing .from Lake Ontario ta Georgian Bay. 14 Suite Designs, magnificent Rivermill Clubhouss, fram $172,900. Cail Upper Canada Lakes. 1-800-461-6521. B 4 .4 CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, east of Orono, 4th or Sth concession lins, 7 km* east Hwy. 35/115. Seasonal campground, beautiful. $795. 1-416-786-2562. ("-Whtby Urgent Carso IMon. to Fr1. 6 p.m. to 9 p.mn. ' St.&àSun. 10a..mto 9 pm ' IHONEY TREE COURT 1 8 FA MIL Y GA RGE SA LE APRIlL21AWD22 I Sewng macins, carpet, canonbal beposter prints, bicycles. Smicrowave anid miscelloeieous itemls.J YARD SALE April 21 and 22. 10 am - 4 p. 8and joCais Street, West Lynde. MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE sale.' Rosseau Crescent, Otter Creek, Whitby. Set. April 2%, 9 a.m. ta 3 Glass and China: R.S. Germany, occupied Japan, 5 battIs cruit sel crystal ruby glass, lithophanE stein, rayai vienna, gouda, malmalsan English cut glass, mapîs leaf compote, cookie jars, mercury glass, black amethiat, blue carnival glass punch bowl set. Paintinga: Jack Reid original water colaur -, Rusty Roaf,. framed tapestred ,'Darathy Oxborough oniginal pastel - Indian Chil. Clocks: ginger broad, ages, glbert, pequegnat, German wai ldock with chîme, man's wristwatch tudo ayster by Rolex. Rugs & Quilta: Room size Indian woal ruga, log cabin quiît, hooked rugs. Collecibles: Coca Cola memorabilia, cast Iran tractor seets, decoys, Birk'a silver plate, cold cast bronze, hand forped tools, builssys ail lampa, cast iran single wheel coffes milI, brasa candIs holders, coin banka, 10 pc. basin and pitcher set, 16 pc. French ivary vanity set, wlcker, copper, cracks, art deco lampa, barber chairs, Quebec carvinga, Canadian folk art, brasa naval search light, long case oak tolephone, Russian brasa samovar, lamp wfth leaded stained glass, silver f ish 'set Dec. 16, 1865, shadow box, bridge lampa. Furniture: Canadian kitchen cupboard original, preased back chairs, Victarian curlo with bevellod glass mirrar very ornate,' splnning wheel, 8 po. oak dining room suite wfth single pedistal round table, blanket boxes drap front socty wfth double glass doars, orientai privacy screen 6 sections, Quebec candIs table, doIl's high chair, 7 ft. stenclled (Pennsylvania Dutch) slab seat bench, oak aecretary, Edison diamond disc f loor model gramaphone, homemade rocking horses, pins kitchen cupbaard orig. red paint circa 1850, Victorian chest circa 1860, 9 pc. oak drawîeal dining suite, oak hall seat beveîled glass mirror, pins harveat table, Duncan Phyf e china cabinet, cedar chest, wash stand, Mr.& Mrs. Victorian chairs vsry ometse. Note: This la a partial list of over 300 hand picked lots, samething for everyone. Cash or goad cheque with ID. Viewing 9 a.m. ta sale time, snack bar an promises. DALE SMITH, AUCTIONEER 416-723-7938 DLS AUCTION SERVICES ORVAL McLEAN AUCTîONS SAT. APRIL 21 AT 1039 A. REAL ESTATE AUCTIQN AT 41 ST. LAWRENCE ST., LINDSAY Excellent 3 bedroamn brick bungalow with paved drive & inished basement, newly redecorated, gorgeous hdwo baors, nîcely landscap- ~wfth fenced in back yard. Con renient lcation close ta achool, 4phurch, shappng and college, quiet! street. eling subjeot ta ireayonab erve. udTerme 500.«M sae have ta be sald from a'small estate from Ajax,' a 9 pc. dining room suite, mahogany empire bonnet chest, oak barley twister table, walnut tea-wagon,- Jacquous and Hayes 6. ft. dresser, mahogany vanity, mahogany desk, oak beau-f ront china cabinet, woad falding, acreen, wall mirrors, new Kirby vacuum cleaner, 'dressera, carpets, plus large.' collection of Canadian and American ail and watercolor paintings by artist M. Wardlow, M. Lister, A.J. Casson, E. Harding, plus many otheir artists, collection af mantel dlocks, signed carnival glass, plus lots of other glass and collectibles. Another large sale* with aamething for everyone. For mare information caîl 263-4252 GARRY K. POWELL, AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE MAY 5 AT il A. Estate sale for the lae JONAS DAVIS of Columbus, including real estate plus al household contents and 1980 Olda car, with 81%000 original miles, chesterfisld suite, pressback rocker and'chairs, 3 wheel bicycle, new color TV, freezer, refridgerator, stove, bedraamn suite, lawn mawer, tools, lawn furniture, odd dressera, aId cana, baffles, pins boxes, crocks, fancy cupa & saucera, diahes, tea-wagan, ather occasional tables, bedding and much mare. Real Estae to besold atl1p.m. sharp. Including 3 bedroamn frame hous, with detached garage on a 100x150 lot, paved driveway, septic system and weil. 