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Whitby Free Press, 23 May 1990, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1990 1867 Confeder atiton a 'myth,' dlaims COR By Trudie ZaLvadovicau The Confederation of Canada in1867 in a mth, Mech Lake in a mistake, biljualim is a no- no, and ban a je crumblingi' under the dictatorial. powers o its Prime Ministers - past and presont. These are some of the plat- forme and platitudes an wliich the C.O.R. (Confederation of Régions) Party, was formed -in 1984 It ieon these issueseand several othore that they chal- lenge past and present guvern- mente ,with the firm behoéf that changa je the only way to save thsailing country. C.O.R's founder is Elmer Knutson who* was elected leader of th pati n Caga1 in184. Thi ~ xTr daims cohave d9cu- nientsitonproving Ïhat there was o Confederatior of Canada hi147. With that b ef h. says Canadians now have ho right to establieh and ratify a 'poopie constitution and a 'confoderation of regoné' for a more pr osperous and demacratie nation. *On si visit ta Oshawa i Mardi, ho'ré rtgd t9ld, a grugatho t 4he liday pni that «W. liv. ýM a conistitu- tional dictatorehip! b Oas ur pMP' muet ta. the lin.!- and- went on t o itre hie parys beliefs that Canad is a cquntr orgions and that Engi m t b. its only officiai. langua,ýe and that th' peoplonot tho rie Ministor ishould have tho nowor. The C.O.R. Party want ta, make 13 major changes ta' Canada. The firet is ta, establish Engi- ish as the only officiai language., They appose, Mooch Lake andaa distinct socieéty for Quebc Thoy want ta establish fixed terms for parliament, and allow more fre votes so, that MP's cen represent their ridings. Thoy would domand that maimum intâet on bank loans be 6 peor cent with no change foý periodt of loans. Tlhey, will doznand that the right ta own property b. ensh- rined in aur constitution (When wejget ane.) palaetr demacracy establisxed in Canada and ta end the dictatorial pwr of the Prime Minister. They appose borrowing money for fore- inaid. gCOR apposes manapolistic capitalism and monopolistic socialism. They aim ta reinstate tou0h immigration laws with a behoef that immigration je 11k. adop- tion. The immigrant muet com- ply with Canadien standards and customs. They say they wvill not; allow immigration policios and foreign custome ta destroy the 'distinctivenese of aur nation'. As well, they want ecanomic and fina.ncial reform with money qentorinig the system through the Bank aof Canada and controlled by aur elected representatives. Tey are firm in their belief that monoy muet not corneita exis- tence as a debt. COR wants ail MP's controlled and responsible ta their electars for their actions. Laetly, COR would demand a constituent assembly b. elected ta draft a people constitution for Canada ta b. approved, by the vatersi Dean Kelly has, hved ini the Durham Region for over 42 years. He has recently hopped on the COR bandwa on because he likes their policies and finds them a refreehing change ta what we have. Like meny Canadians, Kelly is frustrated and fed up with pre- sent g'rnent. He "ye that "the coun try iis run liy a- buncli ui damn fools who don't know what they'ro cling.' * Retired fromn an extensive career ini radio and telo1ýMsin Kelly in particularly concerne over some of the issues facing Canadianà today. "A lot of- people are really 'ioncemed that Meech Lake is really going ta, change thie whole constitution (and make), a lot of major changes in Canada." b H owants toa uom PFs b accountable ta the people who, elected them.' "MP's today, taw the party lin. and to hell with the poaple.n Bank rates and -Canada's national debt are real bones of contention with Kelly. "Banks always inake tliir money on peop1li mozey (no matter what the interest rate), says Kelly. "Interest rates are hi because we are borrowing 40billion from Japan. Thirty- eight per cent of al aur Cana- dien bonds are ownedl by West Germmny. To keep thatnioney in the cou2ntryw. bave ta have high interest rates.»,' "If we have a balancd budget 11k. w. could have and we should have and tyw.ren't spending money 11ke drunken sailorsim Ottawa," then interest rates wouldn't need ta b. so 4ih. Ho says that the or coun- tries of Japan, West ran, England and Austraha have balanced budgets. «Canada ie $400 billion in debt. Tlhat's why -u intereut rates are go high ta ttac fore- igictlioe untrIfw in this country, th%~ wouldn't need ta borrow money. Kelly sees a lot of present government sponding as un- necessary. «On. point four billion dollars for French end othor wasteful MirXe6fllairport islosing $1lmi- lion per day. Theyre wasting money ail over the country. They're expanding the Federal governent continually.." Ho said in on. of many letters ta the edlitor that, since 1984, the Mulroney . government has in- creesed taxes by 68er cet and (accarding tCBC-TVlajespend- i$ million dollars an hour. l sclearly fed Up with present governxnent policies and spenin or hm, OIRserves as aY.r5hing alternative that hayet ta b. taen ta tesk. Coming e vents SEAUNAR 'The Greatness Factory,' a four-hour seminar ta help parti- cipants realize their potential wll beheld May 29 and 31, p.m., at Trillum Valley's new ski chalet hall, north of Oshawa. 'Greatness Within a Self and 'Greatness Within a Marriage' will bethe subjects of part A of the sommear on Ma129."'Great- ness Within a Vamily' and 'Groatness Within Work Perfor- mance? will b. ths subject of par B on May 31. Cost is $10 for th. whole seminar. For information and tickets caîl Jeanette Jamie- son at 666-5845. FASION SHOW 'Fashions on the High Seas' wiMl b.presened by the Greek Youth of Oshawa & District on May 2 *7, 4 p.m., at the Kinsmen community centre in Oshawa. Tickets are $15 for adulte $10 for children and seniors. IPrice includes wine and cheese, Greek pastries, free gfts for ail and door prize. Caîl 668-7600 for tickets. Proceede go ta the Greek Youth Building Fund. SOCIETY Matsuyama Bonsai Society wi present their third annuel bonsa show on Satur day May 26, 1 ta 5 p.m. at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa (three blocks north of Ring St. on the northeast corner of Centre and William streets). An exhibition of bonsai trees by inembers of the club will b. featurd. AUl are invited ta attend. Formair. information cal 571-3153 or 683-2568. MEETING The Learning Disebilities Association-Oshawa will hold ite regular monthly meeting on Thursday, May 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the Whitby Public Librery. Margaret Fleur, special education resource programmer, will speak an 'Learning Styles? as woll as show a video, 'Breaking 'the Unseen Barriers.' The association is a parent and adult support group. AUl welcome. Free. CalI 623-4934 or 723-9048 for more information.

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