WH1TY nREE PRESS, WEDNESIDAY, MAY 16, 1990, PAGE 283' LAKE ONTARIO STEEL COMPANY a-- --Nmm-!om esHOPI<IN S ST. S., WHITBY HRF, STMRT Hawks- lost to Ajax 5-3 Monday but remain tied with Ajax i first place in thefr division of LOSSA basebaiL Henry bas won Whitby bail (W W L T PU' TeM RuaW 3 38006e RaxG catoe. 2 01 5 Brook. Br'veS 2 2 0 0 4 A&JDuaters 2 2 00 4 Garrrd oadEPL 3 2 1 0 4 BoppSe% BuD 4 1 2 1 8 Dlucout Werioru 2 1 1 0 2 OMSelocta 3 1 2 0 2 X.P. W. VWaeru2 0 2 O 0 Ha"ePlmatics 8 0830 0 Comium a 0830 0 Tqp 10 Ue a A FPM D. Sýpachmn, T.m Bu" 56 510 B. Henrus, Brook Braves 6 2 7 E. 0u1dg, TomRuaela 8 4 7 B. Clarn, A &J Dug.rs 2 5 7 M. Dcbon, TmRua 2 6 7 ILDvlnà satoru 2 4 6 ILAmodeeow persBulls 6 O 5 B. MddW«% B rook Buv. 4 1 6 .Ichtoer,A &JiD"am 4 1 5 P. Garret Tm au" 8 2 5 Hig golf We H. Ap4I 80 -Kow4 TEEVINlO DIVISION Sùa-w MATCH 2EAU PrS FPM Anderson Poet Ferr Dunharton Uxbridge Henry Brock Mjax Cartwright PPr e Henry Anderson Brhck 2 171V2 2 12112 2 121V2 2 12 2 il 2 101/2 2 6 V2 0 11)2z Bafl 7 112 Dunharton 41la 7 Uzbd4ge 6 12 C@Arwright 0 10 la c.erbt tI1)n 13AERDIVIMON MATCH FIS Owend1l 4 East"a1 4 Courtioe 2 Dooevan O McIamughlln O Verier O EMUBB IEAU PME 24 231V2 8 4 12 0 0 o'Nto 12 Van1W O g.b .12 -PWM 0 five and lost two games, with two regular sejison games left before playoffa begin. Peter Tomirlin photo Notre Dame wins CYO hockey final Holy Family Flame. feu to the Notre. Daime Tigers in the CYO atom A playoff finals held recently. The championship round was a best-of-thr-ee affair. During the regular seagon, the teanis met three tixnes, each team wth a win, a Ion and a tie. Eveiyone expec ted a tough final. Igame one, the score was tied 2-2 umtil late in the third period when Notre Dame rammed home two quà ck goals to get the victory. Flames gols were scored by John "Choo Choo" Colemain and Darcy T7he Deke" Hili. Asaisting were. Ricky Petralito and Colin Neubauer. In gaine two, the Flames came out red hot. Justin Colins, on a nice set up from Neubauer, scored on the first shift of the gae Lataer, Neubauer set-up Dvd Jarand for an insurmountable 2-O lead. Tlhe Flames added two goals by Coleman on some pretty passes from Hml. The spectators were buzzing in anticipation for gaine three. However, froin the opening face-off this gaine belongod to Notre Dame. They won convincingly 3-O. As in the previous gaines, Holy Family received excellent goltending from Richard "The SnaWe Sagen. Although the Flames came up one game shy of their mission, coach Paul Coleman was pleased by the effort of ail team members. Contributing alseason to the Flames' success were Tony Ià ut, Steve Czarnich, Paul Lamnbert, Cliff Coppolino, Neil Gladstone, Paul McKinnon, Sean Sorenson, Mike McGee aud Joseph Longo. Registration for the 1990 - 91 season wiil take place on Sept. 21,. 22 and 23. The CYO will provide hockey for ail interested boys froin age 5 to,15. For more information, call Michael HM11 at 427-3961. Nonquon triathilon - on June 2 The first annual Non q on Triathlon will be held in ort Te triathlon will consist of a 4km canoe race on Lake Scuog a 10km cycle and 4kmn run, i beginning and ending at the Lat- chain Centre. J Entry fee is $15. For more Pi)> TIfPt7CTiEIi *information eall Marilyn Pearce at 985-9250. WHITYMACIIJE SKO FABRIATION »* WEDINGà SPECIALIZING IN ALL: STEEL SALES and REPAURS GRADER and SNOWPLOW*BLADES BUCKET LIPS andJ BUCKET EDGES 524 WATSON ST. E. JEFF WHITE [WHITBY, ONTARIO!'*6840- MOTORCYCLE rfraining Course + License Test *Motorcycles provided by Yamiaha* Courses offered every weekend from April to Thanksgiving. Cail Durharn College at 576-0210 or 1-800-668-5843 for more information. Yaniaha Motorcycles, accessories and course application forms are available fromn:- East: Lakeshore Power Sports, Cobourg Central: AB 's Motorcycle Shop, Simcoe St. N., Oshawa West: Yamaha Sports Pickering, Pickering