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Whitby Free Press, 18 Jul 1990, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WHYI'BYPMYRE S, WEDNESAY, JULY 819 1- Tkes too m.-.uch. for opoition Under- 16s win tournam ent, Whitby Sport Clinic under-16 girls-rep soccer team receutly won a tournainent and- reaciied the. semi-finals of another. Playing ,lun the Robbie tourmnent over tii. Canada Day weekend, Whitby ove*ran K.ingston 6 -0, Ibat te, West Rouge 3 - 2, end defeated Mississauga 3 - 1.* Tied for a spot in the semi-final, tliey le on a shoot-eut - shades of the, World L we.keud- 0f July 7-8, s W tiie team. travel te Niagera Pell% N.Y., te tée part in the. Niegara Pioneer International, Soccer- Tournae.t. .lI tii fit gme Whitby d.feated Flint, N.Y., 2 - 0 on goals by Kerati lu &Inthe second ePo-rd. y met PHttfod, Ç.e.. nd .nierged -the winner byy a 4 -. mergin on singles bor Katiiy Howe and Carnie Yen Vegiiel, and two goals frcm Poupard. .The. third gem. oew Whitby defeat Newtewin, Connecticut, 1 - O on a goal by Van Vegiiel, wio tapped a rebouud inte tthe net. On Sunday afternoou. Whitby, met Greece,, N.Y., -intiie chamionsiipfinal eud. defeated, tiie3 ýOp on goals by Van Veghel, Howe and Puad Cheryl Armst n i Ibfr Whitby throuehot the. tournament, aiowed no goals. mhe defence wes strong and supporiv.in the final game Whitby was in control and aridthe, playcompletély. The team dedicate tetournament to their coach., Jim N.iily. In, récent league pla, Wbitby travelled te RiPciiman M te eani a 6-OÃ" victoqy. Howe scored four. goals, wile Poupard end Nadine Van Staveren .ach added singles.' Sélectse first 'in final Weth Kocnamen under-12 .mleM Lmkà' offlest yoe' champion, Kingsview, 1 - O in the. final or the. ennual Port P.rry Festval Day. soccr tournament on July 15 %0e winning goal was scored by Matt Visconti Whio blested the, bell by a sprawlng Kinjgsiew goalteuder. At the. otiier. end, Brondan Witton preserved the. shuteut even %hougheh faced a penalty sowt witii tire, minutes left to. play in tiihem To reechtiiinal whitb~y had to defeat a strong Deep ]River tea in l thi e mi-fluel. Other members 0f the. chempiosip team are Kevin Kyc, Shene MecDonad, Steve Simn, Tom DaSilve, Lance Charlton, Brenden Mo ..m.dAaron Cross, Ryan Douglé, ]Rick Petraito, Jean-Luc Aucin and Burke Rutherford. Dile lllo'takesbaton tibtie By' Chris Bovie Jenuifer DiLeIllos future trubybe up in the. air. Thle 18year-old Whitby May resi- dent recently captured the med- loy seni B level baton-twà*rlingë titie, and led the. Oshawa National Corps te victory at the- Local club members win edals in U.S. Two members of the Kliihi Sel Judo Club won medabe in the. U.S. Junior nationels iield in Maiem, Florida recentby. - Ana Sendal, 16 a green befl, was second lu tii. pls6k cate- gory for egesff 16 and under. Chad McCarron, a bIne beIt, was third lu the. plus-176-bb category. McCerron, who weigiis 189 Ibs., lost te a 298-lb. competiter. Also from the, Kllchi Sel club was orange beit Marcel Theriaubt who lest two fi gh te te bbakc belt competiters. "For the tiree.figiters we sent dowvn, we did great,» seid coachi Dan aGribb.n. Botii Sendalsud MeCarron wvll compote in the Canadien junior nationals Juby 21-22 lu Cranbrook, B.C. MeCarron wl win a medal, Gribben predicts, but h. la net the favorite un hie c basa.* Nicholas Hill, 18, of Montreal, wlb b. favored. But Gribb.n notes tiiat if "Ch-ad catches hlm, ho can beat hlmn.» .He abso expecta Sendaîl wil dlaim a medab. "lier fighting has corne a.long way. Sie now lias the experlence and hii wun a medal. "Tii more experince they get, the higiier calibre their. fighting 's.' Canadien ciiempionuhipoa Que bec. Havirig been. involved in baton ainée. ie was 803 5 DiLebbo joinied tiie Oshiawa i!Iatiouals pgroup efter previously training M 4»ex. DiLiebbo and the, National Theme Corps wiil b. takinig part in tiie wonld corps event m In- diana. The team wïll b. leaving Saturday. Baton is now a recognized sport in Ontario and Québec, and popubarity appears to, b. on the, TMe. For the. firet yer, the. ciam- pionahips received a major spon- sor lu Ocean, Paciflc. Seskat- chiewan, British' Columbia, Alberta and New Brunswick are tii. otiier provinces recoglzing tiie sport. Head coachi of Oshiawa Nationals Dianne Serra, descrbdes biLello as £wonder- fuI." The Wiiiby baton expert has -been witii club since its inception ln 1983. To capture the B titi., DiLeblo iiad te, make it peet tii. firt round from wiicii tire. finaliste -were ciiosen. DiLàello also cap- tured the, titbe beck in 1988. Prevlew: 6:00 pm Auction time: 7:15 sharp Auctioneer: Franik Stapleton AUCTION SPECIAL lime Release Print "Heart ta Heart" by Trisha Romance The. Wbitby tyke B lacrosse team, sponsored by Brookli Ceshway Lumber, emerged victorious in the, Elora miner lacrosse touranment July 6, 7 and 8. After steamrollig over the. opstion in th. prliminary rudrobin witii wins of 22 O over Orangeville HI and and il - O over Arthiur, Whitby completely dominated th. host teem 22-O in the. semi-final. Tii. team of 7- and 8-year-olds met an ecjualy impressve Orangeville teem. i the ciiampionsiiip gae. The. opnnswere also undefeeted gsing into the match., iaving otcrdtheir opponents 31. - 1 i the. preliminaies. .