[de ~ p DAWN SMATL-- Dawn Smail, a first-year student at Ryerson, regards the Miss Brook- lin Spring Fair pageant as an edu- cational expenienee. A 10ZI m -i EQUIPMENT.- LIVESTOCK.- FARM.- HOUSEHOLD PETHICK AUCTION BARN "SAURDAYS AUCTION ACTION" Sale Every Saturday Night E5TATES, COLLECTIONS, CONSIGNMENTS, APPRAISALS TELEPHONE (416) 263-4252 GARRY K. POWELL RR2,PORTPERY. ONT., LOB iNO - <416) 985-0749 19 Whitby Free Press I SOLARIUMS. PATIO ROOMS - SOREEN ENCLOSURES SKVLIGHTS - WINDOWS * DOORS * SHADES 1Gutdoorlivimng . . Indoors A TTENTION"'.1. À>«:> aau 1614 DUNAS ST. E. (NE. 0ONE F THICKSONJDUNDAS) WHrrBY 432-1100 On the Occasion cf the 79th Annual BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR I wo uldhAke to congra tula te the residents OfBrookmn and the organizrers cf the ffair. As one cf the oldest countryfafrs and the largest sprngf-airs in On tarjo, it is an e vent tobe enjoyed by ail. Allan Furlong, MPP Durham Centre 122 DUNDAS ST. W, WHITBY 430-1141