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Whitby Free Press, 23 May 1990, p. 3

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WETBY <FREE PRIESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29,1990, PAGE 3 Apresidential'tradition for the Garts hores -By Trudie Zavadovie When Don Gartshore was elec- ted president of the Kinsmen Club of Whitby May 8, he made history. His induction as president yes- terday (May 22) marked the third generation of Gartshore men to, hold the position of pre- sident; a flirst i the 70-year history of the Kinsmen. Don's grandfather, the late Cliff Gaïtàhoýre, was a. charter member of the Wihitby chapter when it, forrned back i 1942 and served as president from 1942- 1943.. Don's father Jim Clifford Gart- shore served as the club's pre- sident fr6m 1962-1963. And now ltVs Dons turr*. But Don. didn't'joh. the Kinsmeni Club* tô make bistary; he-joined it t6 make à significant'conÎtribu- tion ta the community and ta have fun doing se. For Don, being a Kinsmen is "i .bis blood." I-e, as -50 many fond memories of bis dad and mom being involvedi the Kis- men and the. Kinettes,ý it* just seemed -1k& àa'natural 'tbigta do. "can remember my mom and dad both being ivolved,"- says Don. I can remember'al the good times they had and ail theïr friends. When I got out of college agnd got my first job, I was bound and determined' I was goig ta join. I ýtlought I would mû.e new friends, have a o time, and do goo thngsforte.communty Don remembers being. i Kid <a child of* a Kinsmen mem- ber) and aIl the good times he had ;T remember being a skater i the skate-a-thon. Here I amn, new, chairman. I remember try- ig to skate around the rink, and bouning off the boards» This year he co-ordinatèd the l9th annual skate-a-thon which was the largest ta, date. He expects next years te b. even larer Th is they raised "I can remember the carnivals they used ta hold.» «When I was 13 years-old my parents tok my brother and I ta the national convention i Cal- ary. In Aupst, 1988 they held the National Convention i Calg- ary for the second time. I went back - this time as a Kismen.ý' When Don's grandfather was a Kinsmen, on. of the causes-th!ey were committed ta was %Milk for Britain. Arson suspeflcd Police suspect arson in'a lire that broke outi a vacant cot- tage at Whitby Psyctiatric Hos- pital May 19. A rolled-up carpet i cottage number 7 lay smoulderig for heurs between midnight and 5:a.m. before lire actually broke out. The boarded-up cottage, slated for demolition, had no hydro The Kinsmen Club is a Cana- dian organization for young men who want to contribute sorne- tbinq tô. the community. Their mim is to promote fellowship bet- ween young men and women NEWLY ELECTED Kinsmen Club preuident Don Gart- shore (left) made history by bocoming the third generation of Gartshores to hold the position. Shown with Don is father Jim. Don's grandfathor Cliff served as president i 1942-43. Don's father, Jim bas seen a shift i community projecta over ts:a d cifferent era today," says Jim Gartshore. Before, we would (raise money te) fi kids' teeth, and provide glasses. Those things arn n dtoday as social servicencreased.» Some of the focuses over the years have included an ongoig committment ta research for cys- tic fibrosis, Kinsmen Park, a swimming pool, a wading pool, parkeqwpment raising montey fortheWbity deneral Hospital. ( The Kinsmen have 'pledged $125,000 over a five-year period to that cause. To date they have raised $15,000. Don says that by the end of the year they expeet to raise $25,000-35000 more. .They have an annual 'slave foy a day campign te help. senior citizens get work done thiey masy flot normally b. able ta get help doiîng, and they sponsor different minor sports teame. Crime Stoppers and Durhain Regional, Police are once again appealing for the public's help ini solving the death of a 23-year-old Oshawa man on Jly 26, 1986. At about 1:30 in the morning, Dennis Terech was on bis way home from work, riding bie bicycle north on Park Rd., near Adelaide Ave., when he was struck by a vehicle which took off. He died of head inijuries the next day. Over the past tbree and a ha]f years police bave been actively investigating this fatal hit-and-run. Crime Stoppers bas received numerous phone, oeils in the past and we are again asldng anyone, with any information whatsoever on tbis incident, to cail us. __Ail calis wiil b. treated totally confidentially and a cash reward of up to $11,000 is being offered for information leadling to the arrest of the person responsible. The Crime Stoppers phone number is 436-8477 (that's, 436-TIPS). Long distance oeil colect. Sergeant Sandy. Ryrie is the co-ordinator with the Durham Regional Police force and writes this article to belp -combat crime. A citizen board adniinisters the Crime Stoppers prograzns of which there are now over 800 i North Aznerica. The reward money is raised through tax deductible donations wbich may be sent ta Durhamn Reginal Crime Stoppera, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontrio L1H 7K8. on the new Boam Deluxe Lighted EIectric Powerhead & Current Carrying (Kinettes). .Don has a full agenda ahead for his term as president. He sees it as a lot of hard work, but work that he welcomes. After aIl, it rns i the family.- Now, when you corne to Beam for the fast, easy; deep-cleaning power af a buit-in vacuum, you cari also own a current-carryin hase PLUS Beam's newest electricpowerhead, wfth quality convenience features like these: " Automatic carpet height adjustment " Rigt-to-the-edge cleaning *Smooth nap to a like-new feel (wlth th purchau of«Vc f ycur bult.lflvaCIurm)Carmpete syslein wilh evefylhifig needed Io 4 5 M rT ~ ~ islail a 3-iniai kit. and aitachmenls lof cleanng4 6 excluclirig poweilicacl and cc, hoSe. CAMA DAIS ES T-SELLINODUIL T-19 VACUUM é Whitby e 605 Brock St.. N. 430-6360 *Oshawa. 894 Simcoe St. N. 579-9414 *Peterboroughs (705) 745-9653 377 Taunton Rd. E.I 576-8818I A divison oif anning Family Enterprisos. Central. A fr C ondîtioners Colemn lias Extended This Offer to June 15 /90. I A PURCHASEI TAKE ADVANTAGE DF THIÎ3 LIMITED TIME SPECIALI' Coleman and m are registered trademaks of the Canadian ColefffflGo. Lld used Under license. UnmF mmVALUABLE COUPONmm I ý, ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANER * With the purchase of your central air canditioner Mi3 valid with any other off«a) (Ofleextoeded to J»r 15/190)* AI- - -AIR- ---- - --- FFLMEMEOUBDOCUCKE [o-ý BEAM BuîltminVacuums Easy! Fast! Make lug-a«round vacuums a thing of the past! 1 - 1 11

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