WÉ[[BE ÉM"REn É EDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1990, PAGE 23 Gas barbecues offer economy and no Summer is here, and with it cornes the exciting aroma of backyard barbecuing. The Canadian Gas Association'(CQA) offers the following suflestions to help ou get the most out of the babceseason. CGA estimates it cots approximately $10 to operate a typical natural gas or propane barbecue for the summer. This is based on 20 hours of use, and i. less than haif of the estimated comparable cost of charcoal type grills. With a natural gas or propane barbecue you get fast, even heat with no mess or fuss and, with prope maintenance, durable gas breues will, outlast moot charcoal grills for many years of cookout fun. At the start of each season, dlean the barbecue with hot soapy water or an o',en leaner. If the burner' requires cleaning, remove it and use a stiff brush te dean a cast iron burner or a cloth and soapy water for a stainless steel burner. A thin wire cen be used te open any ècged burner ports. Make sure the burner is seated properly at the gas valves when you put it back. Don't tamper with the air shutter at the base of the burner without referring te your owner's manual for instructions or te a qualified service person if necessar. Follow' the manufacturer's instructions when lighting your gas barbecue and afler starting, allow it te, preheat for approximately 10 minutes before starting te cook. Youll get juicier and better-textured resuits from your barbecue if you cook most foods at the 'low" setting, while using the high temperature setting for -pre-heating and quick- searing only. Several -hours in a marinade will help soften less tender meat or poultry fibres by, natural enzyme action. Oil-based sauces added just before cooking will meal in meat juices. Glazes should be applied only during the last 10 minues of cooking te avoid burning. Those with gas barbecues which use lava briquets should remember te space the briquets in a single layer. Several times during the season, turn the briquets so that residues can burni off during cooling. Avod grease or dried-on food build-u by removing the cooking g ids and ,.washing themi periodically with soap and water. If you are connecting a propanýe tank te yor gas barbecue, check all connections prior te use by applying a soapy solution te them. If buffles appear, reconnect or tighten joints until OPEN SU~ DA YS v E J 9ibf,~iIT * ~ aUftAb.~JWb'~hd.6 *4~ WutMUa ~ mess By the. Canmadian Cas SAssociation - v. F, - it Lt f, 'q / , ý t 't ý 'l .%ý N . rý ý!LI,;rZf3* 'I ý, rýT lin 1 4