>. Orangeville started out qickly and held- a 2 - O lead after leus than a minute 0f play i the second period. However, Wbitby prsedn adJsi .nt scor.d the firat Whitby goal on a gutsy individua effort near the mid-way mark 0f th. second pSiod. Whitby dominated thi. third period as Bennie 'Scheepers scored te, tie the. gae on a relay from Vincent Crawford. Tii. winning goal was sored by Justin Bennett, his second of the. gae, on a two-way passng coenbination, from' Crawford and goale Dusty Sergent. Whitby cliuched the victorv with les. thban six minutes remeining when Ryan Meaney scored on a nifty pesa from Gair Kitemura. Whitby, outscored their opostio 59- 2 .in the four gaesplye. oatendea usy S e g e n a n J e o n u n e t cEriined for thre.ahout wer. particularly shiarp in- the final ge.. AUi-l playera tflgured in the scoring atsti"cs. Justin Bennett iiad 17 goals and two assiste; Bonnie Scheepers, il goals and fouir assis;-Bradley SMater, seven g"al and threi. assista; Gary Kitamra, e g h aendone essist; Ryan Haber, four goals and four assists; Ryan Meeney, two goals and five -assists; Wm-cent Crawford,togasan ther. -assista; Shawn Step;.hens, f»v --assiste-; Matthew Csquenetto and - Ryan -Harris, two goals and one assist; Rob Whit.eand Andrew Greenen, on., .'xand 'two assista; Joël -WMtmrahtwo assiste, and Dusty Sergent cmeeselt.1 Earlier, m the Whit1hy tournament h.ld inJuùrm tth. taam made it t. the. finals befoe.I, losing to Toronto Boaches. Coach KLvin- Casqluenette sid that' h. "was happy with the. prgesof thie t.am and the. vicorylu heElora tournament reflete te great strides over the short tim e t am hmu beon H icapped tranpoefaf ion PROM PAGEZ1 seid Manuel Ho noted tiiat the particubar time sought by the. Heàe, eerly morning, makes it even more difficuit. The service is always heaLviby booked at tiiet time taking People from Whitby to Oshiawa for medical and education rea- sens said Manuel. "To tae on. vehicle and turn it around for on. person te o te, Ajax weýre talking about an hour w. don't have, w. just cau't do it," said Manuel. 'This person would b. ging lu the. opposite direction to theflow. rmn not trying te b. moan. but we don't have thé, timo availbbe." Manuel said handi-traneit recently purciiased a berger vehi- cto replace an eider model. OTHER ARTISTS INCLUDE: L'kIic ii mule]ms WAntIiqes Arts. ~W± ~ Inc - '~~Dfl ir <~TUfM MAIN BRANCH 210 King St. West, Village of Newcastle (416) 987-5204 - Open 7 days a week 6 Roebuck St., Brooklin, Ont. 4lpl 55-3423 Weekends only 'I'e uew bus cen carry fine pessengers and he expects this wlbl help service locelly. Manuel said that "up until uow» haudi-transit heu ben able te haundle tiie number of cails it receives but staff is examiug the, servic, te determine if a i ueels are beig met. Hie admitted tiiere have been two cases similiar te tiie Heads but said,"It'a net like tiiere sa whole lot of people out- there net being serviced.n He added that municipal poli- ticiens weuld Ultimately decide if an expansion of handi-trausit service is warrauted. A sjpokesman. for Ajax-Picker- ing Handi-Transit confirmed that their vehicles will pick up passengers at tiie Whitby enerafospital. However, éh. doforred furtiier comment te directer Georçe P ap k. Tii l tt r w a not avail- ahi orcmment prior te pres time. Debbie tHead, said this is not th. firet Urne she has had pro- bleuis fitting Allen into handi- transit'. sciiedule. 5h. has discussed. the matter witii liti *ans at al bevels, but tô dahas o received a satie- dolii*n but tat' i Fuir FROM PAGE 10 younger membersof tii. fair oraiing team. Thue eveut lu a dgshow.wliicii wibb run from il a.m. Suuda July 22. Tiere wuIl b. Primesfor the biggest dog smallest dog beet costume, beet trick aud thl dog that moot successfully compl1etes the. obstacle course. And tiiere wl1b. a tropiiy for ýp dog. Ail doge are webcome. This is an event especially suited for chl- dren who want the opportunity te show off theïr doga. Parking at tiie fair le fre. Admission is$4for adulta $2 for students and cildren. aed 13 and undor get in fra.,, 2NL> LOCATlION Hwy #2 & Hwy #401, Port Hope, Ont. , (41 5;02,"Opep7 days a week, 1 1

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