PAGE 20, VITMY REE PRESS, wEDNESDAy, MAy 16. 1990 Marlin Travel opens locaioninleastWhitby Whitby's newest travel agency recentiy opened in Thjck"son Plaza. It is the third Marlin Trayei agency in Durham ]Regon. Although the officiai opening is flot until May 17, employees LUsa Delavigne and Diane Eppel have been busy heiping locai residents with theïr holiday plans for the past two weeks. According to owner Lorna CANADA S LARGEST DOMESTIC TJOUR OPERArOR WE- PUT THE EAST & WEST IN VOUR HANDS Round Trip E ast Airfare front ___________ Toronto 1,11, Haifaxplus Uip Io 2 (I'gtfs wookly from$ 199lu Fredericton f 19plus 1 flight weokly r$19 tx Saint John f~ 9 plus St. John's plus29 up to 3 flighis weekly foI 9 e Charlottetown $19plus UIP ta 2 flig)ts weokly f r am 19tex Optonal fond packages avaflablo tialCOnada Eat doatinations. Round Trip W est Airfare lrom Calgary plus38 UP 10 3 flights weekly fo$ 3 e Edmonton plmu39 s 1 llght weekly r$34 te Vancouver plus39 up ta 4 fig/ifs weekly r$37 te Regina Plus28 1 flifht weeklfr om 5 e Sas katoon îr$ 89plusr 1 flight weeklfr o 289 .te fAU rrces elrowrr above are based arn Coren slalui ILim tred$sells avalleble ot tis pice. Prce mary aiea Vary acOrdng1 de ofdisait e nd tenason on eorne rorjies. For furteher detalle Iand terme and conditionrs of bcoklrrg Conquela jNrh Amricn Suprchtrtr brochue. OPEN HOUSE MAY llth. Join us for ight 'efmeshments and meet our friencly staff. 80 TifICKSON RD, SOUTH, WHITBY 1CEE MAA! Bates, Alaskan cruises are popu- lar with vacationers thinlung of something a littie differentbut who wish te conline their travel te North Ainerica. Traditional favorites Florida and California also remain popu- lar with local residents, said Bates. .«With the economy the way it is, many people are looking at North Anrca this year,» said Bates. "0f course, there's stili the normal amount of interest in Europe and a lot more in Austra- lia and New Zeaiand.» Rather than the usuai pre- packaged vacation fare such as group bus teurs, Bates said mn pe ~ople want something a ertl ïféent. She said. more people are expressing interest irn waiking tours, bailooning or riding river barges in France for exampie. Like those at other travel agencies, Marlin staff have been busy sera2mbling te correct the problems caused by the recent colla pse of Thomson Vacations and Odyssey International. "It's taking up a lot time. It was devastating,. we're ail a bit shattered," said Bates. «But people shouldn't lose out. There is a (government) compen- sation plian implace.» Marlin 'Travrel lis0 en fr-om 9:30 a.m. te 6 .. onday te Wednesday, 9:30 to 7 Thursday and Friday, and from. 10 to 3 on Saturday. What exactly does a travel brochure mean by "On the water?" Deciphering ad jargon, checking departure points and talking to a knowledgeable travel agent are ail keys te planning an enjoyable trip. Ontario's travel regulations help promote smooth sailing for vacationers who plan carefully, legisiators say. The regulations are designed te ensure everyone buying services firom registered Ontario travel agents is treated farly. The la*s set out specific remedies for common problemns and increase the industry's responsibility for providing accurate information te, customers. "scally, we've clarified how consumers must be treated from the time they cali an agent te the moment they return from the trip and even beyond that~ if complaints are iodged," says Hal Burna, travel registrar for the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations (MCCR). Many involve unà satisfcoyaccommodations, particuiarly in "sunshine" destinations. Befor buying any travel services, consumers should brush up on the new laws, Burns says. "anning and research will always be the best way te avoid problems. So, start by knowing the law, then ask questions and read books te be able te make an informed decision about your holiday." Some of the most important provisions of the Travel Industry Act are: 1Consuxners must be teld ini advance if an agent charges for travel counselling-services .......i JILL DAVIES of Davies Maa eeit Consultants was a guest speaker at the Tourist Association of Durham Région (TADR) seminar and literature. xcagelas week. at the Darlington nuclear generating station information centre. Davies spoke about staff recruitment, tralning and reten- tion. -, Fr.. Pze photo Il Agents are responsible foi providing customers with a written summary of entry requirements and custoins of the countries they wiil be visiting. The suxnmary must also list the documentation needed for ai] parts of the trip and traveilers must be advised of any changes in these reurements occurring before deprue a Under the new rules, agents must check tickets, itineraries any other documentation. Any mistakes must be corrected beforie the materiai is given to customers. AU1 documentation must be delivered te traveilers at least 14 days before the trip starts. e Ail travel brochures and other advertising must conform to a number of regulations. If a minimum price is listed, the corresponding maximum must aiso be given.' Taxes, service charges, membership, caste and other fees must be spelled out. Statements outlining such issues as consumer rights, reud policies, and potentiai differences in living standards outside Ontario must be included in promotional matenial. Description of accommodations muticld location and note any construction or renovations undeway, aiong with the antiipatd copletion date. Travel wholesalers -- companies that seil services te agents - are responsible for nin the accommodations are ectly as represented ini promotional mateniai. If not, traveilers must be offered a comparable, acceptable su-bsttute when available, or a full or inmedat«efmd& r e The choice' of a refimd or asubstitute travel services must y aiso beprovided if deprtures r Ddelayed for 24 hours or more .unless caused by unavoidable Dfactors such as mechanica] 1problenis, safety considerations% oweather or strikes. In addition, the refund provision applies when a Pnce change exceeds 7 par -cent 0f the tetai cost. Price hikes due te tax increases are exempt. Other situations triggering the refund clause include changes in cruise ships, accommodations, standard of accommodationsý, and, sometimes, the route of travel. Most of the. regulationsare effective July 1, 1988. Provisionse related to the standard of accommodations came inte force when the new regulatory packagel was unveied. Combined with carefui plnn.,.the new rules shoûld "ep miimize disa pintments for Ontario trvelers, Burns says-. SBut there are always riaks when you are dealing with something as complex as travel, lie says. "It wiil neyer be as straightforward as buyig a coucli. You ct s can't an agent picked at random, ask for 'a three-week trp te somewhere sunny' and expect paradise. Don't expect first-class service for economy prices and dont judge facilities or services ggaînst the Canadian standard 0f livig Keep the state of the local economy and the country's level of development in mind. S ....SEE PAGE 21 --- Discover The Art Of Deck-Nology Competltive Prices - Unique Custom Wood Decks & Fences - Curves. Angles, Gozebos, Porches - VsIt Our Design Centre & Showroom Deck-Nology Imc. 939 DillIngham Rd. Unit 4, Pckering Ont. ______ L1W MZ (416) 831-1616 DÎECI-f.OLGyNnv I C~r dDb Smoothsailing fr t-hose who plan carefully ;- 1