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Whitby Free Press, 16 May 1990, p. 25

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BEAD INJURY ASSOCIATION, TIho annual goneral meeting of the Head Irqjury Association of Durham Rog&on will bo hold Wodnesday, May 6, 7 p.m., at t Whitby Baptist Church, 411 Gil. bert St. ILITS & COLITS The Cariadian Foundation for fits& Colitis-Oshawa Chapter will meet on Thursday, May 17, 8 p.m., at OshawaGnra Hos- pital, room 1002. DIRAUG The DRAUG (Durham Region Apple User Group) -for Apple Il series and compatible computers will meet at St. Andrews Piesbytorian Church, 209 Cochrane St. in Whitby on- Tlhursday, May 17, 7 p.m. There will bo two presentationsý, the first a demonstration on Appleworks 3.0; the second a flow-up on using modems. New members are welcome. For further information, cali 497-.8204 or 668-5022. BREAKFAST CLUB The Third Thursday Breakfast club will meet on May 17, 7:30 a.m., at the Old Munich Cafe, 255 iKing St. E., Oshawa. The women 8 group eets monthly. New members and guests are welcome. For more information cail 723-1143. EXCEPTIONALCILDR The Council for Exceptional Children will hold the annual dinnor and awards night on May 17, 7 p.m., at General Sikorski Hall, Oshawa. Guest Speake wiIl be Louise Farr, Pckering trustee for the Durham oard of Education. For more information csill 728-44681 or 728-2214. EUCBRENIGET The Ladies Auxiiliary of WVhitby Branch 112 of the Royal Canadian Legion will hold 'Euchre Night' on MaLy 17, 8 p.m. at the Legon hall, Byron St. S, Whitby. Enryfée i $2, includ- ing lunch. PARK1NSON Tho Parkinsôn Exorcise Group meets overy Thursday,9:30 to il a.m. at the church houa. of St. Marks United Church, at the .corner of Byron and Coiborno EARTHWORKS GARDEN SERVICE Garden Designl & Construction (416 4307602joseph Palmieri' RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Ice Crearn - Fyers* *Chairs & 7Tales' Ask for George ReidenikaiServiOurChoag 100 and 200 amep Starting At $850. I AMLWOEK GUABANTERD E rWATI ,W h Coming events BLUEGRASS Pineridge Bluegrasa Folklore Society will hold a piidn' session on Sunday' May 20, fi-om 2 te 5 p.m. at Camp Samac, Oshawa, at the main council hall, north outrance off Conlin Rd. Everyone welcome te attend an aftornoon of good old bluegrass music. OPEN BOUSE Frontenac Youth Services and Kinark Chfld and Family ser- vices will hold a combine open house on May 23, 4 te8p.m. at three locations in Oshawa: 1&21 Simcoo St. N. (Durham House) 1400 Ritson Rd. S. (FrontenacS and 199 Wentworth St. W., suite; 8 (Kinark). The open house is part of a co-ordinated effort to raise public awareness about mental health services for chli- dren and adoloscents in Durham Region. DiNER MEETIG The Durham Business and Professional Women's Club wil hold a dinner mieeting on Wed- nesday May 23, at the Greys- tone Ëquestrian Centre, Port Perry. [leather Taylor,.from the Ministry of Revenue, will discusa cFInancnig Your Small Business.' Reception at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. Cost for members is $25, for non-members $30. For reserva- tions caîl Nancy at 433-0168 before May 20. Jennifer Jenkins will discus legal issues relating te Alzheimer disease, at am Alzhemer Society of Durham Region meeting on Wednesday, Ma 23, 7:30 pamn, at the Senior Citizens' Activity Centre, 910 Liverpool Rd., Pick- ering. IIMG WELL Tho Living Well program's May workeho9, on health care, fitness,, nutition and stress managment begin on Wednes- day, May 23, 1:45 pam., at the Centennial Building. Regist- ration fee is $5, for five sessions. SPRING CLEAN UPS- PMW inshkw AkmiJnum SiigClkbg Bi*kh Cli7 Winmbtw^A wn" F'oeEtlmatoe SQUEEGEE KING WINDOW CLEANING 432-2160 FOR FREE QUOTATION CALL LI212 IMAM 1 725-6564 k l YAIRDSALE A yard sale will bo held by Christ the Kigo audy May 26 atthP sportWVhiby car dealership at Glon Hill Dr. and Dundas St. E. Bakod' clothing and items' for alae will be offered, and thero will bo face painting for kids, and clowns. Ail welcome. SPRING FESTIVAL The llth annual 'Spring Festi- var will be held in Whitevale, north Pickering, on May 26, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. Theme for the day's ovonts is <Preserving the Past for tho Future'te celebrate, the l7Oth anniversazy of the haiet. Attractions iniclude an old-time parade, antique and craft market, homo baking, tea gardon and chidren's activities. SOCIET Matsuyama Bonsai Society wil prosent their third, annual bonsai show on Saturday, May 26, 1ito 5 p.m. at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa (three blocks north of King St. on the northeast corner of Centre and William streets). An exhibition of bonsai trees by members of the club wil be featurd. Ail are invited to attend. For more information cail 571-3153 or 683-2568. FASHION SHOW 'Fashions on the High Seas' will be presened b the Greek Youth of Oshawa &Z District on May 27,.4 p.m., at the Kinsmen community centre in Oshawa. ickets are $15 for adulte $10 for children and seniors. 