îrWlll~B&~'R ~T~Vl~Y~ ~jl>~9Gç~4qE 9 Chlarges, laid after-.assaUlt-- A 17-yea'old youtli has been charged wth assault after punchingaxMd choking a waitress Who *ou dnrt serve lum aicohol. The waitress, at The Doni Whitby, was p unched in the face then wrestle to thç ground and choked aftor she rfwe to serve an aicholie bevorage to thre youths who were iýuable to pro- duùce the required iâentificstion. was.also struck when ho came to her aid". The youth was held for a bail hearing. COU JE. FAWELL students and staff helped to raise $200 for Wbitby FareellGeià ralHosptal thrughvarious aoe'e ell s boeRoi Psil acoepts do st ioJ the fonds on'.behaif of the First Class Campaign from studeat coum- cil president Lindsay Norman. westWhitby FROM PAGE 1 aplication includes3 pro- posais for commercial uses, schools, parka, other cornmunity facilitios, as weIl as extensions te mainroads and trunk sewers. However, since the original application was submitted te the Tfown last year, the developers have broadened their horizons. Venturon spokesman Myron Pestaluky teid last week's plan- ning and development committee meeting the developers now wish an area covering 1,400 acres i total te be considerod in the official plIan reviow. Pestaluky said the expanded area would extend as far west as the Hall's Rd. aiignmnent and north te, Taunton Rd. He said a number of property owners are involved and a steer- ing cornmitteo will be formed representing ail owners. Yougr talkng about another tewn» remarked councillor Joe Druxmn, following Pestaluky'Ei presentation. New executive for Rotary Sunrise Dave Sorichetti is the new reident of the ]RôtaYçý Club of M tySunrise after the recent instalment of the executive mem- bers for the 1900-91 year. Vioe president is Bon Murdock, secretary John Stettel, treasurer' Steve Mèeeil, A club service chair- inan Stan Powell B club service chairnian Kovin Âiihe, vocational service chairman Andrew Wood, community service chairman Barry Mount and international service chairman Chris Prosser. Teenage gangs FROM PAGE 1 aren't frorn the neighborhood, th; 'crnefro lahover.» tocwoverneirfnther Townsend nor Zevenhoven blamed the plaza ownor. «Hé bas a cop thore overy might and paysfri out of bis own pocket. Ho fchase the kids out and lays che but they keej coming back, said Town- Councl direted staff to meet with co-op residents and report back with a possble s luto. Ini an interview, Postaluky toid The Free Press the thrust of growth in Whitby bas been to the north rathor than the west. "In Our view they shouid con- sidor west Whitby -as well," said Pestaluky. "It offers an attractive area for rosidentiai devolopmont and some industr.» Postalulky said the original application involved a much smnaller area. "But after sorne deliberation we fet there was an opportunity te address a larger area for expans5ion. "For that 'reason we are approaching other owners te co- ordinate ourselves in a cohesive group.» Pestaluky said Venturon has been "firly vocal" about the pro- posai but the leading developer wili depend on the iiltimate size of the project and number of property owners involved. Vonturon owns about 250 acres in the afected area. "The roal danger when vou taik about 1,400 acres is that people picture a thousandpieces of uiment out there, said Pestal1uk'ipy. "That's not the case. This wil be phased i over several years. Thore's stili a lot of studios and work te be done.» Whitby's officiai plan review was set ini motion earlier this year with the Of planmnig consultants M.DilIon Ld An officiaI plan establishes land use policies in a municipa- lity. "NUTRI/SYSTEM SUCCEEDS! LOOK AT ME NOW!!! e. welght Ioss.centres_ CALL TODAY FOR A FREE N'-ObEiUA 1 SI' I itinZo.~Us- 1m a . I- 723a 521 432« 7755 666a 0770O 428m 0100 420a 6300 345 Slmcoe St. S 1251 OlceS. . 10 Brook St. . 100 Westney Rd. S. 1450 Kngston Rd. Oshawa Oshawa Whitby Transit Square, Ajax Pickering Special offer does not include cost of exclusive nutri/system food. Offer valid at participating centres only. New clients only. r - - -- - -- - - --- -- - - - - - -- - -- - - oSEVEN..EH PIZZA & SUB Iý b a n h a e f i ns e a i v s I o u t ' a INamne.........0......0........0..0... 728 Anderson St., Whitby (Pringle Creek)- * Address..0 ........ ........ 0 ...........o *Home Tel ..............Bus. Tel ................1We Deliver From 5 p.m. And Now To.Brooklin ci Giethis coupon to the delivery driver or drop it off next time you pick up a pizza! wednesday july 18 to saturday july 211990 D OWNTOWN O SHAWA .......... ............. ck