'Terma of real estate are $5000. certified choque on sale day, balance closing in 60 daya. Contents are cash or cheque w/ ID. For mare information, cali 1-416-263-4252 GARRY K. POWELL, AUCTIONEER LUNCH AVAILABLE AUCTION SALE SAT. APRIL 21 AT 11 A.. Auction sale of landacapo oquipment. 1987 Ford 4x4 truck and furniture for John Lawrie, RR #2, Newcastle. Talc. 3rd concession af Newcastle east of Hwy. 115, V2 mile, watch for signa. To include 1987 Ford F250 4x4 sold certified, Thomas skid steer loader, 2 Roper 18 hp. lawn tractors, W6 tandem trailer, utility-trallers, Iawn sweepers, power mowsrs, chain saws, weed saters, Isaf blowers, vacuums, pawer tools, transit level, table saw, drill press, 3 hp. air compressor, 7 V/2' snow plow wl hamness and controla, Meyer sait aspreader, pickup box liner, quantity of ail & grease, car parts, wheel barows, new amall tractor tires, fonce, building' supplies, office fumiture, chesterfield and laveseat, kitchen table and -chairs, wraught iran railinga plus Iota more items. Terma are cash ýor choque or Visa. For more information calI 1-416-263-4252 GARRY K. POWELL, AUCTIONEER * LUNCH AVAILABLE.. )NS" - )p.m. ring, 3 ce399). selectioriof antiques, fine furniture, glass, chinia, collectibles, primni- tives, and the unusuals. Sa loin us every Wed. and participate in one of. Ontario's "True" Auctions wfth no> buy-backs or' reserves. "Con- slgnment & estate selling our specialty". Cal us today. Previews from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS SAT. APRIL 21 AT 10 AN. Quality furniture, antiques & callectibles at Orval Fc&sa Auction Center' - Lindsay. Contents of Ige. century faim housBabcaygean. 22 Royal Dautan fig urines, beautiful 10 pc. walnut dining ste., gorgeous bedomm, stes., carved Victarian armoirs, 199. oak curved glass china cabinet, leaded secreta" bookoase, aak S rail top dssk, Ige. Chinese wool -;rug, many collectibles. Partial list. No reserve. Plan ta attend ans 0f. our beat sales this sprlng. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 324-2783 L INDSAY AUCTION SALE SAT. APRIL 21 AT 6 P.M. ODDFELLOW'S HALL IN PORT PERRY Excellent furniture, antiques, and appliances. Also 6 HP riding mawer, 5 HP rototiller, carpets, limited print, barbaque and mare. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 AUCTION SALE SAT. APRIL 21 AT 12 NOON BARONS GIFT STORE, HAMPTON ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES, CHINAI, CRYSTAL, HOUSEHOLD AND AUTO SelIing for Baron's Gift Store, Pets and the lae Gladys.BARRON, and household effecta, astate of Lotti MITCHNER (aunt), a large sale of antique furniturs, tables, bodroam suite, china cabinet, ornals oak library desk, secretary, hall desk, hall table, baetz 2 tier table, set of -6 aak T-back chairs, round oak_ table, several blanket boxes, modemn hutch, pine table and benches, gingorbroad dock, picturea, boats, many collector plates and place aettings, Royal Daulton, Aynsley, a set of Limogea dishea (very aId), Waterford crystal, many aider piecea - flobieu, cheese dish, joudiniere, nippon, many collectables - pop cooler, 1981 Grand Lemnans station wagon. Praperty sold. Mr. Barran is maving ta an apt. Sale et promises. Not esponsible for accidents. STEVE AND STEVE LIPTAY, AUCTIONEERS 263-8710 DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL SERVICE? Uf so, advortise in aur "CALL A PROFESSIONALm section of The Whitby Fres Proe. No job too big or toa 'amaîl. Cali 668-6111 and watch the.business iolLinL. . ..............

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