1Prio includes wine and cheese, Greek pastries, free gifts for ail and door prizes. Caîl 668-7600 for tickets. Proceeds go te the Greek Youth Building Fund. SEMINlAR 'The Greatness Factory,' a four-hour seminar te help parti- cipants realize their potential will be held May 29 and 31, ~ p.m., at Trilum Valleys new ski chalet hall, north of Oshawa. 'Greatness Within a Self' and 'Greatness Within a Marriag' will bothe subjects of partAoIf the seminar on May29- 'Great- ness Within a amily' and «Greatness Within Work Perfor- mance' will bo ths subjec of Part BonMa3lCot is $10 for tho whole seminar. For information and tickets caîl Jeanetto Jamie- son at 666-5845. QUALITY DECORATJNG [fAT A FAIR FIUCE J UAl typesl cf paper hanging and paining SASK FOR DORIT OR PAT 683-8780 MARINE SERVICE OFM cSomm a" Cm g..i .Waxlng & Pollslng Pro-HL*l GIoe (protect yoLz hug for up Io 3 years) Compound and Waxc or Wax ontly. Fabrlc & Vinyl Protecon Keeps vrM bIokbig new Iorçer a Shleldng Us sheldbng fonfnulo prevents stairs from spls *Anfi-foullng From touch-up fo complete huit sondkig. prepped axlantlouLed 'intetior Shampoohgd & Clearing *Docksde Woshlng a Spring Start- Up Colt for FREE Estimotes (416) 725-5418 SWfby,, j * WIUBYFMEEPRES WEDNESAY, MAY 16, 1990j PAGE 25 Cap registration nderway underway at Bewod Glen Dhu, Palmerston and Pkingl Creek community center schools. Pringle Creek, Palmerston and Glen Dhu are offering pre-school camps that'operate two mornings a week for toddlers from age 3 te 5. The camp will include sing-a-longs, stories, gamnes and The camp operates from July 3 te Aug. 9, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. aud the cost varies fromn $70 te $85, depending on date. AUl community schools are offering full-day camps for chfldren aged 6 te 13. Tne day camp will include a variety of arts and crafts, gaines, sports, swiniming and barbecues. Camp sessions are one- week and run from July 3 to Aug. 10, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and cost varies from $55 te $65 per week, depending on date. Itesistration for camp at the coemunty chools is on Mondays and Tuesdays from- 7 to 9 p.m. For- more information cal 668-5803, extension 217, parka and * recreation department of WVhit1y. Sympos ium for gr. 10 students 'Careers '90,' a s3ymposiumn on non-traditional careers, for grade 10 students of the Durham ]Regio separate school board, wila held on May 16 in the Durham College rnasium. Guest speaker w;il be Durham College president Gary Polonsky. Entertainment will be provided bV the Co mpany of Sirens, a Toronte-baed theatrical group Who specialize in educational theatre. Youth forum. May 22 A forum, <Youth in Crisis: Our Challenge,' will be held on May 22, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Durham Board of Education Centre, 1400 Hopkins St., Whitby. The forum is sponsored by Shelters for Youth Committeo an interagency committe. o Durham Region. The forum will identilfj the needs of youth, gaps in existing support services and possible changes te moot needs. Guost will b. Catherine Walkor, public hoalth nurse, famnily "planning counsellor for CARPENIRY WHITBY LIV. General Carpentry Addi(tions Home Improuemerst Ceramic Tiing Rec Rooms ---- Dirywa and Painting 16 YEAIRS IN DUBHA4M REGION :Z 668-4686 DANNYS GENERAL CONTRACTORS, Proteot Your tInveannt Wfth Qualfty Rspahsanhd Improvements Complbe.Renovatlooe DrywoJI : Painting. Skylites. French Doors Water Pmro fing Kichens *-Bathrooms FýRE ES11MATES 666,2827 the Durham Region department of Health, chairmaan of theAgýen- cies Networking for Youth Com- mittee and çhima of the youth commiýtee for the Social oýveIopmont Council, Ajax-Pick- ormg. A panel of youth wiil breifly outlino thoir oxperionces when in criais. imail group discussions will thon b. encouraged. It is estimated that there will be ropresentation from 75 te 100 agoucèies involved with youth in various capapcities, including, oducation, Toumug and com- munity services. SEASONS LANDSCAPING SPECIAL - INTERLOCKING STONE FROM $3.981 FT. *Stone Rutaininq WaIIs *Stone Fencing *Curbing *Wood Docks *Wood Retaining WaIIs Cati the Landscaping.. Hole For Free Estimate 723-1994 246-4053 Oshawa Toronto LANDSCA PING by UNI VERSITY -WERKS. -sînce 1980 - Quality Construction& Professional Design E *Interlocking Brick dlrives, paltos walksm *Retaiigng walis *Wood Fencing - Wood Decks Frea Competitive Estimates 666-9690 ý . . , . , . - 1 . q ý i ý 1 t 'ý 1 . , 1 , , 1 f 1 ,, . , s - f - - ý .% t 4 1 40'i s -e 64 44 ' - g 4 ,4 .- « 1, , e ' BOOKKEEPIG Fully Computermzd Irtclding Monthly FÙuinac &atemeflt 668-9340 PATRICKS GENERAL SERVICE ,HOME IMPROVEMENTS COMPLETE RENOVATIONS " BASEMENTS * BATHROOMS~ " PAINTING & PAPERING 430-1422 i 1

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