Congratulations to Ontario's Oldest Country Fair Ontaro SAM CUREATZ Queen's Counsel Member of Provincial Parliament for Durham East Queen's Park Office: Legislative Building Queen's Park, Toronto Ontario M7A 1A2 (416)965-4186 Constituency Offices: 192 Oueen Sireet P0il Pen'y, Ontario LOB 1NO (416) 985-9968 68 King St. East Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3X2 (416) 623-6663 13 Taunon Road East OshaWa, Ontario LIG 3T6 (416) 571-2084 23 Whitby Free Press In the Brooklin area your federal representative is ROSS STEVENSON M.P. for Durham Constituency Office: 14-133 Taunton Road West Oshawa, Ontario L1G 3T4 Telephones: 571-5430, and from outside the Oshawa area (toll-free) Zenith 9-6130 i